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  • What difference does it make to you as a killer if a survivor has no medkit vs the survivor having a medkit with 0 charges? I agree that this means a problem if survivors have a key. An easy fix would be not allowing survivors to open hatch if the key has no charges (or a minimum required amount of charges). They anounced…
  • They should give survivors ways to defend from zombies, like shovels or baseball bats that break after one use, so you can hit the zombies and stun them in an emergency. The way it works right now is completeley uninteractive for survivors, they either not bother you at all or just stand in the only way you can go in a…
  • I completely agree. I was really excited to buy this skin when i saw the trailer but when i saw it on the store it was a complete dissapointment
  • So... this was completely ignored right?
  • So i still need to play 128 games in 17 days which is like 8 games per day and it's like playing 5 hours each day considering queues too. I agree that the rift is grindy and maybe they should do something about it, but how in the world it takes you 5 hours to play 8 games? That's 40 minutes per game including queues. If…
  • This looks great. Also really important: select audio device. I think the lack of this option and the resolution one is mental.
  • EGC should really start when the gens are powered, as is consistent with the nonsensical trigger in the hatch-closing scenario. That would be too much, in my opinion. It would mean that if the killers gets someone when the gens are done, they will get a certain death.
  • When the gates are opened and you get hooked in a NOED Trapper's basement, guess what? YOU ARE DEAD. That's right. Working as a team doesn't mean everyone escapes. And as I said in my last reply (that got deleted because I said that if someone leads the killer to another survivor on porpouse, they are a d*ck, lol) "You…
  • Like if I want to escape and play selfishly, I'll put on Bond and lead the killer to other survivors during a chase. I'm increasing my chance of survivor by doing that, even if it's just short term. You are an ######### if you do that. And you can't possibly tell me that you really think that's how the game is meant to be…
  • The reason why it's not effective and you are more likely to die, is because you are a team, and you are screwing them by doing that.
  • So what you're saying is that if the other 3 survivors are complete idiots and make a bunch of mistakes to get themselves killed (or just flat out give up), I should die too even though I have absolutely no control over what they do or how good they are? Yes, that is what I'm saying. The only reason you can beat the killer…
  • Stop complaining like you have no counter play options. I'm not complaining about that. Since when this is about the killer having resources to get to the hatch? You are still not seeing the important part: you have to win as a team. If all your teammates are dead, you simply failed. Don't complain if it's hard to win…
  • First of all, yeah they are your team, they are doing gens and distracting the killer. Secondly, what do you mean the game is about second chances and that it wouldn't be fun without them? Like, the fun is in mindgames and being skilled at hiding and chasing. And lastly, you have a one last chance, the hatch, and another…
  • If you kill the last survivor without knowing where the hatch was, then that is your fault as killer if they get hatch. Not your fault, it can just happen. You could say the same thing as survivor. Though once there is only one survivor, it's easier to search for the hatch as killer than survivor, I can give you that. If…
  • I don't get why we still have insidious in the game. It literally encourages camping, nothing else. Maybe if they want that "jumpscare" feeling they should make it so if you used it in the last 15 seconds, you only apply the deep wound effect. Or maybe you can't stop survivors from unhooking? Or maybe you can't use it near…
  • If you are so good why don't you loop the killer while your teammates repair gens? xd AND OF COURSE ITS LUCKBASED it's an extra third chance you get for free when you failed at: 1. Repairing 5 gens (you know, the actual thing you are supposed to do to be able to escape...) and 2. Getting to the hatch before the killer.
  • So I will throw the question back at you... why should the killer get a free kill just for closing the hatch? If the survivor gets to the hatch first he gets a free escape (undeserved, because they didn't complete all gens), and if the killer gets to the hatch first he gets a (probable) free kill (kinda deserved because he…
  • Why do people feel like they deserve a free escape when they are the last survivor? Your objective is to repair 5 generators to be able to escape. You failed at doing that? Well you lost, the killer did his job. Be thankful that you get a second small chance of a free escape if you get the hatch, and an even smaller third…
  • Love you for saying this, i was about to do the same. If anyone tells you that they need to camp because they don't have wallhack, then they are not playing the game correctly.