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  • Maybe they will extend the rift for a few more days 😈
  • Yeah same. Just had this issue for the first time ever.
  • Yeah I'm having this issue too. It's right in the damn middle of the track too so I can't progress.
  • LOL. Main event is so ######### garbage. You have no idea how this killer works.
    in Trickster Comment by KwwB November 2021
  • How about make Main Event make him move 4.6/s I've been playing this killer exclusively for the past 30 matches or so, and if you are playing against survivors who are not brain dead then he is ######### terrible. I'd love to see his sacrifice to survive ratio. But I'm afraid because he sucks so ######### bad the data…
  • Yeah good point. Main event is very useless IMO. Unless you catch a bunch of survivors out in the open using Main Event near ANY obstacles is pointless with how slow you move while doing it. Also in most matches I usually only get 1 Main Event, sometimes 2.
  • Just had another match where any progress on Dripping Blood was not applied while playing The Twins. I'm done playing DbD until patch. Cheers
  • Pips mean nothing for Merciless Victory unless something has recently changed. Every "Adept" killer challenge in the past, a merciless victory just means getting a 4k.
  • Also after receiving points for Dripping Blood challenge with Trapper, I decided to see if it was somehow broken and stuck and earning points with Trapper unstuck it, but again I didn't get any points towards the challenge Dripping Blood while playing The Twins.
  • I've also had two matches now where I have only used The Twins three perks, to get the Steam achievement Adept Twins and it hasn't awarded it to me.
  • Just played a match as The Trapper and the bloodpoints counted towards Dripping Blood with him. So 100% The Twins are bugged.
  • Twice now on two different challenges I've played The Twins and both times any progress didn't count with them. Golden Age where you have to get 15 gold emblems, and Dripping Blood where you have to earn 30,000 bloodpoints. I had multiple matches where I had gold or iridescent emblems and it didn't count. Just now I had a…
  • Oh it was also on Shelter Woods map.
  • I just had this happen. Did it happen after Victor got stunned by the pallet? That is what happened in my match. I was able to break it on the other side though.
  • I just had a ######### match where I only earned 2.5k devious as Trapper but I only got like 100 points.
  • To help troubleshoot. The only thing that changed from my first Blight match where I earned 8k and the next one where I earned 8k but only got like 300 points is the fact that I had different addons, and one of them was the new blight serum stuff.
  • Yeah this is 100% bugged. Something happened to mine. I had one game as Blight where I got 8k Devious and it counted all 8k, now in any subsequent match no matter how many points I get it gives me like 5% of it. I've had numerous matches now where I've had 4-8k Devious and I'm still at 13471/20000 when I should be 60k/20k…
  • If killers feel like they need Ruin for the game to be fun, or feel like it is needed to be even remotely competitive, something fundamental is broken. I think generator skill checks need a massive overhaul.
  • A lot of the use I see for it is during the end game where there are only two survivors left. If the killer has BBQ he downs one of the survivors and then just leaves them there and searches for the last. Knowing that when he hooks that survivor he can easily find the first downed survivor even if he has crawled far away…
  • Why are you typing like a zoomer? Learn to use capitalization and punctuation. Cretin.
  • Wow grow up. It's a video game. Go do something else for awhile.
  • Honestly it feels like this is the first time they have changed something like this on the "backend" so they might be running into problems. Honestly I'm fine with waiting another few hours if it means they iron things like this out, for smoother changes in the future. At least what they are trying should mean we won't…
  • I've been specifically doing killer games recently without Ruin and without something similar, like Thana ect... games are VERY fast unless you have highly under skilled players.
  • PC, Western United States, nearly no matter what time of day it is always super long.
  • I'm hyped for everything in this chapter. I love the new map, like LOVE LOVE the new map. The temple is amazing. I love the verticality of it, and the downstairs of it feels like its own creepy basement. I love the new killer, I'm gonna play her non-stop when it comes out. Once Dark Devotion actually works right, I'm gonna…
  • Since the Winter Solstice event I've crashed way more than I ever have on PC. Three times JUST TODAY out of around 10 matches. This is on PC. I don't know what's up but it is really annoying. Every time it's a crash upon loading the game after the lobby countdown.
  • I don't normally jump on the hate trains of killers, but this is correct. After now playing around 10 matches he is pretty bad and frustrating to play. Even on games where I do well, and don't tunnel, split everyone up, ect... it still feels bad to play. Actually downing people and putting them on hooks is satisfying, yet…
  • Oh, and about Quick and Quiet not having a cooldown. I think that would be too much. The 20 second timer currently I feel is just fine. I've use it multiple times back to back while a killer is looking for me after losing me in a chase. Quick exit from a locker, go around the corner, wait a bit, killer checks locker. Come…
  • This is exactly what I came here to talk about. I've been running Lithe, Q&Q, and Dance With Me for awhile now and it is quite strong if used the right way. The only downside is what Peanits said here. If you vault from anything and then drop some distance you lose some if not all of the Dance With Me time. I would love to…
  • Yes I'm having this problem as well and I'm losing progress because of it. I've lost two different games worth of bloodpoints now because of it.
  • Oh also for clarification purposes, this was on Steam platform for PC.
  • 100% confirmed this is what happened. Refreshing to see that something is actually done with in game reports. Thank you Peanits, I very much appreciate it.
  • Honestly I think I'm mostly looking forward to a new map. I love the direction maps have taken for the most part since Of Flesh and Mud chapter.
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