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  • It would most likely be Quick and Quiet for me. I've made it out of chases countless times because of it. The Killer doesn't know when you finish looping or which way you went. It probably is less effective with Killers who predict Survivor's every move though.
  • I find the Shrine of Secrets helpful and generous to players who can't or don't want to spend money on the game, that way the game isn't pay to win in a sense. With a way to have all perks accessible at once can be exploited though, no doubt; variety and limitation will make people become more creative with their loadouts,…
  • I mean, I use SC oftenly, it's just a balance is all. Having everyone use SC would use a lot of time that could have been used repairing generators instead and I've lost because I wasn't being smart with my strict time.
  • Hm, strange, hope it gets fixed soon then.
  • If you're able to use SC with a med-kit or another perk, then it's usually fine. Otherwise, try to use it sparingly and wisely.
  • I agree with PhantomMask, but maybe they could just copy and paste the textures. I haven't the slightest clue on how game graphics are made, so I don't know if it would be possible or not.
  • Sometimes the game plays out in an unfortunate favor. Idrk what you're arguing over, but I know it's something petty. Sometimes perks get to be used, sometimes they don't. It's the way of the game, and it usually depends on how people play it.
  • The crows are probably the best option because the circumstances for someone being AFK are very much a wide variety, and banning people for it may be a bit harsh for some players. Maybe a AFK button would be nice in the end-game reporting system to ban someone who AFKs repeatedly, but that's probably the most the devs can…
  • Hey, as a fellow player, I recommend playing as other survivors and play as their playstyles and it will give you more content. I'm not sure what happened with your ranking but I believe rank 13 starts to take ranking points if you don't pass a certain quota in the trial. Also, there are a few characters you can buy with…
  • That bug is probably someone moving when they don't realize you're trying to heal them. Don't have an answer to the main question tho.
  • Some things in a game players cant be too picky about because it's all preference. There's probably a few blond hairs your can buy in the Shop catalogs of the Survivors, but I haven't looked through them all so I wouldn't know.
  • Sorry, I'm new to this. Forgot to change from "question" before posting; don't know how to change.
  • The point the first post is trying to make is that healing by yourself and not repairing a gennie makes the game run longer, which makes your chance of being found increased. As previously stated, a good time to heal is while someone is being chased, that way you have less of a chance to be found. It all depends on your…