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  • This is such a tiny non-issue to be whining about lmao
  • it's a 1 v 4 how would it make sense to make the 1 weaker than the 4
  • It's an asymmetrical multiplayer the killer is supposed to be stronger than survivors. Just practice the game until you're good at it and it's (mostly) well balanced
  • Got some interesting responses to this since I posted it. A lot I agree with, a lot I just don't see why y'all gotta be dicks. Personally the way I view it is, it's just a game, winning doesn't matter as long as everyone had fun. So when I give people the hatch I think to myself (although they can't hear me and may not…
  • As for loops, those don’t need to go. They’re essential for survivors to get away from tougher killers, and if you lose the game because you spent 5 minutes chasing one survivor around a loop, that’s your own fault. They’re not that hard to break if you’re good, but if you can’t, just go back on patrol and find someone…
    in DBD 2 Comment by Farlan July 2019
  • That part I figured out on my own but you ignored my question. What’s stopping the killer from just standing there so you can’t heal the survivor? There’s already enough campers and sluggers in the game as is, let’s not encourage it by making it core killer gameplay
    in DBD 2 Comment by Farlan July 2019
  • If there’s no hooks, how do survivors get back up when they’re downed? What’s stopping the killer from just standing over them waiting for other survivors to come and get them up? Some of your ideas are understandable but you don’t seem to have put any actual thought into any of them
    in DBD 2 Comment by Farlan July 2019
  • I'm a Trapper main and I have zero trouble with this, I don't prepare by placing traps early on I just get someone in the basement quick as possible and throw a trap down and then go break gens until some idiot steps in it. Map pressure isn't a thing that some killers can or can't do, you just gotta put the practice in
  • my advice to the "problem" is that there is no problem. Gen times are fine. Learn to win without ruin
  • Your problem is simple. Learn to win without Ruin. I’m a killer main and haven’t ran it in almost a year and I pretty much only ever lose to good swf groups who ruin wouldn’t have stopped anyway. Ruin is training wheels for survivor mains who wanna play killer more, same with noed
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