Today is August 13th, according to the "Event content" you will get 5 RF (Rift Fragments). Aug 14th 50k BP, 15th 5 RF, 16th 50k BP, 17th 50k BP.
I can definitely confirm that Wraiths cloak/ uncloak seems very sluggish. I thought i was going mad because there is nothing in the patch notes about it.
Absolutely. I hope they can fix this and reset the rank back to what it should be.
Yes... It's been like that for a few days now and at the moment is completely down for me.
The clown is ok as a killer, he is certainly no nurse but can pull some moves as a killer. He is well balanced the way he is.
The new calm spirit will be very good against the Doctor.
After playing my Trapper with the end game build, and getting a 4k, a survivor said: "Uninstall the game you f***ing noob." And he was even gracious enough to leave the following statement on my Steam profile. "-rep no skill noob only noed saves him". ...And yes he was running DS + purple flashlight. gg :)