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  • This is actually true and quite a good analogy, but you yourself could see, that raising volume (making picture larger) is vastly different from lowering the volume (making picture smaller). You can easily reduce volume without creating noticeable artefacts (like for Jeff), but you might get noise if you try to raise it…
  • Does that change even matter? I dropped this game for 2 reasons and 1 of which is that any reworked map with the new hook density makes sabotages impossible. Even with breakout and taking hit and killer not having IG/agi and surprising killer with sabotaging the hook he was going for and killer downing survivor in the far…
  • Just before 6.1 came out. The game was balanced for (in my eyes perfectly fair) 50% kill rate before this patch (for most players anyway, sure there were top ~5% and bottom ~5% where it was definitely not balanced, but I didn't belong to either group). It all went downhill from that moment until we get to this point where…
  • I don't play any more, but reading this thread just screams solution that nobody mentioned and quite frankly I wonder why that is. No killer has problem with the limitation if he does not bring regression perk OR if he does not excessively 3gens. So why do perk regressions count toward the limit? Make it so that only kicks…
  • All I can say is, if the game is frustrating to you, just give it a break. I know I myself am on one - I even missed every bit of the haunted by daylight event (and I will see if my break is permanent). My personal reason is map design team. One of most fun interactions in the game for me was to sabotage hooks - which…
  • Or maybe let's try it this way... Why is nobody using overwhelming presence even on killers like doctor or wesker if they go to small map? Might that have to do something with frankling totally outclassing the perk in all practical terms? If I am right in this regards - why create new overwhelming presence with some malus…
  • If you compare just 200% medkit with sc+botany, then sure. But you are leaving out the need to go and find/open the chest and then pickup and maybe even move to less exposed spot then that chest on top of the hill in the middle of the map. This does not even include chests being limited. Or as we spoke you getting an item…
  • 2 perks for 2 not even quick and limited heals (if you even get midkit instead of green key)? What would be the case compared to self care+botany? Nope, no debuffs. If it should be beneficial in a niche scenario, it has to work on it's own and provide you with at least something more then plot twist does right now (and…
  • There are 3-4 chests in trial by default. You still need to walk to it and open it for a long time - that alone will make any but commodious toolbox not worth it. As for medkits - you are right. But there's an easy fix - make it 180% instead of 200%. A side-bonus - you just buffed pharmacy to make some sense again (3 heals…
  • Not really. A* is much more expensive then distance calculation (which is like 1 equation and that's it), but you don't have to fully expand it and you don't need to recalculate it each frame. If the desired distance is say 20m, then calculate A* to distance of 24m and recalculate once every second. It's not 100% correct,…
  • u hit anyone with medkit and even if that person picks it up right away and does not get M1'd again, that medkit is useless (without addons). Franklins is already in a good spot. It's pure benefit for no malus - unlike survivor's counter perks like calm spirit
  • Ah right. Because the perk is so OP. That's like saying No - Freddy is already plenty strong and does not ever need any buff - 115% base speed is plenty strong as is
  • If you notice, you have very high chance for 2 hooks in small room (the one with single pallet above LT) where hooks definitely break supposed minimal distance hook should have. This is in maybe 50% of all the games (and even this does not mean there won't be another 3-5 hooks nearby). But as I said - I saw an RNG…
  • There's just 1 map that provides quite a large value for boil over that is hard to counter and that one is MacMillan's ironworks of misery (main). But you can't pick that one just like that, because you can only pick realm (and there are 5 mac millan maps). But even in this case, there are things you can do. 1, if you can…
  • Oh I would love this. Make it path-finder based and most killers (ehm, nurse) gets immediately fixed. Maybe slightly higher range could be used then (18 or maybe 20m, but no more) - but that's not really required.
  • Make it simpler. Can't mori during enduring. Realistically against mori meyers that's 90% after unhook and maybe 10% for very cheeky/risky saves from ground with buckle-up.
  • The game is usually full to a brim with hooks that absolutely make it a non-issue. But once in a blue moon, there's whole quarter of the map that has no hooks at all (I have had 1 especially bad map RNG where killer couldn't hook survivors even if nobody was helping). It's super rare and most of the time killer has no…
  • I also had to drop him because of this bug. He's too insufferable to play right now
  • actually there is. You can mindgame (even in chase) with your teleport for pretty good result. Sure. Freddy is still underwhelming and is one of the weakest killers in game. But it does not mean he has no power at all
  • While I fully agree. Can we please look at niche scenarios that are still in game? Thankfully Bubba was addressed (at least to some degree). What about tombstone Meyers (at least don't let him mori during endurance so he can't mori the second you get unhooked)? He doesn't care that you can unhook and will actually facecamp…
  • exactly. Thanks. You saved me a few letters
  • I absolutely don't agree his ability is rubish during nightfall. I consider him quite strong during it (very low CD, very high TP speed and information when survivor is nearby usually get me whole down during nightfall and I am not even like super good with him - similar experience when playing against him). His only…
  • IMO he's actually strong during nightfall. All the abilties and speeds combined are very strong. But admittedly power being so limited makes him a bit weak. So sure - buff his normal speed teleports. That should help with map presence
  • I agree. Just don't make it nearly as quick as night time dredge. That thing is worth being time-limited. I don't know how quickly it would feel in game, but I think somewhere between 16m/s and 20m/s might do it (in comparison according to wiki it's 38m/s during nightfall)
  • Yes. Sadly this is true. Sabo is no longer usable on it's own. You need whole team to sabo otherwise it's wasted effort while flash save is both easier, more reliable and less costly. And these are all the results of recent patches where hook density only goes up. This absolutely wasn't the case at patch 6.0. And even…
  • As EU player I would be very happy about this too (in my selfish case - central African server would be better). It would eliminate some of the most annoying killers that come from middle east that are totally painful to play against - they would actually get better ping and EU players would also have a bit more relaxing…
  • AFC was never meant to prevent any camping. It's there just to remove the most uninteractive part where there's nothing u can do but watch person on hook die. That's no longer the case. You can now unhook or at least trade. Even against killers that are camping from distance. The only issue mentioned is what…
  • The fact that calm spirit in it's current awful state with unreasonable debuff saw 500% increase in usage just because UW was released is the definitive answer of if/how badly UW is broken.
  • House of pain is guaranteed 2 hooks within carry distance (one in front of it and one behind it). There could be even more depending on RNG. As for badham main - this I agree is one of complicated spots if you don't have basement there. But if you open breakable walls, you should always have at least 1 hook within carry…
  • Oak offering is placebo. It does not make any real difference - even if you 4man stack it. RNG is king - you can have map that spawns a lot of hook close together with 4x the offering and you can have map with barely any usable hook with just putrid oak offering. Tried it on new maps?
  • That's probably too much even for exhaustion perk - provided it will not take you considerable time to actually climb up. It would be too hard to balance so that it's fair also for killers
  • With every map remake hook density goes way up. It started with Midwitch (this one was "justified" as hooks were really terrible there - now it's one of the harder maps for sabotages, but still possible), then they changed Rancid Abbatoir where it's absolutely not viable ever to sabotage (no matter if you are on map edge…
  • I agree it shouldn't work every time. If we disregard several parts of game (most recently boil over fiasko that indeed could make you unhookable), this wasn't the case. I also am not talking about having consistent way how to sabotage - that's why I was concerned with bg player buff. But I didn't expect hook changes that…
  • And I really have to ask you. Did you see new maps? Do you really think sabotages can be called consistent strategy? Do you trully believe it? Or do you think sabotaging as a whole concept (not just a rare ocasion when it works) was OP at say patch 6.1? Answer truthfully please.
  • But that's not the case. We are not in a state where sabo is consistent. We are in state where sabo is no longer viable even under niche scenario. It's like giving everyone basekit unlimited unbreakable and removing bleedout timer, because slugging is not core gameplay. There's a difference between something being hard and…
  • I have a lot over 1000 hours on sabotages alone. I didn't choose meta saves like current buckle up or standard flashlight saves. If you ask anyone what's the most difficult/skillful way how to play altruistically - people will mention sabotages (if they even remember they are in game) - BUT the game was never in this bad…
  • YOU ABSOLUTELY IGNORE WHAT I WROTE. AGAIN. You overtake killer. You sabotage hook. You take hit. Killer is still able to get to next hook. How does taking quicker toolbox change anything about that one? Rancid abbbatoir is now so dense that even if u do this AND have breakout, it still does not matter
  • Again. That does not matter. You overtake him. You sabotage hook killer was going for. Killer hits you once and you got away. Now there's nothing more you can do - but killer can still easily go to yet another hook. What gives? Sabotaging is just dead. Going for sabotages is now throwing. Because hook density
  • make it active for 4s and I am perfectly fine with very strong but fair tracking perk
  • Maybe people here don't realize the changes that happened. What just happened is the same as if killers got new perk that allows them to fully block windows from distance and instabreak pallets (buff to sabotage, breakout, bg player) - but at the same time survivor was sped up to 120% (while keeping killers at 110/115%).…
  • The issue isn't how it used to work. Saboing was niche. All I am saying is, that with current changes saboing is no longer niche. Saboing is basically impossible now (with exception to getting one of the old maps where it still remains it's old niche).
  • I do get that they are separated. Do u understand that the map size is calculated as addition of bottom size and top size? Where bottom is ~4000 square meters and top 3000 square meters? And you have 7 hooks on each floor, but theoretical reach is ~11000 square meters compared to those 4000/3000 square meters.... What I am…
  • Hooks do exist every few meters. Do you realize what 14 hooks on Midwitch with it's 7000 square meters means? What 9 hooks on saloon with 8700 square meter means? That hooks are never directly in the corner? That wiggle time is 16s which means killer can walk for 59m (covering about 10886 square meters of map if we…
  • Count hook density on saloon, midwitch, new rancid abbatoir or new mac millans. As I said already - sabotages with new remakes (I wonder about shttered square, but given the trend I expect it to have also hook every 5m) of maps make sabotages pure survivor bait. Try it out in customs. I am sure you will conveniently be…
  • I swapped adrenaline for breakout since 7.1.0 (to counter new hook density) so that's how fresh my information is. But talking about things from 7.0.0 - if survivor finishes gen right as you go down, you will be stuck in down animation and then a moment later killer will always be able to down you again. If killer does not…
  • This is offtopic, but I really should correct you just in case. If you finish gen right as the person with adrenaline goes down, you are just wasting his perk slot. There's a down animation and adrenaline will get postponed long enough so, that killer can hit same survivor again - which means you just robbed him of perk…
  • But you don't get it. If you get new map, you don't have to ever think about sabotages ever any more. They are now impossible. Even perfect sabotage with breakout and taking hit is not enough, because you will still have ample time to just go to next hook. Sabotage mechanics is just pure bait at this point. The best use…
  • I don't argue with this one. Should survivors get (considerably) more time to get infected while being tunneled if they make no mistake, I think Wesker would actually be perfect killer. I think this is the only issue with the killer (there are killers with worse issue then this)
  • This is the issue. Sabotages are dead. Dev team decided to soft-delete it but keep it in game just as bait mechanics. It would be better if they admitted it openly and removed the mechanics completely. Aparently sabotages were too OP and needed removal so devs came to rescue /s
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