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  • I've only played a few matches as killer since the update a I honestly hate it. I was so confused my first match because I could barely make out the gens and survivors auras are so in your face yet also difficult to make out. Can't wait to play on a map like Swap where it's hard enough to see as is. Not a huge fan, don't…
  • I like the concept but that's just another thing taking away from patrolling gens. Any killer main will know that every second counts in a match because time is against you. As is I tend to not use hex perks because I swear I have the worst luck when it comes to where they spawn because it will either be right next to the…
  • The problem is Legion's kit requires certain perks combinations and Add-ons to even be viable. Plus half the perks don't even work with FF.
  • I honestly hate deep wounds. It is a minor inconvenience to Survivors as not only does it take like 2 seconds to mend yourself (that's an exaggeration but you get the point) and the timer pauses when they're mending or within your terror radius. Not to mention even if you aren't in their terror radius it's stupid long so…
  • Deep wounds is an honest joke because without add-ons you can mend it ridiculously fast. Legion is an honest joke pick because their power is basically useless.
  • This doesn't really address the issues with legion in that they have zero map pressure and using your M1 depletes your Frenzy charge Not to mention most of the perks don't work with Frenzy and the cooldown is awfully long, plus the stun after cooldown is super punishing. I like the concept but that alone won't make legion…
  • I want to believe that but literally almost every match I've played against a pyramid head (which is at least 10) I've been tunneled and/or camped. I really hope it's just people don't know how to play him right yet rather than being an #########, but so far I don't like playing against him.
  • Honestly, it gets so annoying because you end up with killers who are basically useless without perks. Not to mention some killers are just unplayable on certain maps (I'm looking at you Legion). The devs keep pandering to whiny survivors, why do you think there's almost no killers in red ranks?
  • You're kidding right? More often than not the cages are going to spawn on the other side of the map resulting in free saves. Almost every person who played him on the PTB has said it's almost pointless to use the cages because they instantly lose map pressure. Only time it would be good is when you are playing with a SWF…
  • To preface this I am a killer main, but I've been experiencing some burnout from playing killer and wanted to try survivor. I will also say is I haven't played this map much (2 matches) but both those matches just sucked. The first time was because I hadn't played the map before and was so confused. Itfelt like a maze to…