It was a nerf, flashlights are super weird now as explained in my post
Why would they need to nerf flashlights if the warning is enough then? Your logic isn't lining up. I honestly doubt more than like 5 people who play this game are at risk anyway, really no point in nerfing flashlights. And honestly if they did add a delay after like 3 quick clicks I wouldn't care, but their system now has…
Classic BHVR.
The pallet blinding was an error before this patch, it was caused by their flashlight nerf. But yeah it's easier to flashlight save someone now, and they didn't even list the unresponsive flashlight problem as a bug.
Yeah I just never see uses in the keys honestly. BHVR will never release it, but I'm willingly to bet very, very few people unlock the hatch. And I agree with adding the keys to your collection, but that requires you escape. I'd just rather they were removed entirely from chests honestly, but they 100% need a rework
No that's not what I'm saying, I'm saying they should be removed from chests because they're useless items in the game. Whenever I run plunderer's I get keys that do nothing instead of something useful like a medkit or flashlight
No, because he's lying. There is no way in hell half of his escapes results in leaving through unlocking the hatch, unless he's crouching in the corner the whole game. And even then it's far fetched
Ok I'm gonna be honest, I don't believe you get half of your escapes through unlocking the hatch
So would you support removing them from chests, at least for the time being?
Jesus I wasn't aware of that. I guess now I know why my games never feel balanced like the numbers they released suggest lmao
I mean that's why I'm asking here, what are the caveats?
Seems to be. Most of my games just end in death now. Dumb teammates is one thing, but the killer just seem awfully strong now too. I couldn't even reveal ghost face while opening an exit gate which led to him downing me in one hit and then trolling me. It seems like most of the killer's powers comes from bugs actually…
What other choice did I have? I can't stay on the generator so I had to run, and I can't exactly hold W to another loop when the killer gets bloodlust now can I?
What type of control?
I agree that Nemesis could use some buffing, like making it so you can't heal if you're infected or if you're infected for a prolonged period you lose a health state. But zombies are just BS. Killers should never be able to stop you from doing a generator or block a loop without using a perk slot. Zombies are just cheap
BS, that's never happened on any game I've ever played against Nemesis or as Nemesis. These zombies are always in the worst ######### place at the worst ######### time.
Exactly. People in here are really like "well you don't need items to win" like it's not obvious they don't play survivor lmao. "Noooooo you cant bring in a medkit it means I can't one tap youuuuuu"
Not if you get hit, drop it, have to go in a chase and then it's entirely drained when you get back.
Gamesense issue? Sorry I didn't know my teammate was gonna be crouching in the corner hiding from a killer across the entire map. And yeah I've won without bringing in items too, but that's just because others did bring in items. I'm saying if survivors never brought in any items then it would be a slaughter with how long…
You're acting like a killer with 3 perks is severely underpowered. First off they do have 4 perks, and their 4th perk is prevented you from using items which is a huge deal. Second off 3 perks is still powerful as #########. I mean I've gotten 4ks and 3ks with one perk on a killer I've never played before, it's not hard.
It was a joke lmao
Never said I wanted a 1v1 game, and for solo queue items really aren't an option. I don't think you will find any survivor mains saying that solo queue is possible if survivors go in empty handed, considering it's already complete aids now. If solo queue survivors can lose horribly with fully stacked medkits imagine what…
There is no way this game wasn't designed with comms in mind. It's not like voice chat was unheard of in 2016 bruh they 100% knew people would be in voice chat, and saying otherwise is just an excuse for poor game design. This game should've had built in voice chat since day 1, but the only argument against it is that "oh…
Lmao imagine you pallet stun the killer and they drop their weapon. ######### would be on reddit and this forum every day going "BHVR ONLY CARES ABOUT SURVIVORS THIS IS SOOOOOO OP".
Yeah I do, that's the only hard part about killer lmao. I get 3ks and 4ks every time as ######### pig against prestige 10s bruh. Solo queue is mad underpowered
I said it only removed charges, not items. Doesn't matter if you have the item but it doesn't have a charge though so idk what the point of this was I mean you can only use keys for so long, it's not like they have an infinite charge. Besides you can still catch survivors if they can see your aura so having FD to counter…
No one is acting like they're in the minority lmao. The whole argument is that the game should stop catering entirely to 4 person SWF because THEY are the minority.
Kinda need to be able to heal yourself in solo queue. Idk if you main killer or only play with a SWF or something but medkits are almost a necessity in solo queue, and it's not like healing yourself is done instantly. It takes time and you still need to get yourself to a position to heal, which is unlikely with the vast…
I don't wanna stray from the Franklin's demise topic but na NOED is dumb AF. It's hard as hell to find the totems anyway and I rarely see the aura, not the only one with that problem either. NOED is the killer's pre-nerfed dead hard lmao
I don't even blame you, it's such a BS perk. Wouldn't be surprised if next update BHVR makes it so survivors have perma expose effect and exit gates don't even open anymore lmao.
64* not 46
90 charges? What? How can a medkit have 90 charges? I've never seen that before, mine only allowed for 4 health state heals so it had 46 charges. And yeah survivors have items because there is no other way to win against a fully stacked, NOED using killer that gains bloodlust if he's trash and is in a loop for too long or…
Yeah that implies that they know they have franklin though, which they have no way of communicating if they are in solo queue or if they are the first one to encounter killer. And yeah the killer is only a "single player" because he's ######### powerful, and it's not like it's hard to kill survivors who aren't in a discord…