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  • Why are survivors able to take 2 hits from paranormal serial killers, get skewered on a meat hook, and still teabag and sprint away like nothing happened... It's a weird game man
  • I mean it's a perspective thing, I don't think the atmosphere is scary at all, but as I said earlier, I do think the graphics update they talked about will change that for someone like myself Also, unless you play solo, on the survivor side I never feel as though the killer is "in control" and when I play killer I can 4k…
  • I don't think teachables should be removed, killers have those too, but the idea of making certain survivors faster, slower, stronger, weaker, etc... Is interesting to me, BUT a part of me feels like it would just end up making it were every game had 4 Meg's running around at light speed crouch spamming windows and pallets…
  • I mean, I think that's just your perspective. If they can talk back and forth it's equally as likely to happen to a killer and honestly it's not the chats fault if someone believes someone else on the internet, but this is why I suggested a limited chat option, something that would limit spam like maybe only being allowed…
  • I'm a big fan of this idea, I hope thats the direction the devs take it!
  • Yes! This is what I'm talking about! Great clip btw I do think BVHR should make the game more about hiding from the killer, which I believe the graphics update will make that much more viable... you'd obviously still have chases but just make them less of a joke then they are right now.
  • This is kind of what Im referring to, I don't think it's quite as bad as you described but I do think survivors have all the power which makes the game not scary and just not fun. Killers don't have strong pressure, if I get chased I can control where the killer goes and i know I'm good enough to make the killer go where I…
  • Yes but allowing survivors to rush gens, get hooked multiple times without really caring, and run a killer for 3 or 4 mins isn't helping. And I'm not saying make killers "crazy strong" just give them more of an advantage over survivors then a really sorry speed boost after chasing for 20-30 seconds and this is all coming…
  • That's a good point for sure, but there is a difference in being less scared because of repetition and just straight up bullying/teabagging the monster that is trying to kill you and have your soul eatin by a dark entity and the killer not really being able to respond in a way that makes the survivor... scared :/
  • I've put in a lot of hours on both sides but admittedly am a killer main and really only ever play with or against very smart survivors or swfs, so take that as you will. Gen speeds are only fine for survivors who don't know how to be chased, the kind of survivors who know how to do everything BUT run a proper loop. But…
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