Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • I've been hoping to see a Bioshock chapter for years. And while drilling survivors as a Big Daddy sounds fun, I think an underwater map with Bioshock's atmosphere would be amazing in this game.
  • If you had every perk pre-patch then you should have every perk post-patch. You should be contacting support about your issue rather than complaining on the forums.
  • Saying "its a skill issue" completely ignores the point I'm making, which is that matches in general are longer. Longer matches mean more time to engage in the fun aspects of the game. It being a skill issue is completely irrelevant. I've mostly been playing survivor since the update released and the game has been a blast.…
  • Holding m1 longer isn't fun. Want to know what IS fun? Being able to engage in multiple chases a match because the killer doesn't get genrushed in the first 4 minutes is fun. Longer games mean more time to engage in the actually fun part of the game. Crazy concept, I know.
  • So let me get this straight, you tell the new killer player that he probably felt bad about the match. Then when he confirms that he's upset about the match, you go out of your way to make him feel worse about it. Why are you posting this on the forums again?
  • I would absolutely LOVE a Bioshock chapter. Being chased by a big daddy would be terrifying and an underwater map would be really unique.
  • Dang dude, you typed a lot and got absolutely zero information across. That's honestly impressive, I doubt I could manage that. You must be experienced. The fact that NFTs are a scam and people don't want their game to be associated with them seems quite significant to me. That's how I and many others feel about NFTs, I'm…
  • Having this issue on PC, as I'm typing this I've been stuck in a loading screen for about 8 minutes now. I've never had this issue before the recent update. This is definitely up there with some of the worst updates I've seen in this game.
  • That's crazy, I wonder how making 426 forum posts would affect the environment. Want to talk about facts? You're just as hypocritical as you claim everyone else is. If you cared about the environment enough to criticize and personally insult people over it then you wouldn't own an electronic device capable of doing so in…
  • My favorite perk combo on weak m1 killers is Pop, Surge and Eruption. If you pop a gen that had a lot of progress, survivors will want to come back to the gen after you leave. Eruption protects those gens when you're committing to chases further away. It's especially nice when you have a solid 3 gen going. I would…
  • But this map isn't fun. Being stealthy and genrushing is not fun and is incredibly boring to do as survivor. The fun in this game is being chased. But chases on this map are incredibly boring because nearly every single killer in the game can't use their power effectively. This means that most killers essentially turn into…
  • He said gen speeds are fast and your response is basically that survivors don't genrush often, right? If that's truly your opinion then surely you want Nurse to be buffed, no? After all, her winrate is very low and only 1 out of 100 nurse players are really good with her.
  • You're contradicting yourself here. The Stingray in bo4 was available for free if you got lucky enough to get it in a loot box. The perks in dbd are the same, you have to get lucky to see the perk you want in the shrine of secrets. You don't need to have the Stingray to win matches in the same way you don't need perks to…
  • I've been experiencing the full brunt of this while playing Legion on Xbox. When I use Feral Frenzy to vault pallets, I often get stuck inside of them. This has been happening at least 2-3 times a match. Legion was already difficult to perform well with, but not being able to reliably use his power half the time is lame.
  • So as a killer, I have to sit there and do nothing for a minute because you want some bloodpoints? And you don't see the issue with that? 800 bp isn't the end of the world, if you're playing this game enough to complain about it on the forums then you'll probably make enough bp in your next match to get that brown offering…
  • I can relate, I've only been playing this game for about 3 months myself. I'll try to help out if I can. Matchmaking is quite terrible with killer, that's for sure. My first month playing I was stuck in yellow/green ranks and I was frequently facing red ranks, oftentimes in swf. The disappointment of knowing I had little…
  • Yeah, I saw those stats as well. Apparently, those stats only applied to red rank killers (it didn't matter if they got matched up against rainbow rank survivors) and games where survivors dc or let themselves die on first hook still applied to the stats (this matters because a 1v3 is way easier than a 1v4). I would take…
  • I would definitely suggest trying Shadowborn, it's an odd perk choice for most killers but I think the fov change feels great on her in particular. I'm All Ears is another perk that I wouldn't suggest for most killers, but I think Huntress gets some benefits from the temporary wallhacks, especially with a few of the loops…
  • If killer is as easy as you imply then there's zero reason for you not to be red rank as killer yet. I've seen you make so many posts on the forums about how easy killer is so why can't you do it? In this post alone you're bragging about getting easy 3-4ks, so getting red ranks shouldn't be an issue unless you're lying.…
  • I was having quite a bit of fun with Deathslinger the first couple weeks after his release but he's an incredibly weak killer, and this becomes more apparent the longer you use him. I play fps games regularly and I was expecting to get quite a bit of mileage with him, so I'm quite disappointed to say the least. For…
  • How does that change anything I said? Did you completely ignore the point of my reply just to talk trash? You are at a lower rank playing on a touch pad and can't loop. That is something that you admitted to. I'm not shaming you, I'm repeating what you said. Looping, as in running around a jungle gym or a normal pallet…
  • So let me get this straight, you openly admitted to playing on a touchpad, not being able to loop, and being a green rank survivor. Yet you somehow have the audacity to complain about balance changes? I'm sorry the devs aren't catering to green ranks playing on touchpads LMAO. That's a yikes from me, chief.
  • The Nea actually did have time to crouch and get the save, if you actually looked at the video or even my timestamps you can literally count how much time she had. Even in the worst case scenario, they could have simply traded and that would have given the team plenty of time to finish gens. Alternatively, if the Nea was…
  • I'm so glad someone else is having the same issues! I haven't had frame drops from playing doc or opening chests but pretty much every other issue you mentioned has been problematic for me. ESPECIALLY trying to play this game with friends, after every couple matches or so we'll all have to reset our games because of some…
  • I'll pick apart this video. At 2:30 the Nea is still able to see the Hag when she stopped to place traps. At 3:15 the Nea activates one of the traps despite knowing that the Hag slowed down to place traps earlier. At 3:50 the Nea ran away from several amazing pallet loops. The Hag didn't break any of those pallets and…
  • When you mention slugging, I'm just going to assume you mean downing and one-hooking everyone. The difference is that survivors are rewarded for rushing gens while the killer is punished for slugging. The killer would be lucky to get a black pip ending a game that fast and getting so few hooks. The bp earned for slugging…
  • Okay, let's look at the first game then. The Hag hooked someone in the basement and they literally got one-hooked because the obnoxious Meg that wasn't doing anything productive saw where the Hag placed her trap yet didn't think to crouch by it. If this game took place before you could crouch around Hag traps (unlikely but…
  • There is no point in arguing with him. If he legitimately thinks that a Claudette trying to unhook someone against a camping Hillbilly is representative of high level play then there is nothing you can say that will convince him of anything. For some reason, he believes that the game has to be balanced around survivors…