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  • Totally. I feel like people on these forums are so much in a mindset of Surviors Vs Killers that they forget we are all playing the same game. Tip the scales too much, it hurts everyone. Game needs to be fun, first and foremost.
  • Its a storyline based game made for a couple of Nintendo systems. There is also an anime. Essentially, kids get trapped in a school which mirrors a different twisted dimension where ghosts slaughter people. Watched the anime but did not get into the games. Pretty (sometimes alarmingly/unnecessarly) violent... But I don't…
  • Sounds like we are all having the same issue. My Steam also tells me to "PURCHASE" instead of "PLAY". When this gets resolved, I hope Mod/Developer puts out an easy-to-find post on how to correct the issue, if not self corrected.
  • How do you know if a cosmetic piece is part of a set though? Thanks! ~DFW
  • Newbie here. So what determines a "set" that you wont be able to mix and match? Are sets only able to be bought using cells and cannot be bought with free shards? I've seen this topic but still a bit lost. Can some please explain? Thanks! ~DFW
  • I was thinking to myself, what was The Legion's mori again? After a quick youtube search... Uh, definitely not that one. Lol... Bleeding out sounds like probably one of the better methods to go if you had to pick!
  • That would be interesting, but I feel like this would quickly end up with the same issue. If survivors could just touch a gen for 1 second to then gain another 10 mins of hiding... I feel like people wouldn't be satisfied with that... I do like the counter if killers are camping, but I think the community wouldn't agree…
  • I hear you. I'm a solo player and there are definitely some issues here and there. So overall, how happy would YOU be if the game added a overall time limit per match? Say... Make it 20 or 30 mins. Long enough to build suspense but prevents survivors from doing nothing but hiding? This seems like it woild be a quick fix.
  • I typically run Whispers. Again, I am not a great killer, but if you cannot find someone for 30 mins, seems like a faulty killer. Also, I do love slow paced games. I couldn't care less about maxing blood points or rank. This IS a game and when you don't enjoy it you better either switch up your play style or find a new…
  • LoL!! So really, my teammates just DOOMED me to die without realizing killer was hovering over me since Kindred only turns on when hooked!? Well jeez TheLastGreatStar...! That puts a whole different spin on my outlook now!! Lmao... I do follow your point though. I get it now. Thanks =)
  • I have played a match as survivor where killer Myers downed me first, then proceeded to watch me bleed out for the rest of the match. I was running Kindred, so luckily no one tried to save me. I was mostly entertained honestly, as I crawled slowly across the map away from survivors. Needless to say, I was the only one to…
  • Hey guys, Let me start with saying I am a newer player with under 100 hours of gameplay experience. I try to play both sides evenly, and I AM a pretty weak killer, though it is fun. With that being said... This game is a hide and seek game. Why, so often, are people whinning that people sometimes play the game as such? I…
  • Awesome - Thank you everyone for the explanations! =) ~DFW
  • While playing as killer, my wireless mouse died, taking me out of commission for most of the entire game. Finally switched out batteries and found some of the survivors waiting at the exit, who offered to sacrifice themselves realizing there had been some type of issue. I refused the pity sacrifice and carried them to the…
  • Thanks! It's good to be here! Everyone's comments makes sense to me. Hopefully in due time, I will view him as low to mid tierred killer as well. I was curious to how the community viewed him. I will just have to suck up my dislike toward him! Unrelated to original post, but I currently think matches vs Freddie (The…
  • Yes to both Until Dawn AND Supernatural!! I think it woild be cool to have a Wendigo or Shapeshifter character that could temporarily shread its terror zone and look like a survivor. How freaky would that be when you couldn't trust if your buddy was actually a friend or not?
  • This. Totally. I am new to DbD and can be pretty awful finding survivors - but never THAT awful. Your story seems exaggerated and whinny. Next.