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  • Agreed. I'd put the time at 1.5-2 seconds of work to stop regression.
  • I am not enjoying it. I've been at this for 1-2 weeks and I'm facing red tier survivors with my Freddy and get curb stomped. Like ######### am I suppose to do against these people and then I get punished? F this #########. Now I see why I quit way back when. I'm about to go full troll and facecamp the ######### out of some…
  • All I see on this forum is survivors wishing they could cripple killers more and more. Where-as Killers are asking to not get raped by red tier survivor groups. I personally think, this game needs to be balanced from the top down not from the bottom up. There's no hope for low tier killers when the broken MMS puts them…
  • Agreed the last thing a "Horror" 4v1 game needs is more info in the game. The more info, the less horror. How many horror movies have you seen where they do a bio on the killer at the start of the movie?
  • I was literally coming here to suggest a setting to mute all chat by default. I'm surprised its not an option with how toxic this community is.
  • If camping goes then flashlights should go too. Take the most toxic things for both sides out of the game.
  • Yeah I'd rather just never see any after game chat. It's 95% of the time not worth it and annoying. Either 1) I'm facing a high level survivor team and they are going to ######### on me, or 2) it's a good game and I still don't have anything I want to say.
  • There definitely needs to be an appropriate MMS. A good MMS would allow players to grow in skill in an appropriate way without getting them tilt'ed. Look at League of Legends as an example. When you play an unranked game you are still matched with appropriate players 99% of the time. It reduces the stress of playing with…
  • Is this sarcasm? What do you think insidious is for? The devs are going to get right on your guaranteed win. Did you want tan item that if you have it you win? What else would like? The ability to kill the killer? Flashlight them and then someone has a knife item and they slit the killers throat? As a result, survivors get…
  • Of course he didn't
  • Usually I hate following one survivor for too long. I feel like I'm wasting my time. Usually they are very skilled at looping and are doing it to distract me. There isn't a great pay off for catching them after 2 min chase if at all since I have ######### perks. If they are the designated looper, you'll know when you go…
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