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  • I personally love it, the whole idea of the perk is making its user feel vulnerable with the Killer knowing where they are at all times. This just works so well.
  • Personally, I think his Seal of Metatron add on should be reworked so that if a Survivor is hit with Punishment of The Damned, they become Tormented. I suggested this to a friend of mine and he really liked the idea.
  • The only time I recall there being communication with the player base and the development team was for the Decisive Strike changes, because Killers were frustrated about how it worked and how it could literally cost them their games. There might have been more since then, but I don't actively look for where the…
  • Well, I play Survivor and Killer equally and I can say I've had times when I've been playing both sides and there's been complaining. I could be solo queueing and the 3 man SWF I queued up with whines to the Killer that they didn't get given hatch and that they deserve the hatch despite dying. Then I'll have the same when…
  • Just over 2,000 hours in the game, nearly every achievement, and I'm Rank 1 on both sides. The game is fun. It can be frustrating at times, but hey, that's literally every game every so often.
  • I mean, is it fair that Huntress has an insta-down add on when hatchet hitboxes make no sense? Myers' add ons, while fair and counterable, are boring. I agree. Huntress' hitboxes make no sense, so you kind of have to hope it doesn't hit instead of actually being able to dodge. I'm making the comparison to Huntress with…
  • I'm kind of personally on the fence about the Sonic Tonic. I have played against it, and I have played with it. I have yet to see a player use it effectively which is only natural since the PTB only came out LITERALLY today, and I've honestly been kind of potato-ing over the new rework. The VHS Porn add on is slightly…
  • I definitely agree here, hence why I suggested instead of the portraits being at the top left they should replace the icons we have now at the bottom of the screen. Having full visibility is great. I can really understand your point here, as a survivor could be hiding somewhere near the top left of the screen, but you'd…