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  • Considering I single-handedly did two out of the five gens and collaborated on a two more I'm relatively sure that I got anywhere from 65 to 75% of those gens done. (These numbers granted may be scewed as I did run prove thyself and bring a tool box) I wrote up this post right after completing the match that I reference…
  • I'd honestly just be happy if they fixed the 'bugs' as you called them @APoipleTurtle. I get these frequently enough that it's not uncommon for me to have a fifteen minute ban any time something happens (after all to get back down to five from fifteen I'd have to go 72 hours without a single problem) Bad weather and things…
  • The DC punishments are ridiculously unbalanced. Just the other day I got three or four penalties (don't remember specifically which) for people disconnecting before the match started. I ended up at a fifteen or thirty minute ban then too. Which is extremely frustrating. I'm a Switch player and I can count on one hand and…
  • I personally DC for a very small amount of reasons. 1. AFK Killer. Sorry it's boring and not worth my time. I'm here to test my skills not be handed a win. 2. If there is a legit emergency like someone is going to the hospital, or something like that. 3. If everyone is AFK. Rare but it's happened to me a few times since I…
    in If you DC Comment by JereBear May 2020
  • Pamela Voorhees for the new killer. (Only true Friday the 13th fans know that she is the real icon) Camp Crystal lake for the map. The survivor girl from part one as the new survivor. Not a guess, but my dream.
  • If I had to hazard a guess I would think that the game update will come out at the same time as the last level of this tome in the archives. It makes sense to either do it all at once or one the day before the other again like last time. (This happened with 3.5 and level one of tome two)
  • I posted screenshots of my screen showing that I was in level 4 of the tome and the entire list of challenges in another thread: Edit: I can confirm that all the ones op listed are there.
  • I don't bring mory in order to do that so I don't know that struggle. I usually use perks like rancor that don't really give the survivors a heads up until it's too late and they're already being killed at that point it doesn't matter because I still get the kill even if they disconnect while I'm killing them. (At least…
  • Ehhh Screenshot it while you can I guess? XD
  • No. You're completely missing the point. It's about survival. ######### have three peeps go down to rescue player four from the basement during EGC? It's bloody stupid and the survivors deserve to die for it. When the gates come online the gloves come off. Sorry princess but Camping is no longer bad form at that point. In…
  • Okay this probably isn't going to be a popular opinion, but I tunnel when I feel there is a reason to. I'm a survivor main and typically only do killer when I have dailies or challenges for some sort of event. If I am playing killer and I get survivors that loop me I leave them, it's not worth my time to get constantly…
  • I'm not specifically asking for people to help me complete my challenges. I'm just saying that there's no reason to be completely toxic when people are obviously trying to complete them. Like at somebody else's suggestion I changed my name to reflect which challenge I was working on and that made the situation worse.…
  • Based on the fact that they will either avoid me for the rest of the match or tunnel me to death honestly it's probably just my assumption that I have. Like to me if somebody isn't trying to run away, stays in one spot and continues to try and flashlight you even as your injuring them... I would automatically assume they…
  • See I'm sorry that's just as bad. Like...I genuinely go around and help people with their challenges whether I'm a survivor or a killer. I don't then try and screw them all over after getting what I need. if I'm a killer doing challenges I'm happy to let the survivors that help me go and if I'm a survivor doing challenges…
  • See but that is completely not what I'm saying. I'm talking about the killers that are aware of what's happening and do anything and everything they can to prevent other people from completing their challenges. That's not 'playing the game' that's just being toxic. Like I'm not asking for people to even make it easy for me…
  • I've been working on some of these challenges since the beginning like I can't use a flashlight for crap. All I need are two blindings. I don't care if I died after. But what gets me is that there are killers that deliberately like avoid helping out. Like for instance with this challenge it's very obvious what I'm trying…
  • As someone that plays a little bit of both... I feel that. Like... There is nothing worse as a killer in my opinion then having four Claudette players sneak around in the tall grass with Urban invasion. Not only do matches like that make it impossible for other survivors to get decent amounts of points... But it makes the…
  • Like I was just saying it's rather easy if you go about it in the proper way. I just managed to do it with the trapper on my second try.
  • I mean I totally understand the issue with camping as somebody that does play survivor. Now as killer I do occasionally use camping as a strategy, but typically only if I have a daily or a challenge that requires something specific. A perfect example being the level 3 challenge in the archives that involves no one escapes…
  • that's weird because it's been a challenging one of the previous levels and I was still able to get it. I forget which level it was I'd have to check, but I got it literally on the first try. There are always going to be those potatoes. You just have to keep working at it. I typically make it through at level of the tome…
  • Do you have any idea how many times I managed to sacrifice all four people in the basement? Most of the time I managed to do this within the first 10 minutes of the match because I happened to get a lot of potatoes that tend to all flood the basement to rescue one survivor, but the point is I managed to do this 7 times…
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