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  • Tru3 has frequently stated that he feels that the developers of this game fell into success and are fortunate because of their inability to make good decisions. Sure that isn’t the worst thing someone has said about BHVR, but I doubt they are looking into working with him closely when he says stuff like that. 
  • I would argue that anyone who has been a child knows what the reaction to disappointment is, especially when you string people along with comments of “soon” instead of “not today”. I would also argue that it is the responsibility of the developers to manage their community and address issues as they arise (not referencing…
  • You aren’t reading what I am saying and you are still straw manning... I might as well be discussing this topic with a tree at this point. Regardless I will try one last example. A company exists to please its fans and make money right? If this situation has costs them both the enjoyment of their fans and money in what…
  • "Because when they did and the releases were delayed, they got ######### for it". Welcome to the world of business, meet deadlines or take the flak. Everyone gets this, they usually handle it by paying someone to be the punching bag. > @Michiko said: People have different levels of understanding, he is straw manning for…
  • A plan that involves "everyone needs to assume that we will have no pattern to our releases and will not address any sort of release date" is a really ######### plan. I wonder if you can actually find another company that has such a lackadaisical approach to such a large money making event like a dlc release.
  • You are apparently slow, since you still are adding in a straw man. I will now use capitalization to make my points clearer. I DID NOT accept any speculation, BUT I understand that a company that DOES NOT address a release date that is based on past releases IS being irresponsible to their community. This DOES NOT affect…
  • The "not confirmed" was added a few days ago, and was solely added as a "cover my butt" move from a FANSITE. If a fansite is doing damage control then you would think the company in question would have some sort of plan to avert people from thinking it was today.
  • Careful with the fallacies there, I assumed nothing. I knew the date was speculative, but that doesn't change the fact that it was based on release patterns and left up without any plan to correct the information. To be honest I don't even know why they are letting this happen, it is killing their hype and is going to…
  • You run a game company and have an upcoming dlc that you know many people are excited for. You see a false release date based on your previous releases pop up on the wiki for your game and decide to NOT correct that date in any way. All the negative emotions that stem from that are directly on the devs, they allowed people…
  • And I was very clear, leaving up a false date on the wiki without a plan to give a date was (say it with me) "unprofessional at best and disrespectful to your community at worst". Bonus points for having their community manager flaunting around the forums saying "soon" to all the hype posts. Maybe she isn't supposed to…
  • There was a date posted on the dbd wiki for 2 weeks. This date was based upon the schedule for clown. A company letting that sit there for 2 weeks and not giving us at least a release date today is "unprofessional at best and disrespectful to your community at worst".
  • The whole situation with this dlc is unprofessional at best and disrespectful to your community at worst. I get "hyping up" a game or dlc, but letting a false release date sit for 2 weeks and then beating around the bush with an actual announcement is just bad PR.
  • Pretty sure I saw your comment and it said “I am Muslim” not “if I was Muslim”. That could easily be construed as you baiting people who were effected by 9/11, which you definitely should be banned for.
  • You want to fix broken add ons like the pig’s? Or can you at least remove them/make a note that they are bugged. This really seems like something that shouldn’t have to be asked after half a year.
  • That is why I was hesitant to participate here. The only reason I even made an account was because of hype for the new chapter.
  • What if the first teaser was the samurai running to confront his cheating wife? A struggle ensues that knocks over a lamp and maybe upsets a child? Seems plausible to me. Edit: stroke of genius, the lover was already murdered and that is why the samurai is covered in blood.
  • One of the outfits also has an Aliens reference so there is still hope it isn't the Creeper.
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