Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • There should probably be some sort of catchup mechanism for survivor that isnt just "hide and hope you find the hatch first." I dont know what that would look like that would be fair but right now if even one person is dead and 0-1 gens have been done the game might as well be over.
  • If we dont tax rich people theyll have more money to give to charity.
  • Camping and tunneling was rampant before, its rampant now and itll be rampant forever. If im a killer and i want to win, eliminating one survivor as quickly as possible is the single most important thing to do. You could triple gen time and half chase time and that would still be 100% true. Its a fundamental problem with…
  • I played a match as killer where the only slowdown i ran was corrupt intervention. I chased and hooked two survivors over the course of about 3 mins without ever even seeing the other 2 survivors. No gens done. Just before the patch that would have been two gens gone easily. Its like people have just decided they dont want…
  • Solo Q is just as miserable as its always been. Ive seen basically no difference in my quality of games which is always poor. The only reason i suspect why people are losing their minds is 1. matchmaking is obviously broken right now. and 2. the first killer sided patch in years gave everyone license to complain about all…
  • People have been asking for this for years, its the most obvious positive change they could make but the devs just seem against it for whatever reason.
  • One thing i notice is everyone stopped bringing medkits and started bringing toolboxes.
  • When people complain about SWF i doubt they mean the group of friends of varying skill just having fun because theres really no difference between that experience and solo Q to the killer. If people could see they were against a SWF theyd probably realize a lot more SWFs are average to bad than they'd think. The only time…
  • My guess is the incentive system is too slow to update. So when it hits 100% a flood of people switch sides but the incentive stays the same.
  • Played as killer mostly, seems a lot of survivors didnt get the memo about DH nerf as i still saw it run a lot. Saw multiple survivors try to dead hard to a pallet, go nowhere, get downed instead and then DC. I cant tell if im winning more or not cause ive yet to have a game where someone didnt DC.
  • Because i run Kindred and can see the killer is 6 feet away behind a wall.
  • Wraith would probably have some kinda expose mechanic like if a survivor hears the bell clang they build up a meter until they become exposed. Seems like most of the stealth killers have some kind of expose mechanic that lets them ambush and insta down except pig. Even Sadako has one on paper. Hit and run stealth killers…
  • The problem is not nor has it ever been the speed on gens. The real problem is map design and more specifically the strength of pallets. Pallets are the strongest resource survivors have in chase and they begin the game with all of them for free. On some maps even average skill loopers can easily run a killer for a long…
  • I try hard not to intentionally tunnel but man does matchmaking make it hard. I always seem to get two gold star god tier loopers with full meta builds who can easily run me for 3 gens and two complete morons who unhook before i have time to walk 5 feet and then run right into me. like really, who am i supposed to hit?
  • Ive been pretty successful with him at mid ranks but im definitely being carried by the hex:undying/ruin combo and compound 21 addon.
  • Hes fun to play in my opinion at least. He has really great map pressure but against good survivors who know how to dodge its really frustrating to actually get downs. His addons are really strong. I think Oni is still better in terms of actually having successful matches.
  • First ever game i ever played i only got one kill and was called a fa**ot by the guy i killed and a bunch of GG ez's by the other rank 20s. I turned off chat and have never turned it back on lol.
  • Bunch of survivors commented about how blight was a fair killer whos fun to face during the PTB when he was absolute garbage. When blight actually turns out to be good i expect a slew of post about how is "unfun".
  • Spies from the Shadows. Im absolute ######### at keeping track people and this perk has let me catch so many survivors i normally would have lost on survivor i cant play without Spine Chill.
  • The problem with a new game mode is it splits your player base. If both modes are popular you split your player base and make que times longer for everyone. If only one mode is popular the other just gets abandoned after awhile because if fewer players play it makes que times long which makes more people not play and so…
  • This is true for every killer though. I dont really think nurse is a problem but then again i could count the number of good nurses ive faced on one hand.
  • Rantings boards and government censors are especially fussy with games where you play "the bad guy". Rerating a game and/or releasing different versions isnt as easy or cheap as it may seem.
  • My super secret op build is Monstrous shrines, Hangmans trick, bloodhound and zanshin tactics. ez rank 1 every season.
  • Standing outside the exit gate and nodding or spinning at survivors inside means "let me hit you so you can heal for some extra points for us both." most of time they get it.
  • Its fun to mess around with but its not going to win you games. Its a serious "win more" addon if i do well with it i probably would have done well regardless because the survivor team wasnt very good. Against a decent team its just a detriment.
  • Mori offerings should go entirely, instead killers can mori on third down after fulfilling some kind of killer specific criteria similar to pyramid head though the requirements would have to be a much more difficult. keys should be removed from the blood web and instead one spawns in the basement after 2 people die. this…
  • A thread gets posted every other minute about camping, tunelling, gen-rushing, ect and their argument is always the some stupid variation of "I DIDnt HaVe FuN!!1" It is not the other sides job to make sure you have fun.
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