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  • Nah fam. They don't do kneejerk killer nerfs any more. Other than Freddy the only changes that have happened have been buffs. Legion.
  • Exactly this. Every survivor who is being facecamped needs to just struggle for as long as possible, eat the loss for the rest of the survivors so they can spam gens. Every survivor who sees someone being facecamped needs to ignore the survivor and go do gens. If this was more common, you'd see a lot more hook&forget…
  • I like that hatch. Both as killer and survivor. It's that last element. The problem right now is that it's a Mexican standoff. But only if the survivor is at full health. Here's the play by play for hatch standoffs Survivor at full health results in a Mexican standoff where the most patient player wins. Survivor in injured…
  • No, I haven't worked on a game before. I do work in the networking field though, and I know that multiplayer games are a long way off from being a 100% fair a 100% of the time. But they can be fairer than DBD currently is. A lot of what you say is true, but I find it interesting that rather than try and argue how it could…
  • Yes, but looking at it from an even more realistic standpoint, why don't the survivors just help each other crawl over the walls, rather than power up and unlock the tallest obstacle in the game. How do killers and survivors realistically see each other through walls, and how is it that blood spurts out with enough force…
  • That's a good point.
  • Close enough, but not quite right. You're assuming that the server will handle information in the order it receives it. Information can be "timestamped", and so even if the server receives the package for a killer lunging 2ms later than a survivor using Dead Hard, the killers' lunge will still be the event that takes place…
  • It being green in the lobby is not what determines how well the match will perform. Ping is a measurement of how fast you get a response when you send a request. Think of it as sonars on marine vessels. The vessel that sends out a ping, waits for the echo to return after it reflected off a surface, the time from…
  • Why would you want to stop a hatch play though?
  • Freddy is just generally the most unfun killer to survive against. Not in an imbalanced way - just simply no ######### fun to play against regardless of how the match turns out.
  • Just fix gens. Spread the word. The more campers out there that get 1K rounds, because they camped, and no survivors came rushing in for the savecrifice, the less camping you'll see. It doesn't help when some survivors are literally hugging the killer as you're getting hooked. Of course he'll camp. I would too.
  • It should only be for SWF groups. I'd like to know the perks as soon as I'm dead, rather than have to wait an indetermined amount of time.
  • Barriers that prevent vaulting could work. Like the Obi-Wan vs Darth Maul. The barriers could cycle. Once you enter the escape area you will have 15 seconds to escape. After 15 seconds both sides will close off to you, but not the killer. Teabag that.
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