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  • new freddy is aload of crap frankly... its like they have took elements from other killers in game... snare traps are kinda like a hag vibe with the slow down of clown and no aim needed, fake pallets illusions like doctor iridescent king and then fast movement acrosss map to gens... kinda a nurse /billy/ spirit idea of map…
  • Do me a favour... go play 10 games of survivor... make next to nothing in points ... because of a killer sat on your hook constantly... tell me how much fun the game is after that. Until you do that you have no valid point to make
  • and that the most garbage iv heard... looping or making the most out of one pallet ... doesnt deserve a camp from the killer ... you can mind game a loop ... might take a while to learn but you can non the less... the fact is killers make rubbish excuses that make them seem eligible to camp and tunnel everyone in that…
  • you clearly misread the whole section of that comment i said does someone DESERVE to be camped or tunneled... if they HAVNT bm'ed the killer and annoyed said killer...
  • then for argument sake is it fair when someone has literally done NOTHING ,bm ... whatever that might be ... tbag, loop, flashlighting pallets... Is it fair for that person to be camped or tunneled then?
  • Im pretty damn sure this thread wasnt about looping or hitboxes. I mean can we keep it to the actual main thread and stop wandering off on other things. I never mentioned looping once.
  • yeah killer main thinks hes entitled... you wouldnt get a game if you had no survivors... so for once in your life play fair instead of like a boosted ape
  • Since when do killers have entitlement aswell... dont think your anything more or less special than a survivor because its 1v4 the fact is its ruining the mood of every game... EVERY GAME... not just a 1 in 10 match more like 1 in 2 matches... if someone messed you around and bm'ed then fine do whatever to make them pay…
  • if someone has a hearing issue i get more why you use the perks... the game has implemented such things that helps to cater for impairments.... but thats hardly over half the player base.... aura reading is pathetic at best for the top players in game to even use... and most killers use it because there too lazy ... enough…
  • hardly any nurses around like there once was... everyone takes it as a negative idea... its not to block good players its to block the toxic crap some killers or survivors feel theneed to bring into the game.
  • I just want fair games thats all... i mean how many other games have a block system ... i can think of alot. Its not a stupid idea and im not one to abuse a block system to be better than others... im just sick of immature little fools who just want to make the game as unpleasant ass they can. In the end the game will fail…
  • I cant take you seriously by telling someone there opinion is crap... im rank 1 on killer and survivor side... i dont need aura perks to help me shorten chases nor find people... i can happily 1 or 2 pip most games... if i lost i didnt do my job as killer or the team outran me , good on them if they did but the whole point…
  • yeesh if i dont wanna play with a player then why the heck cant i just block em and get rid of there toxic crap from games... im sick of playing against toxic killer after toxic killer or toxic survivors... i have control who i play against in killer lobbies but not survivor lobbies.... yeah killer sided as hell yet again
  • Bbq doesnt need aura reading regardless of killer or circumstance its just stupid... whats the point of playing killer... which in my eyes, is to track and hunt down survivors... not getting a tip off where everyone is ... it might aswell be constantly there... i mean lets face it iv seen bitter murmur, bbq and nurses ran…
  • Look at it in this scenario... your being face camped hard... team are doing gens pretty quick and killer is not going to leave... why would i waste my time gaining no points on a hook whilst the killer wracks up some amount of points for my eventual death ,when i can CHOOSE to LEAVE MATCH ,as is stated by there esc menu,…
  • Just get rid of aura reading perks e,e it makes you look stupid... you just wasted 3- 4 perk slots by having to have aura reading there... if your not a boosted killer and you dont need aura reading then why use it... aura reading screams that you fail at killer.
  • We are not talking about OW though... this game fails on the front of blocking the toxic player base by not giving an option to step out of having to play with toxic killers or survivors alike... As a killer you can opt out of playing against a previously toxic survivor but survivor side this is so much harder as you dont…
  • bbq doesnt need aura reading ... infact what justifies its aura reading.. -the fact that you need 4 stacks so therfore you NEED it to show you where everyone on the map is so you can go for another hook and stack. It just gives boosted killers a hand holding effect and just makes games for decent killers 10 times easier.…