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  • I play Identity V somewhat actively, and the way it handles win conditions has rubbed off on me. One kill is a loss, two kills is a draw, and three or four is a win. Really simple, but it's just a shame that it's so hard against good teams to even secure what I'd class as a draw. If I win I can very rarely say it's because…
  • I miss when you had to get two gens done to spawn the hatch for the last survivor. It rewarded the killer with a less stressful time than slugging the last guy to get the four man, and it meant that if survivors actually wanted a chance of getting one guy out, they had to rely on actually doing the objective and trying to…
  • I've noticed a trend for the last few DLCs that the survivor perks are on average much more powerful and useful than the killer perks for the chapter. Is this intentional, and if so, why? Pardon my phrasing, but it looks to me like you're almost intimidated to give killers more truly strong perks.
  • Probably about as unfamiliar as you are with punctuation that makes humor apparent.
  • I feel like at this point it would be sort of redundant. Think about it, as it stands, as the rescuer, you can choose to take a hit for the rescued survivor if the killer comes back. Same basic effect as Borrowed Time, without giving an already strong perk an extra potential safety net.
  • There's nothing to agree or disagree with. The killer doesn't have any counterplay to you using a button in your menu and guaranteed giving your friend the hatch. There's literally nothing the killer can do, and it's unfair. It's not an argument.
  • Saint_Ukraine The thing is, with the rank 1 emblem requirements, that basically means that even with two points for a DC instead of the full three, if more than one or two survivors disconnect, then that basically means you can't get the emblem. And thus if the survivors want to punish the killer by disconnecting to deny…
  • It should also give you all of the Devout emblems you would have gotten for hooking them three times. Too many times I've been short of a double pip because some entitled brat decided they had to ragequit. A killer shouldn't be punished for a survivor taking the easy way out of their death. Period.
  • The hatch close is coming back, so it really wouldn't matter at all. Unless you can handle getting a gate all by yourself against a timer that's probably already ticking down.
  • Are you under the impression that 4.6 movement speed is enough of a bonus to compensate for these massive nerfs? Because I have to wholly disagree, Legion is weak as it is. All this change does is basically make him a version of Plague that has no projectiles or corruption. You've stripped him of all true potential.
  • And yes, if you do the math, killers at base move at 115% of a survivor's sprint speed, so reducing them by 20% would make them slower than a survivor.
  • If killers were slower than a survivor, they would literally never be able to catch up unless every killer had a teleport. Which would be repetetive and silly. And considering how much survivors hate fighting Nurse, I don't think this would go over well with the community.
  • "Almost impossible" should be the general philosophy all killers are based around. They are the power role, it should require immense teamwork and effort to escape a skilled one. It should never be easy for four survivors to stomp all over a killer of equivalent skill. Period.
  • I get frustrated with because of two reasons. One, because it is incredibly strong, and two, because it is essential to the survival of the team. Neither of which I feel should be the case. My solution would be some kind of alternative objective, but I really don't know what that would be.
  • Also, a two killer game mode. Because all of the yes. Kill With Friends has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
  • A different design philosophy. One disturbing trend I've noticed for a while is that when adding new content, or when reworking old content, killers tend to get nerfs to keep their buffs in check, while survivors really just get buffs most of the time, outside of the occasional cave-in nerf that's been begged for months…
  • This sounds interesting, but I would almost rather it just had an added effect on top of the 60 seconds. It just sounds a little bit crazy powerful if the gates are never able to be reopened, which would be perfectly cool with me if it wouldn't encourage survivors to bring keys all the time to counter the perk. Although if…
  • Would love to see a killer from a different horror game make an appearance. We have Bill as a survivor who originates from a different game, so why not a killer? My personal suggestions would be either William Afton from FNaF, or in a slightly more interesting twist, Alma from the F.E.A.R. series. Would love to hear more…
  • I really adore this idea. I've always said that Freddy needs a second power to make him better, and to keep him more in line with his character. This seems like a really great idea. Would make Bamboozle necessary on him, but that's not exactly the worst thing at any rate. Great job. :)
  • Here's an idea I've had for a while. It's actually a really simple change that wouldn't require much time or effort to implement. But basically, all you do is increase the amount of max tokens from 3 to 15, and the amount of tokens gained from 1 to 5. Each token is a 1% speed boost instead of the 5% it has now, and you…
  • The reason it's a buff is that it gives you more comparable crouch speed to the addon's previous effects, without requiring the use of it. So you're harmed significantly less by using something else. Now you have more viability with setups that don't involve the combat straps, while still not taking away the old advantages…
  • PS. Some really big problems with the current mechanics nobody seems to be addressing are how it affects two things; Killer addons that apply exhaustion, and Vigil. The former being too powerful, and the latter being completely nullified in effectiveness. Something needs to be changed about those if the current mechanics…
  • Honestly the biggest problem with all of these perks (Minus Dead Hard, which I don't think needs a nerf, especially since it kinda already just got one) is that their existence makes problems that are already problems just that much worse. Namely, maps and pallet/window placement. Sprint Burst is crazy because pallets are…
  • I want remake Jason really badly in this game. If they'd ever cough up the rights, I think he could be the best potential fit for the game.
  • As a killer main, I have no gripes. I can't blame killers for doing what they have to do. It's frustrating from the other side some times, when I'm playing survivor myself, but it's sobering to remember just how much more frustrated that killer must be on such a regular basis that they would need to camp or tunnel. Really…
  • @SaltyKiller Exactly. He's a defensive character first and foremost. Good offense would be nice, but not at the cost of his primary existing strong suit. Without it he's kinda just Hillbilly with no map pressure.
  • I think the chainsaw should still continue the flurry after hitting a survivor. Leatherface has a huge bonus that's set apart from other killers in that he's the only one who can actively down multiple survivors at once. I don't think this advantage should be taken away. It adds so much risk to the rescue process in ways…
  • Biggest buff they can give Leatherface for me? Make it so that if he breaks a pallet with his chainsaw and he still has swings left, he keeps going. That would give him a unique edge over Hillbilly in the chase itself. Couple that with the buffs @IronWolf115 suggested, and I think Leatherface could be really strong.
  • Freddy's. Right out of the movie. I respect that. Plus it just looks badass to me.
  • Quentin. What can I say? I like the guy.
  • All of Quentin's perks, but I also have quite a soft spot for No Mither. I know it really needs a buff, but it's still so much fun. Adds actual tension to survivor play that you can't always get otherwise.
  • It depends on my mood. Some days I want to see what people have to say, some days I don't.
  • @RagingCalm Says the person who spelled "#########" as "IMBICAL." ;)
  • Honestly, if survivors get nerfed she'll be fine.
  • My favorite map is definitely The Game. On top of just being a huge Saw fan and gushing at the references, it feels like one of the few maps that's actually killer-sided. Which I feel all the maps probably should be. Generator and totem placements are generally pretty great, I love having the basement be in the same place…
  • @ThePloopz Then maybe the solution is to make it harder to put people to sleep. One thing I think could work is changing the block addons to do something completely different. That could serve to make sleep transitions less avoidable, and also put more value on other addons. Maybe leave the Paint Brush the same, but being…
  • @ThePloopz Here's the thing, though. Freddy should be powerful enough in the chase to warrant having to wait 7 seconds to do anything to you. As well as to make it worth the ease of waking up. Hence why I didn't take more away from survivors than just Self Care, which really was just a gimme. Like I said in my original…
  • @ThePloopz Good question that I'm glad you asked. I'm gonna answer that with the question of, how do you juke a Nurse? It's a similar principle. If you goad him into hitting you, then he's going to be screwed if you get him to miss. Plus, if he doesn't act within the time limit, he's screwed there as well. It's not like it…
  • I think her movement speed is fine, but her hitboxes do definitely need a lot of work. But what I really think would help her is a reduction of her humming's hearing range. Or at the very least the ability for it to be affected by terror radius reductions like Monitor and Abuse. That 45 meters is a huge giveaway, and while…