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  • I do pretty well with legion, the key is to be patient. I find Pop is great for him. Stalling the game out, getting a good 3 gen and the end is key. Don't chase too long. Break off when you can. I like to farm BP with Legion and try to hook everyone at least once and get lots of hits and lots chases. You can even pip if…
  • I had the same thing happen I got 3 in one game and it only gave me credit for one.
  • %%Q^ @#@ edit just finished a game trying to do a trapper daily with purple addon that traps set themselves and got 0 trapped..... and $#$% &%%
  • Winning imo is not 3k, it is pipping. You can pip without 3king with legion pretty decently because you can slow the game down get lots of chases and hits, the challenge with legion is hooking all 4 and sacrificing survivors because hooking takes a lot of time with Legion that could be used applying pressure to gens.
  • I tried Discordance and in all honesty 90% of the time Ruin is better and for my build Overcharge is really money. n\No other perk stalls more, it has great synergy with Legion especially if you play with one of the knife addons that increases time to mend.
  • I don't think I can report someone who calls me a tunneller, and I think the discussion I was more upset then them, for being called a name.
  • Also if another survivor takes them off the hook with me around, I will do my best to punish the unhooker, but that isn't my problem if they present a much easier target. The game I just played, I was accused of tunnelling and I thought it was the David complaining, but it was actually one of the other players, I didn't…
  • This video makes me think that I should be running NOED.
  • No what's discusting is 1 or 2 survivors much higher rank than killer and other survivors.
  • actually the only rule should be don't call names or be toxic end game chat, and dev's should warn, temp ban and other stuff for those who violate basic human decency.
  • I think I have just as many, and telling people to grow up doesnt help btw. Complaining about name calling is perfectly valid, the human condition is important to us and I will be reporting every person who is abusive in end game chat from now on. hopefully they get a ban and warning or something, cus it is not to much to…
  • I do agree toxic chat is a problem, any time anyone is name calling at the end of the match I think they are the problem. I guess I'm just a little bitter atm and I play killer like 99% of the time, and right now its either play my killer with all the perks and good map control or play a lesser killer with less perks and…
  • I find the opposite to be true, its not a fact pls stick to the facts. I am being mostly sarcastic btw, but near infinite loops are annoying as hell and some maps are just 0 fun as killer because of them.
  • I just don't like it when my rank 10 is consistently matched vs swf groups that contain lvl 2 and 3's in them.
  • at the moment there are more than 4 to 1 survivors to killers, so get your facts straight, the dev's keep near infinate loops in the game for who knows what reasons, pls don't abuse these or your queues will be long.
  • definately toxic behavior, the game is set around certain time a killer is supposed to be able to take down a survivor and you breached this, if I would the killer I would have reported you and had you banned. pls stop this behavior at once or we will not have any killers left and the game will die.
  • Yeah the hooked surv was the one closest to the exit gate, and the DS was close to the hooked survivor, I knew the only hook I could get them to by dribbling was the one being used. In hindsight the currect play is to try and dribble the ds somewhere, hook or away, and then get them one of them after they free their…
  • Necro sorta, just had a 3v1 game this map as Wraith so frusterated I went to the internet to see if I was just bad or if there really is an issue here. Guess its probably not just me being terrible
  • Why even discuss ediquet move on
  • Thanx for the insight. I often feel very very conflicted in this situation. I wonder if it is in fact better to chase the other 3. My goal is to make the game challenging win or lose, engage all of them, and get blood points, while I don't care about rank much, de pipping feels bad and pipping feels good. I just also worry…
  • I seriously want to keep playing this game, but at rank 11 all I get are groups or partial groups with rank 6 or lower hidden in them. I actually quit my first match in over 200 hrs. This thread and SWF groups will drive me from a game that I want to keep playing. I am so upset right now. The last game I played (the only…
  • Yes it is a realy issue, there needs to be an option to not play against SWF. Maybe give some extra BP if you do?
  • Anyways when people queue as SWF do they all pop in at the same time. Or do you have to just guess?
  • they all escaped I was salty
  • I hope SWF can wait an hour, I just had a toxic end game convo with a at least 3 that queued together calling me a "camping #########" when they had all gens down and gate open. Never want to deal with that ######### again, I'm dodging anything that looks like SWF from now on. Toxic Jerks is 99% of them.
  • This thread mades me want to dodge SWF.
  • Nevermind surv was looking for hatch and had forgetten it can spawn on hill
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