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  • I'd b stoked 4 anything lovecraft. Kind of surprised they haven't yet considering its basically a free licensed character. I'm guessing in their eyes he's not popular enough lol I guess they would rather keep pumping out overpriced cosmetics and recycled characters 😪
  • I haven't been able to play since the silent Hill chapter. I bought it but every time I try I end up waiting 10 to 15 minutes and if I do land a match someone disconnects and it's time to start the waiting game again. So I go play something else my time isn't worthless. As far as I'm concerned dbd has become not worth…
  • Wa What game r u playing? killer mains wrapped around their finger lol seems to be quite the opposite.
  • Or they could of just not messed with him in the 1st place. I mean he was fine for 4 years c'mon.
  • This Nerf didn't need to happen but it's just more of the same. Scrubby whiners complain until their problems r removed so they don't have to take the time to learn how to solve them. This is the kind of nonsense that's ruining this game. Instead of fixing the biggest problems in the game which in my opinion r wait times…
  • I'd just like to c one Phantasm movie with a normal budget. I know 2 was the most expensive but by normal standards it wasn't very well funded. Considering the movies r already awesome with a shoestring budget they would have to be much better with the extra money to spend. But maybe ur right and they should just let it go…
  • I really hope it's Candyman I mean all signs point in that direction. I gotta say I'm surprised how many ppl have never heard of him. Clearly it's an age thing cuz if u were a kid in the 90s u know Candyman. He's definitely iconic and the new one will bring the younger clueless horror fans around. I mean honestly how can u…
  • It happens to everyone no matter ur rank but I figure it's probably due to a lack of killers and them just trying to get u matched quickly. Would u rather wait 10 or 20 minutes to get matched with a perfect group? I Kno I wouldn't want to wait that long but sometimes there just aren't enough players playing to make perfect…
  • Yea I agree when I think horror I don't think xenomorph. Don't think he really belongs on dbd. He's not a slasher has no backstory and he's an alien. If they gonna bring in aliens I'd prefer killer clowns from outer space or again the tall man.
  • I'm not sure how they would implement his perks and powers but there r a lot of possibilities from the spheres to the lil dwarfs or his ability to turn his body parts into monsters. He would b awesome and his addition would likely get more ppl into Phantasm which would be great cuz I'd love to c a 6th one.
  • I love Candyman. And obviously would be stoked if he came to dbd. Just because younger horror fans aren't familiar with him doesn't mean he's not iconic. I think after the new one drops that's all gonna change. But since almost all of the big names r already here obviously it's time for lesser knowns to start coming.…
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