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  • One thing I love about this character is that they've made all of her cosmetics mix well together. Any time you add something, you have a bunch of new outfits to make. Unlike, say, David, where none of his clothes match.
  • Yes, this page in the tome seems dominated by killer challenges. It's pushing me to play killer more, and I wonder if that's the intent.
  • I don't know if there's a correlation between being good at the game and abusing broken features or not. I can believe that there's a correlation between being really sweaty and abusing broken features, because that's the exact thing a sweaty person would do. My prediction would be that sweaty people who are frustrated by…
  • I play both sides but mostly Survivor, and I really wish people would stop letting go on hook. Especially when they do it so quickly. I guess it's possible that some of them have lag and I just don't know about it, but it seems like a lot of them give up because the first two minutes of the match didn't go the way they…
  • If what you're noticing is just that people are complaining more about DS right now than tunneling, I think that could be because the changes to DS are new and people are usually more active in talking about things that are new.
  • IMO, one of the core, fundamental issues with DBD is that it's so easy to grief people (it is possible to design a game in such a way that it's hard to grief people, but I don't think they were thinking about that early on). So, because it's easy to grief people, there are always a bunch of game mechanics that are fine as…
  • I mean, sure, it's hypocritical if some hypothetical person thinks it's good to tunnel and bad to use DS offensively, but I feel like not many people actually make that argument. I think most players either hate both of those things or are equally fine with whatever.
  • Playing in SWF gives you an inherent advantage, so maybe it should give you a disadvantage as well, to even things out. Just not sure what the disadvantage should be.
  • Same. And I also wasn't able to rebind from the menu or lobby — but I was able to rebind in match. When you see people standing still for a long time after they load in today, have compassion.
  • I feel like the day Sable launched, everyone had already decided it wasn't cool to weave spiders before I even got to do it once. I went into it thinking, "Cool — we're all going to go to the basement and do this, right? Because it's the first new thing we've had in forever? We're all gonna do it, right?" And then nobody…
  • I think it was 2018. First match, I got tunneled by a Legion on one of the maps with houses — maybe Haddonfield or the Preschool. I was confused about how the controls worked, and I kept getting notifications saying I escaped chase, and I was like, "I don't think I did though…" right before the Legion popped out again and…
  • First impression is that I love having the ability to mix and match within the store and see how everything looks. I really prefer cosmetics that mix well so being able to see the options I have right away is excellent. Also, props to the designers — they're really been on their game lately, and I feel like we've been…
  • Same. I'm on controller on PC and I couldn't rebind from the lobby or main menu/firepit screen. What worked for me was rebinding them in-match.
  • I don't hate Skull Merchant, but I wish that her drones would go back to her after you disable them a certain number of times. It's not so much that it's impossible to play against -- just that it's very annoying for her to set them in the most inconvenient places and leave them there for the entire match, regardless of…
  • I think Sable's the next Yun-Jin. She'll be popular at first because she has a unique look and nice default skin, but her cosmetic catalogue will never catch up to Feng.
  • I wouldn't take for granted that people need to win in order to have fun. A lot of people don't -- especially in a game like DBD where you don't get any special reward for wins. I've lost this game many times and still had fun playing the match.
  • I played a few matches on both sides before realizing you could get the challenges without doing that. My first Survivor game was against the Lights-Out version of Insidious Camping Bubba, so that pretty much set the tone. It's no so much that it felt scary or hard or that I lost more than usual -- I usually lose a lot.…
  • I think that, if all of the survivors are bots, the killer should have an option to DC without penalty, but the match shouldn't automatically end. There are circumstances where maybe you'd want to stick it out with the bots to finish whatever challenge you were trying to do and you should have a chance to do that.
  • Yeah, I hate flashlights from all sides. When I play killer, I get blinded by someone standing behind my shoulder. When I play survivor, I aim straight at the killer's face and can't get the blind to go off. Every time there's a challenge like this, I'm like, "This is my time. I'm going to learn flashlights." And then I…
  • I don't think this has to be the rudest game ever in order for the rudeness to be unacceptable. IMO, it's a problem that DBD has so many toxic players and it's a problem that PvP games have that in general.
  • I would rather have Lunar New Year with some nice cosmetics, an extra task to do, extra points, etc than a random alternate play mode. :(
  • Same -- whenever I see a cosmetic that looks cool from the front, I'm like, "Wait, though, because there's probably something weird on the back." And 75% of the time, I'm right. I understand, in principle, why you would put stuff on the back of the cosmetic -- it's the part that players see the most. So, whoever came up…
  • FOMO won't turn a "no" into a "yes" for me, but it will sometimes turn a "maybe" into a "yes."
  • 3-gens are a weakness in the game design because it's often a situation where the survivors have lost but the match can't end until they voluntarily concede the loss. I agree that making a rule that says, "Well, you have to concede at some point or else you're taking the game hostage," isn't a great solution. It would be…
  • When I started playing, I thought I would only ever play Killer because it would be too triggering to play Survivor and feel that I was being chased or hunted. After a few months, it turned out that the opposite was true -- Survivor is very peaceful and doesn't bother me at all; Killer triggers all of my insecurities about…
  • In all the time I've played, I've only had one person who was definitely a cheater and a handful of others who were suspicious. However, I can understand that, if you play this game as your full time job, you'd run into more.
  • Why do I crawl away and hide? I don't always. But when I do, it's because: I don't actually know what the other survivors are running because I'm solo. I don't know if someone's going to wiggle free or unhook themselves, either. I have nothing else to do. I might end up next to the hatch. I might find a funny place to die.…
  • You can use the seasonal outfits at any time, it's true, but I get why you would want to use it during the season in question. I'm actually more annoyed by the event, because it controls the pace that you can unlock the themed cosmetics. So, by the time you have them, the season's almost over.
  • Of all of the indoor maps, I actually like this one the most, though I don't like the indoor maps in general. I think what I like about it is that it's pretty plain, and it's not, like, a bunch of random junk piles on the floor and weird, little corridors going nowhere.
  • All I've ever wanted is for the Trickster to go normal speed so I can wear a cool skin and hit stuff with a bat -- and this update gave me that, so I'm happy. For me, the character was unplayable before and now he's playable -- I understand why people who enjoyed throwing knives feel differently. Also, as someone on…
  • I watched the video -- I think Scott was trying to say that the game is a nicer experience for him when he plays against people who are a little bit worse. Which is very understandable -- I also have more fun when I go against people who are a little bit worse than me. The problem with applying it to matchmaking is that it…
  • I think saying GG is usually fine, regardless of who says it first. I think that if you have a genuine, specific compliment on how someone played, that's also usually fine. But I wouldn't try to explain why someone lost -- even if it's just by saying, "That's a rough map."
  • Awesome. No reason something like this should be seasonal.
  • Honestly, being in third person is the part that's most exciting to me. I wish all of the killers were like that.
  • Yeah, I once got trapped in one of those weird little jungle gym pockets where the totems spawn because the killer kept standing there. I actually came out far enough to tap the gen once but still got crows. :(
  • The sad thing about this perk is that, if you're super bad at chase, it can bring you up to normal -- which I think is actually good -- and was fun for me, frankly, because I'm super bad at chase -- but if you're already good at chase, it makes you too strong. I get why they're nerfing it, but I wish there were some other…
  • I've always wanted to play Trickster but it was too hard for me. I don't really care about Main Event, but I've been wishing for faster movement speed and no recoil for a long time -- excited to try it.
  • I agree that it's a problem that survivor players can leave the match early on and basically destroy their team's chances. The only argument that really moves me is the one where people can't play against one specific killer because of the VFX -- and I agree that that's a problem, too. But if the killer comes up rarely,…
  • I also got pretty lucky with this, but I feel like you do need a match where most people are putting energy into the void, because if you have to store up everything alone it's too difficult.
  • I let go in two situations: We're down to 2 survivors & there's no chance that we're both going to escape if my teammate tries to save me I somehow ended up in a match with red ping & I can't even play I've been tempted to let go just because I'm not having fun or it's clear that we're going to lose, but I don't let myself…
  • I don't know that I play better with certain survivors -- I play more aggressive as Nea and David. That doesn't make sense, but there you go. I think I do worse than normal as Jeff, but it might be because he's big and loud.
  • I would say so far 1/2 of my survivor matches have been normalish event fun where we all do our challenges and play with an average level of intensity, but the other half have been killers who camp and tunnel someone out before they can get any points and/or teammates who play really poorly and/or try to die once their…
  • This one is frustrating because you can't control it. Also, when you play survivor, your teammates can end up touching the ghosts.
  • I will be interested to see how it goes as people get used to it. My first impression is that the haunts can help whoever's already winning, but, if you're already winning, you probably don't need them. I am curious to know what happens if you slug someone in the void. I haven't seen anyone try it yet.
  • I just had a match like this on PC. I was running self-care, botany and deja-vu as well. Killer was a Hag with sloppy, Waterlogged Shoe and Scarred Hand. Could not see any progress on self-care.
  • Same. I know we all say this every time there's a random perk challenge, but it's really fun and I wish it were either a game mode where everyone does it or an individual option. It would encourage me to try out different perks without getting overwhelmed by the choice.
  • I usually don't have trouble finding somebody to heal me in solo queue, but the times when I died because teammates outright refused are pretty memorable. I bring self-care so that I don't have to get annoyed.
  • The bots can really go either way. Either they act super weird or they run perfectly. I chased this one Claudette Bot all around a four-lane tile, which is actually hard to play, and she was just always exactly where she needed to be, even getting fast-vaults on the window. I know they don't have killer bots yet but if or…
  • I'm bad at chase, so it takes me a million years to catch someone and, by the time I do, I don't know where we are anymore. For these reasons, I am a kick-first player and I try to choose my perks to match. That said, if the gen doesn't have much progress and I'm pretty sure I can down the survivor quickly for whatever…
  • I agree. Green keys are almost completely useless even if you bring them on purpose -- if you get one randomly in match they are actually completely useless. I don't know why they're still in the game.