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  • I'm a solo surv main. I rarely miss a S.C. I almost always use B.T. and almost never unhook in terror radius. I have ducked gameplay once with no mither challenge. I would not have ducked activity if it weren't for the fact that I was with the same team from the previous match that did everything in their power to out me…
  • I'm brand new and from all the other FPS I have played and watched since the 70's (when I first found electronic games) I'd have to say DBD looks nothing like an FPS. There is no habitual jumping (although there probably would be). There is no universal shooting/firing back-just the killer with ability to kill. Players all…
  • "UNSPORTSMANLIKE:....Purposely losing the game, not participating in or disconnecting from the game to avoid defeat. Examples: AFKing, rage quitting, idling, and refusing to participate in normal gameplay."
  • I think your statement comes down to what each survivor player considers a "Win". I know many killers perspective of a win is all over the place. As a surv my main priority is to have fun. If I don't escape and it's a 4K that's fine with me if I make 20K, or more, points. Escaping is quite low on the list for what I…
  • I've had multiple claiming it works properly on PC but it does not for me. I have seen others make the same statement regarding it not working on pc but I have also been told it works perfectly fine for others on pc. If it works for PH's as well as SU's then it's not too much of an influence on the game play style since…
  • Not for me. I have gotten many protection hits and it does not stack. I've seen it in many matches as well. It could definitely have been something wonky going on in the connection or something that day but others have stated the same. I took 5 PH's just before I was finished with that session, only stacks were on safe…
  • The perk description states it does something different other than BP's for only safe unhooks. This is inaccurate, it only works for unhooks NOT, "Protection Hits" like the perk explains. So, aside from being ONLY a BP boost, the description is inaccurate. I have definitely seen impressive gains from this but it really…