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  • That would make Victor unable to hit a survivor if they decide to run around a small loop over and over, because Victor would literally not be able to place themselves far away from the survivor, but still have line of sight of the survivor when the pounce is fully charged.
  • Repair stacking needs to be nerfed, especially when done with a commodious toolbox. There is such a huge difference between the value survivors can get with a regular toolbox, and the value they can get by stacking a bunch of repair addons/perks with a toolbox. That is what needs to be nerfed.
  • Wesker got nerfed to the ground because of complaints, and most of those complaints did not come from the top 0.1% of survivors. Part of BHVR's current balancing strategy, is to just buff or nerf things based off of popular complaints.
  • It was before MMR, and back then, I could get decent win streaks on every killer in the game, because the matchmaking was just that bad back then. It didn't matter how much broken stuff the survivor side had back then, because matchmaking would constantly throw me into matches with survivors that were really bad at the…
  • Whenever someone tells me "killers are stronger than ever", I remember back when the average red rank kill rate was 68.19%.
  • Toolboxes have needed a complete pass for a while. Addon/perk stacking, especially on commodious, is way too much. It’s completely reasonable to ask for BHVR to look at toolbox repair value, if they were already in the process of evaluating them all for sabo value.
  • Is it nighttime in that picture? Did they change the map from daytime to nighttime?
  • Are the toolboxes themselves getting looked into, like medkits were looked into? For example, the value difference of a regular toolbox, and a commodious toolbox is way too high, especially when survivors are stacking additional things on top of it like Built To Last. There is also an issue where toolboxes giving increased…
  • I’ve seen laggy PTBs, where a hit was stolen from me at least once per game, and when I watched streamers it was happening to them too. And I don’t think it was an input loss issue, because everything still looked smoothly animated. And sometimes the stolen hit is super obvious. I’m talking about the killer and survivor…
  • My current theory is that the proximity checks, that the game uses to determine if the killer should be forbidden to lunge, is done on the killer side instead of the server side. This means that when the game has issues like latency or rubberbanding, it’s more likely that the game will forbid the killer from lunging, even…
  • You said “Maybe this incentives you to not hit healthy survivors with Pounce but m1 them and that's the correct way to play from that perspective?” How does that incentive work, when it often doesn’t matter if Victor is trying to chase a healthy or injured survivor?
  • Many survivors will purposely bodyblock for injured teammates, because they want every Victor hit to land on a healthy survivor, so they can hold Victor's power hostage. So it often doesn't matter if Victor is chasing a healthy or injured survivor.
  • I literally don’t care if survivors can’t repair generators while they are holding Victor hostage. I never said this was about win rates, or about effective strategies for winning games. I literally said this entire thing is about how awful it feels to play Twins, when survivors are holding Victor’s power hostage for large…
  • On the PTB, it took a bit over 20 seconds for Twins to be able to control Victor again, AND we are supposed to add whatever seconds it takes for Victor to travel back to that survivor, on top of that 20 seconds. And Victor does have solo based counter play. It’s just not as easy as “hold Victor hostage”. There are still…
  • The issue is that for a large portion of the game, EVERY SINGLE TIME I want to use Victor, someone ends up taking Victor hostage. I can't believe that some people are ok with Victor's power being held hostage for 40+ seconds, 5 times in a row. How on earth is that acceptable game design?
  • I very often got matched with survivors that would purposely try to hold Victor hostage as long as possible. This isn’t a scenario of “I’m chasing a survivor, and they are holding Victor hostage while I’m chasing them”. This is SWFs that are literally coordinating with each other to hold Victor hostage as long as possible.…
  • None of the quality of life improvements are worth the extra hostage time. The full power hostage time ends when Twins can control Victor again. That includes the time it takes to regrow Victor, which was increased during the PTB (to balance the faster recall time), and is still happening now (even though the faster recall…
  • The number 1 reason why Twins were unfun to play, was the Victor hostages, which are objectively longer now. And if Victor is vulnerable after a successful endurance hit, then the DS buff made things much worse for Twins, because it encourages survivors to combo it with endurance perks like OTR. Endurance hurts Twins more…
  • Twins are officially worse off now, than they were before the rework, because survivors can hold their power hostage for even longer now. Twins would literally be better off if the entire rework was fully reverted.
  • If BHVR is aware of the problem, then this ticket should say ACKNOWLEDGED, because that means BHVR confirmed there is a bug.
  • Someone from BHVR just redirected people to this thread, and said "As already mentioned, the Team is aware of and working on this." How are we supposed to know "as already mentioned" and "the Team is aware of and working on this"? I don't see where BHVR "as already mentioned" they are working on this issue? It's not in…
  • What is the point in discussing it? You labeled this thread "you can't weaponize DS", which means you refuse to change your mind too. Because if you were considering both sides, you should have named the thread something like "can DS be weaponized".
  • I commented because it is possible to weaponize DS.
  • Many survivors want to weaponize DS, when it's convenient for them, which is often when they have multiple health states to body block with. It saves time to just tunnel these survivors off the hook, so they don't have the time to set up their DS combo. You will never ever convince me that it's better to ignore survivors…
  • No, the counterplay is to tunnel survivors off the hook. Remember that not every survivor uses DS, and over the course of many games, the time saved by tunneling survivors that don't have DS, makes up for the time lost by tunneling survivors that have DS. Also, if a survivor does have DS, it's best to just attack them…
  • The counterplay is to tunnel every survivor off the hook, to prevent them from weaponizing DS. It's even better when you can hit a survivor during basekit BT, to deactivate any OTR they might have. Killers don't know which survivors might want to weaponize DS, so the best strategy is to just assume EVERY survivor might…
  • 40 second Victor hostage on every single injure AND every single endurance hit. If the early recall gets nerfed, then reworked Twins will be a massive nerf compared to the pre-reworked Twins. And Victor needs to latch onto endurance hits, or he needs to be immune to kicking on an endurance hit. Otherwise we’re back to…
  • Twins will actually be more clunky if the recall goes back to 30 seconds, because the regrowth timer is longer now, which means Victor hostages would force Twins to be an M1 killer for longer than they did before the rework. And because of the Twins rework, Victor now latches onto survivors on endurance hits, which means…
  • I still don’t know why people keep saying the early recall is 10 seconds, as if Victor was immediately useable after 10 seconds. It actually takes a bit over 20 seconds to unbind Victor again, right? 10 seconds for the early recall + 10 seconds to regrow Victor + 0.75 seconds to unbind Victor, + whatever time is takes to…
  • You just said “things that are blatantly unfair are deserving of a nerf”. That means this discussion has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not something is unfun for the other side, because “blatantly unfair” overrides that completely. This argument has always been whether or not weaponizing DS is blatantly unfair,…
  • I opened this bug report in May 2023….. which means that bug report is A YEAR OLD, and STILL has no feedback from BHVR. Really? A full year, for a bug that steals hits from killers, and could happen in any game? And no one from BHVR cared enough to look into it within the past 12 months????
  • Statement 1) “Both sides of the game should be allowed to have things that the other side thinks is unfun” Statement 2) “Nothing in the entire game should ever be nerfed, because the other side of the game has unfun things too” There is a HUGE leap from statement 1 to statement 2.
  • Possibly scenario 2. If the two survivors that aren’t repairing in scenario 1, are slowing down the killer’s progress enough, then scenario 2 benefits the killer more than scenario 1.
  • Your argument is basically “X is fine, because the other side of the game has unfun things too”. This argument doesn’t work, because it can be used to justify almost everything…. “For the people + buckle up is fine, because tunneling exists” “Background Player + flashbang is fine, because tunneling exists” “Bully SWFs are…
  • The correct comparison is 3 gen and face camping. Both were considered “valid strats”, but BHVR nerfed them anyway because BHVR didn’t intend for killers to get that much value out of those strats. The same should apply to DS, where the weaponizing should be nerfed, because survivors get too much value from it, and it’s…
  • The math is wrong. “How many survivors are doing generators” is the wrong question. The correct question is “how fast is the killer progressing their objectives, compared to how fast the survivors are progressing their objectives”.
  • DS is intended to be an anti-tunnel perk, which is why the conspicuous action list was added. But the conspicuous action list isn't good enough, because many people are still weaponizing DS against killers that weren't trying to tunnel. Using pre-nerfed Eruption to hold an extended 3 gen, was considered using a perk…
  • The last time I tried watching a comp game, anti-face camp was banned because it was considered "unbalanced" lol. Survivors had to pretend that entire feature didn't exist. And the game was based on hook states instead of number of survivors killed. And duplicate survivor perks were banned. And brand new parts were banned.…
  • Comp DBD involves less than 0.01% of the players, and isn't representative of public DBD games at all. There are many public DBD games, where Twins lost, but the survivors never held Victor hostage. So it's not a mandatory counterplay. There's also a big difference between a really fast 10 seconds and a really slow 30…
  • I just want to reiterate what I just said in another thread…. If Twins goes back to 30 second Victor hostages, then I’ll stop playing Twins again, and I’ll consider this entire Twins rework to be a complete failure. It’s literally the only thing I cared about, and wanted fixed.
  • I really hope BHVR changes their minds on the Victor hostage situation. The Twins rework was supposed to fix the Victor hostage situation, and I don’t understand why that needs to be completely reverted. Why can’t we try 20 seconds, and see how the feedback goes? Victor hostages just heavily encourage Twins to prioritize…
  • That’s a bug? Does that mean it’s intended that survivors should be able to hold Victor hostage for 30 seconds? (I think it was 30 seconds?) We waited literal years for a Twins rework, and BHVR still thinks it’s fine when survivors hold Victor hostage? That’s the most unfun thing about playing Twins, and it was the #1 I…
  • Many people showed concern that survivors will try to weaponize DS if it gets buffed, but we still have zero feedback from BHVR about this concern. Is BHVR ok with survivors purposely weaponizing DS against killers that weren't trying to tunnel? Does BHVR think survivors won't try to weaponize DS?
  • I hope the “Victor latches on endurance hits” stays in the game. It’s really annoying when survivors dead hard Victor (or is aggressively body blocking with OTR), then Victor bounces off of endurance, then Twins has to wait for that survivor to kick Victor, then has to wait for Victor to switch back to Charlotte, then has…
  • Thank you for taking away "survivors holding Victor hostage" problem. I do like this version of Twins way better than the PTB Twins. The whole concept of the PTB Twins was really bad, and I hope BHVR doesn't try to move around the numbers to make it work. It is ok that current Twins can slug, and I wish BHVR would stop…
  • The official notes said "Added the ability to recall Victor at any point while he is unbound. (NEW)". When Victor is latched onto a survivor, he's still technically "unbound" from Charlotte, so maybe he can still be recalled? I assumed "unbound" meant "not stuck to someone", but I never tested it on the PTB, so I'm not…
  • I currently don’t always tunnel off the hook, especially if I find someone else while a survivor is hooked. But when 5 second DS is live, it won’t matter if I’m in a chase or not, because when I hear that unhook noise, I should run right over to that hook, so I can tunnel that survivor, just in case they might want to…
  • The killer doesn’t know if a survivor has DS, so unless a very large percentage of players are using DS, then the killer is better of just picking players up and risking DS. The only way DS could actually be a tunneling deterrent, is if the killer knows which people have an active DS, so they 100% know if they could be…
  • Or I could just skip all that, and tunnel people off the hook, so I don’t need to deal with weaponized DS.
  • It’s mathematically better to just pick up survivors, and risk the chance of DS. Slugging a survivor that doesn’t have DS is a lot of wasted time, and you might need to do this twice per survivor. Even if a survivor does have DS, it’s much faster to just eat the DS, than it would be to leave the survivor slugged and wander…