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  • Holding M1 is boring and I agree. Don't we all think that learning how to hit ruin skill checks actually made generators some what challenging/fun? I mean there honestly wasn't anything wrong with ruin and now we have this huge backlash of problems it's created making it easier for the noobs to deal with. I'm not being…
  • Actually glad people who can't deal with a new fun mechanic decide to straight up quit. I don't want you people in our community because you're the type of people who will DC during a game because it's not going your way. The whole fun point of DBD is to come up with ways of countering the killer and outsmarting them. And…
  • +1 this Idea, I think it would be nice to unlock customizeable moris through the shop and through the archives. I think the first killer ones that really do suck should be put in the archives for an upgraded mori version.
  • I'm not being funny. But if you're in a situation where the killer has bested you and you have not been able to complete all gens and he has found the hatch then quite frankly you deserve to be smacked in the head with noed. Why should killers be given another disadvantage so that the last survivor can get an easy escape?
  • I mean the madness still continues, I've had way more games with DCS and had a negative pip because of it. Do the Dev's actually read through these posts because so far not a single person has disagreed with me
  • Oh I'm new to the forums. And already its just people who have just started the game and are moaning about mechanics without practicing to counter them. Makes a game boring if its to easy no?
  • Been on this forum for a day and lets just say Surv mains moan alot. I main both Surv + Killer and i'm red ranks in both. So i'm fairly experienced Currently playing Surv is extremely boring and easy. This game clearly favours surv at the moment. I mean the recent update blog just proves it, how the DEVS just nerfed ruin…
  • SWF means survive with friends. And I come across a lot of 2 or 3 man SWFs. So lets say I go for the save and they hit the "I don't want to be saved button", the killers going to kill me and the other members of that SWF get the save. I think the game already has way to many options where survivors can be toxic, this…
  • So why should high tier players be punished because lower tier don't know the mechanics of the game? I'm sorry but every game you learn from with experience and practice. When you actually get "High tier" And everything is nerfed and based around how a "Low tier" player would play the game would be EXTREMELY boring. And…
  • I get what you're saying. I have experienced it many times when I'm unhooked right in front of the killer and I just get tunnelled. The only counter for tunnelling currently is DS (Not working with DOC atm yay) I see a few problems with this. SWFS! SWF's will deliberately not allow anyone but the people within their swf to…
  • Sorry I haven't read all of the previous essays but i'm sure you all have points of your own. This title is quite frankly a joke. From my experience Hex totems are cleansed fairly early game and the spawn locations are a joke, plus survs can use detectives hunch and maps to find them easily. Now lets actually talk about…
  • thing is i'm a terrible hillbilly as I don't play him, yet I do well with Oni because his run is easier to control. But against good survs they easily dodge his running M1. And I mean if you're in a position where he can hit you with a normal M1 then quite frankly he deserves the down.
  • His tracking ability? What happens late game when theres blood everywhere? his tracking is pointless. his lunge is easy to dodge hint why they changed it. I mean why should a killer struggle hitting you when they have gotten close to you? Why is 360ing an oni even a mechanic. Why don't you actually play oni and see how…
  • Does the report function even do anything? I mean i'm 99% sure it's not even being monitored.
  • I don't think it would be necessary for the hatch to spawn right by the last remaining survivor if the others dc (Bare in mind the killer is also affected by this). The players should be punished more who do this deliberately and those who are left behind should not lose any rank progression. Thank you both for agreeing…
  • Oni is fine the way he currently is. If anything he needs a buff. 1) The Oni needs to hit 2 healthy survivors and absorb blood to use his power. 1a) Longer in the game there will be more blood piles for easier recovery but this is just his play style. 2) It doesn't even last long. 3) He was so easy to 360 and out play…
  • If you have a serious problem with his stealth then wraith needs a rework to! Heck lets just get rid of stealthy killers because the games way too difficult! Lets not talk about the fact ghost face moves at normal killer speed, can easily be revealed, loses his stealth on swing, cannot stalk through CORN. Run spine chill…