I just realized I meant remember me not fired up. Got the freddy perks messed up but its its very killer specific if they want obsession perks like you said and there are really strong combos.
So you want killers to play around one of the strongest perk in the game where they already don't know who's running it so they have to just be prepared to lose momentum every game because they shouldn't be able to punish bad plays and they would have to check for each player individually. Not only that but if a killer is…
Baiting dead hard is basically saying the survivor was gonna go down anyways because they are so far out of position. You can't bait dead hard at a loop or when they make a mistake that corrects it. This is what killers don't like about it. ITs not that it gets a lot of distance it gives you the distance you need when you…
Easy solution run an obsession perk it doesn't have to be DS. A killer will almost never use an obsession perk because they are bad on killers. A killer obsession perk other than fired up say you can't target this survivor or you will lose the strength of your perk. Kind of not what a killer wants when they need momentum.…
Think about the killer perks for obsession that all say don’t go for the obsession because you lose strength. Being the obsession is like one of the safest things to be since if a killer is running it unless they have rancor or remember me which both really don’t do mmh in the long run. If there was a direct negative…
Pray to the entity they are dumb enough to blame their misplace on killers being op and do every scummy thing in the book, tunnel off hook, camp responsibly, secure close gens, and don't be afraid to eat a ds or two. If you kill one or two everyone else will dc.
I would like it if EGC started at gets done but moves at like half speed of its current until the doors are open and the normal survivor down/hooked slows it more. This way the second chance perks most SWF use to secure their escape by 99ing the gate is removed but the normal player won't feel it. Or possibly if the killer…