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  • What if you did 5 gens. I agree hatch is a free escape I don't complain about killers having the advantage on closing it. But this strategy I'm suggesting isn't something that makes escaping hard it seems to make it impossible which isn't fair. In other words the killer shouldn't have a freebie either cause this basically…
  • Bringing a key would solve that problem.. to bad I'm not going to always have a key incase this happens
  • I Agree the game needs to be hard but hard doesn't mean impossible. This situation may just be very hard at which point its fair and I'm wondering what the counter is but it doesn't seem like this is a hard situation but instead an impossible one and impossible isn't fair. My experience with this was also after we got all…
  • If the killer knows the hatch location. It isn't a race it's killers choice. And you can't always bring a key into every single match for the few times this happens. Also that tactic won't work cause the other gate is trapped to that's the issue.
  • I got you. Currently rank 4 but not a tryhard just having fun and have a group of friends who are the same way.
  • If a player is so lame they play a hatch game they probably don't know thr gate trick. And keep in mind the killer often doesn't walk all the way across the map giving you time to open the rest of the gate. Most high rank games I play or if I'm the killer myself. All the killer has to do is walk back and forth a very short…
  • As a survivor main its gotta be the meta builds you see with late night games. I imagine late night killers as these basement dwelling, big gulp sipping, hot cheetos fingers mouse and keyboard sweats. They never accept mercy, they never offer hatch instead they actually make sure they find hatch location before ever…
  • That usually results in a failed escape since the time it takes the killer to reach exit gate is way faster then the time to open. With barbecue and chili they already see you and know exactly what gate to go to and even if they choose the wrong gate they really only have to walk halfway look for a light and if there's no…
  • Well my original idea was to use the in game score. You get points for everything you do so there should be a minimum score to unlock Hatch and you can reach that score many different ways.
  • The endless endgame hunt wouldn't apply here tho. The way this idea would work is simple. The moment the 3rd hooked survivor dies. If the final survivor didn't unlock Hatch through in game achievements the game would act as if the killer had closed Hatch and the timer would begin. So endgame would still end quickly.…
  • I actually main survivor. I came up with the idea because as someone who usually only has one or two friends on but rarely a 4th we often play with 1 or two randoms who would go into games with the intention of playing a hatch game from the start. Using left behind and offerings like annotated blueprint. They knew they…
  • No what would happen if the survivor didn't unlock hatch through in game achievements then the game would act as if the killer had closed hatch and the moment the 3rd survivor dies the countdown would begin. Nothing really changes about the current shape of the game..only update would be to deny survivors who don't…
  • My idea was that the game would use your already implemented point system. Everything such as blinding the killer, totems cleansing, hook saves and looping the killer gives you points so there would be a minimum score you need to reach to unlock hatch for endgame. This would be fair to all Contributing survivors and only…
  • Glad to see this is still a topic of discussion, thanks for the credit. Hopefully something is changed eventually.
  • Exit gates are also an option but as last man standing very difficult to open before the killer catches you since they really just need to spot the 1st or 2nd light from a distance to know which door you are working on. Also I should have mentioned that in situations where only 1 survivor remains but the hatch doesn't open…
  • Amazing response. Thanks a ton
  • Thank you for actually posting a suggestion on a tactic to counter this camping method I described. Everyone else is just a bunch of killer mains bashing on any idea that lowers a killers advantage. When asked for a solution their only solution is GET GOOD. Toxic!
  • Your not going to try to work on two gates at the same time until after the killer blocks you from getting one of them. But again as I explained the killer isn't camping from the start on one door but watching the lights. Allowing some time to be wasted as you work on one door. Yes you can leave then and go to the other…
  • I'm not a low rank I've escaped solo plenty of times to but in those situations the killer wasn't doing what I described. Your suggestion doesn't actually counter my problem. It doesn't prevent the killer from camping the middle point of both gates watching for the light. It doesn't prevent the killer from seeing the light…
  • Exploiting Game design to gaurentee last survivor doesn't escape by monitoring the lights, camping the gate the survivor works on and letting the time run out. What confused you about the word exploit? I'm getting alot of killer mains being against my suggestion but not a single person is sharing a tactic to counter a…
  • I'm not saying easier, I'm saying possible. I would suggest double the gate progression time to open but remove the lights. The exploit of the killer monitoring lights after closing hatch in a 1v1 doesn't make the situation hard but impossible. In football if one team is winning it wouldn't be fair or fun if during the…
  • I agree if you did nothing or very little you never deserved to escape anyways. But even if you do all 5 gens as long as the killer knows the hatch location and kills 3 survivors you still end up stuck in this situation where it no longer is a difficult challenge to escape but instead impossible as long as thr killer…
  • I'm referring to games where you are playing solo with random. You might get all 5 gens but if 3 of your team mates die by then and if the killer knows the hatch location then you are stuck in this situation not because you failed but because the random the game put you with did and because the killer knowing the hatch…
  • Edit to my suggestion would be that the lights are removed and the progression time to open is doubled. But only if 1 survivor remains. My problem with the lights doesn't apply when 2 or more survivors are left because you can work on 2 doors at the same time. It's only a problem in 1v1 situations when the killer can abuse…
  • I'm not arguing that the endgame should be near impossible my problem is that when a killer exploits the 4 second loop between distances where they can see both lights its no longer difficult its impossible. I agree in thr challenge but the challenge should never be replaced with impossible. I would suggest they double the…
  • I agree but those gate spawns are rare. Most games I play the gates are side by side.
  • I agree a disadvantage would make sense. Any chance of escape being completely denied by poor game design and exploits is another. They could double progression time on exit gates to balance it out but the lights don't just make it hard it makes it impossible if the killer plays this way.
  • it wouldn't be a stand off since we still have the timer that I think should start the moment the 3rd player dies. This way hatch camping in a stand off would still result in the survivor dying forcing the survivor to try for a door instead of waiting for the killer to swing. While the hatch remaining open would prevent…
  • im on ps4. Usually play as killer but prefer survivor just have no friends :( I sent you a request
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