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  • This news hit me like a gut punch. ALS is unspeakably cruel and it's been heartbreaking to watch Puppers' struggles over the past three years - but he always stayed so strong throughout. He's been the best kind of force in this community - one of the greats, who built DBD up into what it is and always reminded us to have a…
  • Glad to know it's not just me; I've had a daily that's been taking up a slot and can't complete for a few days now.
  • "we take the example again with the killers that make it difficult for players like the pig. trappers or even killers who use stacks like xenobites. killer basically has been designed to be overpowered with all its abilities" I'm not really sure how else to interpret this. I'm totally down for points #2 and #3, but you…
  • ...If you're claiming Pig and Trapper are overpowered and overwhelming for the survivors, it's going to be difficult for people to take your claims seriously. I don't think you can really compare perks to addons. While Myers' tombstone addons are definitely outdated and long overdue for a rework, and there's other stuff…
  • I was waiting for this thread to happen. BHVR opened Felix's shirt very slowly, in stages - beachwear, half-open pajamas. But we've finally reached that promised land... two supple mantits bared to the world. Anything is possible with enough thirst. Whose shirt can we take off next? I call Clown.
  • If you're playing to intentionally make other players upset, you're part of the problem. Like, if chilling is how you like to play, you do you, but getting satisfaction out of ruining other people's games is just maladjusted behavior.
  • Are you certain the Dwight was still there? On rare occasions, the HUD will fail to update when a player disconnects and their status will be stuck on whatever they were doing last. Unless you saw the Dwight again, it's possible he DCed.
  • Yeah, this just completely destroys whatever semblance of stealth she has. If the point of her lullaby was to be subtle, it sure isn't that anymore.
  • Yeah, this is SO nice. I'm especially loving the feature where I can hold something on the end of a node and the game will autobuy everything up to it. Allows a nice hybrid approach where I can grab an item of interest or two quickly, then finish up the rest of the web on auto. Excellent feature!
  • For realism, they should have had Meg fast vault out of the locker when Trappy Boi shows up, open your locker, and then Sprint Burst away.
  • They're moving away from items having unique effects and counterplay on killers. It's a dated mechanic that unnecessarily punishes no longer being able to switch killers in the lobby. Besides, Wraith certainly didn't need more weaknesses.
  • Yeah, this is moderately annoying. I joined well before the tutorials were a thing and never felt the need to complete them. Oh well, I guess I get bloodpoints out of it now... but I just wanted to log in to claim a code :U Edit: I like how the survivor tutorial forced me to drop a pallet for absolutely no reason - like, I…
  • That's so true, though. A new or mediocre Doctor will waste loads of his own time with ineffectual shocks while a skilled one is going to catch me at every single pallet. Not to mention all the little things to get used to in his kit - the blink-and-you'll-miss-it tracking with the illusions, how Madness messes with the…
  • People have been magic 8-balling this game's death for years now, over all kinds of often contradictory reasons, and it still seems to be going strong. Solo is full of stupid and even griefing players, but it isn't all bad, or even mostly bad. Most games, I have nothing negative to say about my teammates. The real issue is…
  • I think Wesker, Plague, and Demogorgon all hit the sweet spot of having a wide variety of useful addons to choose from and a reasonable power level that really shines if you know how to use them well without being overwhelming or unnecessarily difficult to counter. (Granted, Plague's counterplay depends very much on what…
  • I wouldn't buy the rift pass at release unless you don't normally complete the rift in time, and there's something at the end of the track you want. Otherwise, it's a free $10 - why not take it?
  • I just play casual. If survivors impress me or do silly stupid things, I let them go. This moderates my MMR, making me less likely to run into aggressive sweatlords and more likely to run into more memesters - and when I don't, the lowered MMR makes it so that I can screw around and chase whoever I want with whatever…
  • Wow, this is crazy generous of them. One thing to give everyone a free premium rift track, another to give a free 1k Auric Cells out! That's two licensed characters right there.
  • Yeah, I wanted to throw my two cents into the pile! I was very concerned by a lot of the stuff that went onto the latest PTB and I'm extremely glad BHVR saw the feedback and walked things back. We've had a lot of PTBs where nothing changed onto live and it had me worried we were going to enter an age of forever heals and…
  • I can take CoH nerfs. I welcome medkit nerfs. But nerfing base healing was a terrible choice and I just cannot understand what the impetus behind it was. It's going to make healing utterly ridiculous once you start factoring in Sloppy, and honestly it's probably going to encourage people to stay injured and slam gens,…
  • I'm 100% positive this is because of that same thing that got them to nerf Marvin's Blood and Toy Sword. Whenever an addon is used significantly more than others, they have to whack it, because it's dominant and that means it's OP. ...Which is, in Billy's case, ignoring that most of his addon spread is complete shite and…
  • Yeah, Hag versus flashlights was miserable. More than one and she was basically a 110 without a power. I didn't have too much issue with Wraith versus flashlights, and you could get survivors to waste tons of battery fast, but flashbangs were another story. Brutal, and virtually nothing you could do about it.
  • Call of Brine wasn't overpowered, though. It could get a bit stupid with Overcharge, but it was easy to counter - you just return to the gen quickly or you tap it. If the killer hugs the gen for a while, then you pile somewhere else. The issue was the emergence of killers who can 3gen like their lives depend on it, not gen…
  • ...oh my god. I didn't even realize. That's hilarious, what. It really is just Botany that you have to set up.
  • It's... definitely looking out of touch. Like, yeah, medkits needed a nerf and that's good, but gutting healing in its entirety and attacking it from several different angles is highly questionable. There was nothing wrong with two survivors spending a concurrent 16s for a health state. At this rate, being a Plague main…
  • I hope so! RE seems very friendly when it comes to collaborations, so I wouldn't be surprised if we saw some RE4R content in DBD soon enough.
  • The issue is that BHVR seems more intent on changing the meta than balancing perks. This is pointless, because meta is meta for a reason. If you kill the old one, a new one shows up. You will always have a dominant meta because some perks are just more reliable and help with more vital things than others. The best you can…
  • I think this was a good change. While it might have been replaced with counterplay that was universally available, it really sucked queueing up as Wraith or Hag and getting 2-4 flashlights in the lobby. One of the few times I'd dodge, because it just felt like being mega screwed by an outdated mechanic and you can't even…
  • Yeaaaaah, that was not well thought out. For something as major and ubiquitous as healing, a slower, tweak-this-and-then-that approach would have been healthier than slapping this all up at once. Plus, nerfing base healing speed to me just seems like a terrible idea. The issue was the stacked buffs and how nuts they could…
  • Man, this just reeks of BHVR looking at which addons are used the most and taking a compulsive hammer to them instead of thinking about whether they're actually healthy. Or, y'know, realizing that nobody wants to play Billy anymore because he's in such bad, outdated shape, and taking away his remaining few toys ain't gonna…
  • Really strong agreement on most of these. Nerfing medkits is great! Nerfing normal healing speed is unhealthy. There was nothing wrong with the 32s time investment between two survivors; it didn't need to be multiplied by one-point-five. I disagree that the PR nerf is good, though. To me, that's just nerfing a perk because…
  • That's just a noob stomper, though. It'll catch decent players off guard once and maybe mess with people who try to gen tap in chase, but survivors who can give you any level of trouble will hit the skill check.
  • Yeah, this is just stupid. Just because a perk is meta doesn't mean it needs to be nerfed. This is just playing whack-a-mole, once again missing the point of why gen regression perks are meta, and while I was afraid this was going to happen, and I suppose they could have done worse to it, it's not a promising sight. Wonder…
  • I've noticed a serious uptick in killers whacking me on the hook, haha. Every time a Leon or a Steve gets off one of those endless porn star wails, I'm tempted myself.
  • Well, the addons that increase her hatchet capacity give you more shots. You can boost it from 5 to 8, IIRC, which means you only need a 50% accuracy ratio instead of 80%. I'm probably going to farm this one myself. I'm pants at aiming when a target is standing still, much less in motion. Other than that, I'd go for a map…
  • Okay, so it's not just me. I was wondering what I was doing wrong. Was afraid they'd jacked up the difficulty or changed how the challenge worked.
  • I mean, yeah, I remember this and it was incredibly miserable to play during, but it's not like they reverted the buffs, so it's not an example of successful ragequit-protesting as per the OP. They did improve basekit BT, but imo that was a healthy change and the 5-second version did jack all to deter tunneling or wean off…
  • I was really happy to hear about the changes. They responded to this really quickly, which hasn't usually happened with new releases, and as far as I can tell, everything looks pretty appropriately geared towards making SM more dynamic. More chase power and less gen power, and her drone placement is less of a no-brainer,…
  • Sounds kind of terrifying with Lethal Pursuer, NGL. Plague at least has to walk to her free fountain and then walk to the survivors at 115 speed. I think a better way of strengthening Oni against predrop fests would be to make it so that his power continues to passively charge to full... or better yet, that breaking…
  • Wesker and Blight. Oni in Blood Fury as well. The game of trying to sidestep their charge, and battling for the right angle and trying to avoid being pushed into a long corridor or straight fence while they try to hem you into one, is really fun.
  • Ever since the hatch rework, yeah. I never liked hatch challenges, but it goes beyond the pale now. I wish they'd stop making them. It's not even the killer that's the enemy in this scenario, it's your teammates. Whether they're waiting for you and don't want to leave before they know you're safe, or they just want to butt…
  • You do realize that if people are ragequitting en masse, to the point where it's visible as a data trend, that's indicative of a problem, right? It implies that something is so anti-fun that players would rather eat a penalty than verse it, and once it gets statistically significant and not just a matter of the usual sore…
  • A casual mode would never work because it relies on good faith. There's nothing stopping some asshat who wants to troll with basement Bubba, a sweatlord going for a 50-win streak, or a neckbeard trying to build up a hilarious clicky-click juicer montage for their 3-follower youtube channel from joining the casual queue…
  • Skully excels at 3-gens because her power tells her exactly when survivors return to each gen, so you can't slip in directly behind her, and also forces survivors to do a secondary objective before they can repair it - otherwise she'll show up Undetectable and oneshot them. Normally survivors are comfortable eating a hit…
  • IIRC, that only happens if you've faced that killer less than two times. It's meant for newbies.
  • I'd be sad about losing Mr. Complete Global Saturation, but my main killer roster is Whiskers, Plague, Pig, Artist, Sadako, Ghostface, and Nemesis, so it doesn't change much for me.
  • The thing that makes it self-sustaining is how CoB/Overcharge interacts with her power. She kicks the gen and sets up a drone. Normally, you counter CoB/Overcharge by returning to the gen ASAP. But with her, if you immediately dive in to tap the gen or disable the drone, she's right there and her power tells you you're…
  • You're expecting more coordination than solos have, especially when Skull Merchant's power combines gloriously with CoB/Overcharge because you can't immediately go back and tap the gen - she knows about it and you'll get oneshot. So she constantly eats chunks off gens, making divide and conquer that much more difficult. I…
  • Steam. First noticed the issue about an hour ago. Like @sizzlingmario4 said, it first kicked me out of a lobby with matchmaking failed message, and then when I restarted (twice with about a 30 minute gap between them), it's the RTM error.
  • Hm, glad to know it's not just me. I took it as a good excuse to stop playing DBD for the day, because I was having an exceptionally bad time of it anyway.