Killer's tuning will become obsolete when they introduce blessed totems. Actually, everything will become useless.
Try maining killer, sweetheart, and you gonna see the difference. I gonna watch how you improve.
Another troll comment.
You may be surpirsed but I actually play more as the surv than as a killer. And I see how killers are helpless against gen rush in the current state of balance.
Isn't that broken when you can repair all 5 gens in 2,5 minutes?
Really? Do you know that you can repair all five gens in 2,5 minutes? So 2 hooks is too much for you? You either don't play killers at all or you're a hypocrite to say that.
But you just modestly don't say why all these changes where made. Remember no bloodthurst killer mechanics in early game? Infinite windows, 2 open windows in the shack, unrecoverable hooks, sprint with no cooldown...Should I continue?
Man it's the same as if I said, continue to ingore gen rush and you will see queues because no one would want to play killer anymore.
Well I suppose the quite effective decision to bring balance back and to counter gen rush would be the mechanic when survs got sacrificed once they have been hooked only 2 times (currently 3).
Finally the lazy ass lefthanded survs got rid of another viable killer ! Now survs may actually not use their brains to mindgame and outplay this killer! Finally, never thought this would happen. I think it's time to uninstall DbD and play something appropriate.
Common toxic
Typical surv whiner now pretends he's for fairplay. Thanks for killing Spirit!
Well you know, you need to sell new killers and if everyone play Spirit you won't be able to do so...
Well I play nurse without addons, because it's the hardest way to master her and I wouldn't like that my efectiveness relied on something like addons.
Stop nerfing Rin, she's already unplayable! Really, do BHVR aware that not only survs play this game?
A totem to mitigate generator's regression when you can simply repair it in a minute even when hex:ruin is working? Devs should focus on gen rush problem first. Like rolling back ruin to it's earlier version, for example. Then this new boon totem mechanic colud at least be justified.
Playing against cheaters is frustrating. I usually see people teleporting from the killer when he gets close. Luckily this problem isn't so common yet, because the majority doesn't cheat.
The most frustraiting is when you've found the hatchet and your teammates refusing to leave until collapse goes to zero that makes you unable to runaway through the hatchet. It's so stupid!
I like how some killers are designed (Spirit, Plague), or their special ability (Nurse, Ghost Face, Doctor), or lore (Freddy, Myers, Pinnhead). So I play them no matter if they are meta or not.
I'm waiting for Mr. X skin.
DH can be easily countered. Just learn to play.
1. Adding 1 more perk to both sides. 2. Making Ruin as a non-totem perk, so it could not be cleansed. 3. Introducing an option to choose a lobby mode: to play in/against a team or all random players, with no premade. 4. Introducing some new game mod.
The current state of DbD punishes killer for playing fair. You need to tunnel and camp if you want to be in time before SWF teams gen rush and escape. That doesn't make fun.
I like to play as Spirit.
What I don't like about reworked Wraith is his almost instant uncloacking. No matter if you see him and run away, due to his speed he just body block you and unclock so you always get guaranteed hit.
Well, I'm more into making killers possible to play against randoms than bringing SoloQ close to SWF. That was my point.
Survivor's toxicity level quickly decreases when you do - 4 and do it fast. There's literally a dead chat after such a result. Yes, they still can wrtie you some toxic comments but it all looks pathetic. On the contrary, if you play fair (don't tunnel, facecamp, slug, no noed etc), they gonna teabag you, flashlight and…
Your idea is to bring SoloQ close to SWF but you forget about people who play killers.
Only if this option counts for the killer as a resultive outcome (+bloodpoints in amount as if you were hooked).
So th whole 1 Bill's dedicated perk is not enough for you?
Well I'm not a pro Spirit mainer, but I used to play it quite well (reached up to 5-6 ranks). Now with MMR introduced, while playing Spirit I'm devastated by SWF almost in every single match. And ruin doesn't help much: my ruin stayed untouched with all the 5 gens repaired. 😂
This MMR brings new imbalance: if you play good your progress gaining new "ranks" for bloodpoint reward at the end of the month will be slower than if you play bad.
Well, another "hard option" would be disabling survs from forming group at all 🙂 But I doubt Devs would ever do this.
Yes, same issue here Moreover, I also lost a pip due to this.
I confirm this issue.