Recent news of Legion getting their own comment even furthers the reason why The Legion should also be the first Killer to be added as a Survivor!
I hate you all OATMEAL RAISEN Cookies!!!!?!? You are all crazy!
The aesthetics my friend, the aesthetics. Shoulda left "The Spirit" to it's own cultural backround to handle, but no. If we left it to them we would've probably got something better. Hell for all i know The Grudge could've been in the game, what a waste
Do you like Oatmeal Raisin cookies?
No need to get your panties in a bunch and cry about it. All I'm saying is that you suck and the killer ain't for you. Maybe with a lil bit of practice you can be decent and nit come on the forums to cry about it.
Wow you're very bias, i seen a youtube vid by Noob3 and he did fairly well. Maybe you just suck and the new killer ain't for you
Yea, because apparently Flashlights aren't enough...GTF8
I hope this entire post is one big joke waiting for a punchline...
Just cause you slap a 100% on something doesn't make it true, based on what analytics did you come up with to make such a high probability renders your comment as nothing but speculations and I don't have the patience for speculations This isn't even about Cutface ya dolt! Somebody just brought it up out of nowhere
I don't care bout IF leave IF to yourself along with your speculations
If you're referring to Mouth-Cut, then no she won't, i have already done my research on her and the closest thing she wears to a mask is a regular surgical mask like when you're sick. She would also wield scissors, it's already different. I'd be ok with that too, if the mask was Oni, as long as she cn have a Fox mask to…
Im glad the argument is a bit over, but ya'll definitely ruined my spicy meme post.
I like that...just add a fox mask though, why? Because i want a fox mask! O_O
I think it has something to do with something about wibbly wobbly timey whimy stuff
Quit yer winnin!
Apparently you're confused on what Casul means....a regular friggin Amanda ya dolt
.....Fuk Hag users
Amen to that my friendino!
The FUK!? I go to sleep and i come back to one of my Piggy posts that have 2 pages? What madness is this!?
You always have those 1 or 2 survivers that doom you all Reverse Bear Traps just make all your deaths go faster. Lol i still remember when somebody tried to limp to n exit only to have the trap go off, it was funny
I love the map, nice aesthetics, gives me nostalgia on the SAW movies, i feel better when im The Pig there. A nightmare map for survivers, but it's a blessing for Killers none can escape the Killer on pursuit. It's a bit tough finding the staircase when you get lost, however
Spoken like a Surviver main, hoe DARE you dislike SAW map! You do not deserve to have The Pig as your profile picture!
Aaaaaa WALL OF TEXT, i gotta scadaddle!
At least ya didn't rip on The Pig i would've got TRIGGERED
Well dam....this post made me do a bit of researching and now i say fuk it, imma watch Carved 1 and 2 right now just so i can see this "Mouth cut" women in action. I hope the movie is scary
"The woman will ask a potential victim "Am I pretty?" If he or she answers yes, she will remove her mask and ask him or her again in a girly voice. If the potential victim answers yes or screams, she will slash the victim from ear to ear so that the victim resembles her. If he or she answers no, she will walk away, only to…
Well Jeff the Killer is more of a creepypasta that took inspiration from Jack the Ripper... I for one would like to see them both in the game. There has been a game of Jeff a couple of times, and what i distinctly like about him is his Laugh when he works like the Huntress's Lullaby, except he laughs…
These are great! I like how you drew Amanda and the Nurse, especially the Nurse cause i like that type of hairstyle.
If you want a Killer wth a normal life, that's Pighead in a nutshell. Take off the mask and she could be at a grocery store right now, you wouldn't even know it...and she is the tiniest killer, so tini
Brings a tear to my eyes~
Just. KILL 'EM!!! 👍👍 Cocky ones always die first
Daaaaam look at that WALL OF TEXT Ain't nobody got time for that TL;DR you must be craaaAzy!
I'd watch a movie about The Huntress. Hell i was just now contemplating writing my own script
Because i know somebody will come to the rescue, and im ready to Ambush!
Y'know i'll be honest and say, it does sting a bit. And the mild headache from it is nothing more than a nuisance adding to my frustration. I mean, im in a dark room and then BOOM flashlight!!! I might as well turn my phone on and stare at it for 5 seconds, that's the equivalent of the darn Flashlight!
I only play as Pig. So i call my adorable lil piggy....Lil Piggy.. Or Lil miss piggy, Peppa pig, piglet, oink oink, and pork chops For the others: The Wraith: Ring a Ding-Ding Michael Myers: Jason The Huntress:THICC Rabbit
Not disagreeing on any terms, but i'd like some kinfa proof of your claims
Nah just kick off the shoes and get down to some good old fashion foot workin, MONKEY BUSINESS!
Very supporting👍👍
Well that's why it's in a wish list...because i wished for it
It's kinda hard to find Dead By Daylight memes y'know...well specifically finding the artist when you want to show others
Hangman's Trick Get CUCKED!
I feel bad for ya Louis, on the count that when somebody says Git Gud, when they die??? So heheh yea. Pigs aren't ashamed to Camp though, it's a given thing we aught to do
I was hoping The Pig could wear the outfits of other Pig Heads
Thanks for stating the obvious...
S-shut up! I got two things mixed up
I will NOT be placed as 2nd rate Pork Chops! I am King of this Camp, anything Leatherface can do, i can do better! Just not with a Chainsaw. And oh look, i can BEND my KNEES down into a crouch position ooooooOoh~~
You think too highly of your fellow survivers, the majority of times they come and they die. It's as simple as that..teamwork die together and all that
As a Killer main i say LET THERE BE CAMPING!!!
Failure on your part, i always get 3 red medals and 1 silver or gold Because im just an Awesome piece of Bacon!