Have now escaped multiple times on dwight, claudette, david King and kate. Still have no crown cosmetic. Have attached screenshots on escaping and receiving 500 crown unlocking bp and no head cosmetic in menu.
Its worse on controller sadly. I really don't think the a button on xbox had spamming in mind given it gives up on me a lot of the time. Would love for a change because it really is kinda pointless
I think if a Killer can see names, then survivors should be able to see the killers names. The OCE xBox DbD community is very small. Playing against the same killers allows for certain traits to be known. For instance there is this couple of toxic players that share a name. When they play killer they facecamp really bad…
Sorry but I have less than 20 games and this has been what my last few games in a row have been like. My queue times werent even that long, less than a few minutes most of the time
I think one problem with balancing the game is how long it takes to get good perks for both survivor and killer. If you are against either killer or survivors with a full set of perks and only have one or two yourself, you are basically screwed. There are also so many useless perks and with perks being individual to each…
Yeah I am having the same issue. I only started playing the game last week. Have about 20 games max into it at the moment and getting red rank killers. It just isnt fun to play getting looped for ages and gen rushed. If I leave the chase to go to a gen the next player will just do the same. It would be okay if it was a…