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  • Are you one of the devs?
  • People would thumbs down every killer that killed them, leaving only baby killers to play against. Imagine how long queue times would be for Legion knight and skull merchant
  • The mentioned gen perks don't need to be changed.
  • Good. Now you're thinking clearly.
    in Cap removal Comment by DrHyk March 23
  • Yes it does
  • Whatever you say champ, drop it. The billy buff was a dumb move.
    in Cap removal Comment by DrHyk March 22
  • Yeah but the problem with that is; the cheaters just use an unlock tool to give them whatever they want anyway so what else is the point?
    in Cap removal Comment by DrHyk March 22
  • The mangled on a timer I can understand because slowed healing really slows the game down, but I feel like the haemorrhage change was a little much
  • No thanks. If you're a good little gen jockey the 50% won't matter much. I play a lot of survivor 50/50 survivor/killer and even I know that buff isn't a good idea. Unless they're also going to change Pain Res and/or Pop that change isn't needed.
  • If you ever feel a killer is too powerful, I urge you to play as that killer as much as humanly possible. The survivors you go against will quickly teach you the counterplays and you can apply that in your future matches. Also, I wish I got him more, all I get are Nurses, Blights, Weskers and Billy and they are ALWAYS…
  • I would love to see a addon that reverses the colours of the beams like how clown can swap the colour of his bottles.
    in Add on change Comment by DrHyk March 22
  • Would be cool to see a addon that flips the colours of the beams similar to how clown has the addon to swap the colours of the gas
    in Add on change Comment by DrHyk March 22
  • So by that token it's just another useless perk to add to the pile. Cool.
  • You have a good point, that it encourages people to spend. Do yoy think if the BP spending was faster than people wouldn't care about the Cap so much? They could make it so "select the amount you want to spend" hit enter then it shows you all the items you got
    in Cap removal Comment by DrHyk March 22
  • I suppose at this point it's a belief not an opinion, Billy needs to be changed and I'm tired of people pretending he's fine the way he is. I'm also going to stop replying on the subject of him since this is off topic now
    in Cap removal Comment by DrHyk March 22
  • There's plenty of maps that have little breathing room for any survivor so this point isn't valid to me and my opinion that Billy needs to be changed again won't budge one iota.
    in Cap removal Comment by DrHyk March 22
  • Right, but now he can run around the map with an infinite instadown weapon and you suffer no punishment for missing. Blight is stunned even if he hits, nurse is stunned and her vision becomes impaired. Sorry but I don't agree with you his current state has made him absolutely horrible with low risk high rewards for…
    in Cap removal Comment by DrHyk March 21
  • No, nurse, Billy, Blight and Wesker are overpowered, not the m1 killer with drones.
  • right?! How the hell did those Billy changes go through, it's insane
    in Cap removal Comment by DrHyk March 21
  • That does make sense but the devs have to know by now that people will already be able to P3 them within 24 hours anyway.
    in Cap removal Comment by DrHyk March 21
  • Ew you're one of those... baa for us.
  • That and I think if you get hit with it you should get a sprint burst level speed boost.
  • It's funny you say that when people complain about Skull Merchant being too good at defending the objective, survivors don't know what they want let's be real
  • I mean, saying "why punish people that don't use it that way" by that logic, why did skull merchant get changed if there were people that didn't use her to 3 gen and take the game hostage?
    in Anonymous mode Comment by DrHyk March 20
  • No, reporting them isn't enough, you're the one that's wrong.
    in Anonymous mode Comment by DrHyk March 19
  • Reporting isn't enough. I feel like if you report them most of the time nothing gets done about it, I feel as if removing their ability to communicate and truly cripple their ability to target people based on Prestige level, who they are (streamers cop a lot of it) and frankly, there's a lot of reports that are placed just…
    in Anonymous mode Comment by DrHyk March 19
  • As I have stated being able to report anon players isn't enough. They need to be cut off from interacting all together.
    in Anonymous mode Comment by DrHyk March 19
  • Just say you can't offered it. I'm all for them charging Auric cells for skins if it means we get more content and more skins in the future
  • Wicked: This is too reliant on survivors being hooked in the basement, a buff I would suggest is making it so even if you're second stage; if you are hooked in the basement: you gain a 100% chance to get yourself off hook.
  • Invocation Weaving spiders: I think a great way to buff this to somewhat make it seem worth the risk, make grunts of pain either silent or much quieter, also, giving them the ability to see Gens and/or being able to pick themselves up like no mither, because as it stands, the perk is useless, being injured for the…
  • Her kill rates aren't based on bot kills or dcs, it's mostly the sooks that throw on hook. Her add ons are too reliant on survivors getting claw traps which they usually never do.
    in Drone buff Comment by DrHyk March 19
  • Skull Merchants that use her drones to slow the game down don't understand how her power works.
    in Drone buff Comment by DrHyk March 19
  • Gonna have to disagree with you, if you're struggling to notice a difference try and pair it with fire up
  • Personally I'd love to see BT get a serious buff, even if BT gave the unhooked the ability to DS stun the killer no matter if they do a conspicuous action or not. Make BT great again
  • Yeah, I can't even say this is a bad idea. Survivors can give up on hook whenever they want.
  • There are perks to speed gens up, if you have someone on your team you find getting tunnelled more than not, tell them to put on quick gambit
    in Gen Speed Comment by DrHyk March 7
  • Yeah but the high mobility killer running around with the map with an instadown weapon that doesn't suffer any kind of cooldown for missing [bar a brief slowdown shorter than a pallet stun] and only gets stronger and faster the more he spams his instadown weapon, notcto mention he can hold it as long as he wants now. But…
  • I love how that was your only take away. It's not about how you feel on the killer. It's what the mains of her deserve