The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • Knowing how it works actually affects enjoying the game. Hell, this extends for any mechanic of the game. We're supposed to understand how things work and interact if we are to play the game properly and enjoy it. If you're paired with people far too strong or far too weak, won't it affect the outcome of the match and by…
  • Did you use his power a lot? Did you chase survivors away from hooked ones? Did the chases last at least 30 seconds? All of these factors must be accounted for. Also, the gens must not be done. If all 5 are done, the Adept becomes either way harder or unobtainable. And of course, none must get hatch and you have to have at…
  • Part of why I ask is in fact related to skill and I know it's not a progression ladder. But my issues with it are: it doesn't give you good enough feedback on your skill to make you understand what type of people you should be paired with and many more complex issues affect the way it works. And of course, there are more…
  • That's what I want too. I don't want every match to be perfectly balanced. Plus, SWF becoming more and more common because of the bias against solo queue certainly interferes with that. Which is why I asked - why keep it around if it doesn't work and it gives the community something to pester the devs about when they could…
  • Yeah, but if people claim to still be mismatched even with it and we can't really gauge our own skill level compared to others unless they're way better or way worse than us, then what is the point? Mismatching sucks, but if the entire matchmaking is focused on that when many other factors may interfere with that, won't…
  • I think either BHVR should change Survivor MMR to go up based on how many escaped so Survivor MMR goes up as fast as killer MMR or Killer MMR should be Victory based and disregard the amount of kills. Like, say 3 or 4 kills give a +10, 2k's give +0 and 1k's and 0k's give -10. Currently, if you have a perfect game as a…
  • It's... Boring again. On a scale of 1-10, probably a 6.5 for me. Most of that score is due to Wesker and Oni being really fun to play. The new meta for survivors became gen rushing. And I will call it that because even my build with 4 slowdown/regression perks is struggling when my chases are all under 30 seconds. Maybe…
  • If you look down against a Flashbang, you get blinded, because the light is coming from below. It's like when your angle isn't so good, so you use a flashlight while crouched to compensate for it.
  • Like I said, my Killer charms are all what they're supposed to be. But yeah, the charms are oddly showing up as Balanced Landing only... I guess Nea is the entity after all.
  • Many intermediate level killers end up at high MMR because of how it works. They tend to win a bit more often than beginners. If MMR works based off of kills/escapes and it is individual, then killer MMR goes up way faster than Survivor MMR. If the killer wins for 2 or 3 games in a row, they'd be going against survivors…
  • I just got the achievement for downing 50 people with her crows. Honestly, I get why she's so unpopular. Much as her mechanic provides great map control and chase power, she's too tricky to master. DBD has an issue where the more fun killers are way too hard and the easier killers are simply weak. It's hard to find the…
  • I think we agree the map design needs some work, given what you said. If good survivors just optimized looping as best as they could and some of the best antiloop killers can't keep up, then that's gonna stifle what types of powers a killer can have and that also makes survivor gameplay a bit samey. I think we need more…
  • I like her a lot. She's a more viable Scratched Mirror Myers, to me. I won't deny she's not strong with antiloop, but honestly, I think the over reliance on antiloop as a mechanic has kind of hindered the game. Looping seems to have become the central mechanic of the game and this might make killer players relearn how to…