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  • • Could you explain the forcing of killers into certain areas? Wouldn't it be more along the lines of luring them more than forcing them? • I don't see it as forcing them to give free unhooks and I suspect you're picturing bigger numbers than I am, because I'm picturing the Killer still being quite dangerous even inside…
  • • Yes, I stuck around for the struggle and left when they had only a few pixels of time left. Had the Killer left a little bit early, I was potentially close enough to run and Unhook them. • Yes, of course I could leave them but then that enters the realm of philosophical and moral dilemma, discounting that it's a game…
  • Go on? I made the post as a thought exercise in game design and would like to hear more.
  • • There was no real way to know what I was dealing with, with the first Hook. • I couldn't leave the person on the hook to die if there was a chance to rescue them. • My teammates were already working on the generators and we were all working on generators after the first person died from hook camping. I was even working…
  • Yeah, I was just in a game where the Killer hook camped. I watched and waited until the Entity took my fellow survivor, hoping there was an opportunity to rescue them but the killer just stood there chopping at the victim on the hook. I started doing generators at that point but by the time everything was completed, there…
  • PC -- The reflexive swipe as they turn into you can make it even harder because the survivor gets a head start to duck out of any possible LoS
  • I was just playing a match and I got to thinking while I was hooked on the first go, jumped immediately to the spacebar marathon, and instantly failed on a connect around 100 ping: Is hacking for ping spikes a thing in this game? I remember some old shooters forever ago where some people artificially created high ping…
  • I wonder if they could tweak a hit box that's tuned to inter-player collision only..