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  • I guess yea. But it just all comes down to what the killers decisions are no matter what route you take.
  • I mean, I guess. But to me, if you're playing with a friend then 2 randoms that aren't very good... the killer can take advantage of the newbie just to quickly Mori the better player. So it turn it kind of acts like the Mori that it is already. I personally wouldn't mind it, but I do rather have my idea. But just my…
  • Well, if you go with his idea, DS still not that useful as they play around it. But if you can only Mori on death hook, you can still play around DS and just have the survivor take the 2nd hook state. Also gives them a bit more points as well. But again, even after the 2nd hook state, the killer has a choice. They can hook…
  • @TheOptimiser Being forced to be able to use a mori on death hook isn't so bad. Survivors get tunneled anyways right? Plus if the survivor is good, it would be more satisfying to Mori that survivor as you've earned it fairly. (Survivor being able to take 2 hook states)
  • Thank god. I was suffering with the lowest of 30fps in certain maps like The Game and also in dream world. So annoying. I wish anti-aliasing was able to be disabled in GameUserSettings rather than the Engine.ini
  • I have a friend that still uses GameUserSettings.ini to disable vsync, cap fps to 120 and make the game as TRUE fullscreen mode after this 3.7.1 hotfix without being banned as far as I know. I just wanna know that since he is still able to change those... Is it only the Engine.ini being disabled or both the Engine.ini and…
  • Same my dude. But it's not only The Game for me. Most indoor maps gives me bad fps. The Game, Larry's, Hawkins (very little drop but still. Also when going against Freddy, once I go in dream state I get 25-30 fps. With vsync and AA disabled I would get 60 fps in dream state. It's so annoying. But I push through it because…
  • It's nothing to do with your computer or monitor imo unless you're running stretched resolution. But with their AA option being enabled, it looks like dogshit no matter what quality you're on.
  • People say that using the ini file to do stretched lets you see over objects. But the way most people do it anyways is through their GPU control panel. For me being Nvidia control panel. Making a custom desktop resolution. Same thing but can't see over objects. I guess that's what they're trying to stop in the ini file.
  • Yea and it's stupid af. They take away something that helps ppl get an FPS boost just to stop people from abusing stretched resolution within the ini file along with the brighter red stain. Red stain still goes through the wall on Low regardless. That extra brightness helped with the deep wound along with people that are…
  • For me I need the FPS boost. I liked the graphic settings i had in the config for my fps boost but wasn't anything to be considered cheating. Just saddens me for 4 years of work on a game but no implementation of a real graphical settings
  • Even at that it's not the same as before. I've tried. Even tried to turn vsync and AA off with nvidia control panel before and it didn't work.
  • I can honestly say that I agree with disabling the ini files is unfair to the people that need to use it for getting rid of v-sync, AA and whatever other things to gain more FPS. Not everyone with a lower end PC can play the game correctly without changing settings in the config since BHVR decides not to implement proper…
  • You see that's the thing.... I have a wifi adapter that went to ######### a while back. Literally I'd get 120mb down and 80mb up and the connection never cut out unless the modem was reset or power went out. After it went to #########, I started to tether my connection from my phone to my pc. Same stats and the signal…
  • True. It isn't their problem. But it still doesn't justify how long the decay takes for it to go down by 1 level of the ban timer. So, my last timer before i posted this was the 30 minutes from my internet crashing. The day that I got the 15 minute timer the first time was when the game kicked me out for no reason. (Was…
  • I get people with bad internet but I know me and a few friends that just get kicked out for no reason. Even in steam maintenance I get penalized. Quite frankly I don't entirely agree with the penalty system as is. I also hope that they have it so that there is a "compromise". Because again, I'm here just doing a generator,…
  • Yea that's basically what I'm saying and I know that it would have to be a rework of the system but still unfair to me and the other people that have that issue. Like right now the game kicked me out when i wasn't even lagging nor did my internet go out. So got my 5 minute penalty because of it
  • One time where the game decided to kick me out to the server connection screen... I hadn't DC'ed at all during the system is enabled. But insted of just the 5 minute penalty, it gave me 10? Maybe the system should be changed so that it doesn't counts if game kicks you out like that. My internet was completely fine, no lag…
  • Well it's also feedback in general even if it's a bug, so even in this section it should be fine.
  • Yea this happened to me 3 times in a row. I don't fully support the penalty system. There are certain situations where people disconnect with the leave match button that is not always for de-ranking. Sometimes people just gotta go because something came up with the family. (Mostly what my situations are). But even with…