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  • In the majority of games it really does not matter much what perks you use. Unless it's in comps, where I believe there is an argument for these meta perks, a Killer always has a fair chance regardless. My reasoning for this is that - as a randomizer - most of my trials involve little in the way of meta, yet my trials are…
  • No it won't. Slugging is already a big thing and a nerf in certain perks won't dramatically change that. The vast majority of us are pub players, and for the vast majority of the trials these perks aren't needed! As a randomizer, I've won many trials without any gen defense perk in use. What works for me is pressure. Force…
  • Looking forward to it. I'd love The Beholder to be a part of the power, but I'm guessing it may not be. Either way, I'm really excited, especially as DBD is branching out further into different styles of games, media and style. I'm even starting to think - in the upcoming years - The Magnus Archives may even be a thing in…
  • I'm really looking forward to this and - whilst this seems to imply the leaked Killer may be true - what I am interested in is why the monster shown is a Beholder! Does this mean that the Killer is actually a Beholder, or that the Beholder is part of the power? Is I remember well, each eye of the Beholders has varying…
  • I wouldn't use it, and sadly there will be some players who will take offense and grieve me because of it. Besides,one of the reasons people play in Solo Q is to enjoy that sensation of being in a mini slasher movie, where you're on your own and need to rely on wits alone, all the while enjoying the atmosphere. The…
  • I'm really confused here; I've been away from the game for a bit, but will be returning soon, but I don't think I've heard of many complaining about this. Is this a case of a couple of people being upset they got outplayed and now, all of a sudden, apparently this is a big issue made out of just a couple of incidents? Of…
  • I'm really confused here; I've been away from the game for a bit, but will be returning soon, but I don't think I've heard of many complaining about this. Is this a case of a couple of people being upset they got outplayed and now, all of a sudden, apparently this is a big issue made out of just a couple of incidents? Of…
  • I'm 50/50, and my uilds are 100% randomized every trial. That's not just perks, but add-ons, offerings and items. It adds a lot of fun, experimental and unpredictable experiences to the trials. I'm also really surprised at how effective these builds can be and when certain perks have turned the tide on a trial, which you'd…
  • There's already one in existence: the Chemical Trap Ripley brought along. Depending on how many sub-sections of elements that are considered, there could be plenty of opportunities!
  • The game is a great game; it's the vocal minority which creates the illusion it's bad. Solo Q is nowhere near as bad as it's made out to be, and the people whining about their team mates are probably the actual weak link in the groups, not all other players as claimed. Perks should be nerfed and buffed as much on usage as…
  • Not necessarily powers, but for types of perks: A Survivor Boon which acts like a Hex - active at the start but, once found and snuffed, cannot be relit. Likewise, Killer Hexes that can be cast by the killer whenever they approach a dull totem, which maybe grants them power whilst within range, like a Boon. Perks based on…
  • Sounds rather weak of those people if a small nerf to a strong, endgame perk is enough to make them want to leave the game. The nerf is perfectly fine, Adrenaline is still a good perk and even if some feel it's not worth the slot now then maybe swapping up the build will give them a new type of build to experiment with and…
  • It is cheating to use 3rd party software to gain an advantage. That's the obvious answer. What's less clear to me is why someone like Hens - who is often making videos about the competitive scene - actually endorses this form of cheating.
  • One particular survìvor, known previously as "Mashtyx" before being taken by The Entity, experiences her sacrifices differently to the other survivors. She's the only survivor who has a Nea death experience.
  • The only 2 things I vaguely remember is that the Killer Offering was "Survivor Pudding" with me thinking that meant I was screwed because that killer must be good (at least I thought at the time), and the Killer was The Trapper. I think I escaped, but honestly that's more a guess.
  • The "why" always surpasses the result for me, because if I don't understand how something happened I cannot hope to replicate/ avoid the same thing for future trials.
  • Hehehehehehehehe!!! I do this all the time and love it! It'll be great to see how others enjoy it (or not). What I do hope is that - within this mode only - all perks are available to everyone, so newer players can dive in with the same possible random choices as others.
  • In the past, I swear I remember someone complained how Scratch Marks were busted on killer and gave too much away. People complain about anything these days, and whilst some are legitimate, there are some that just use complaints as an excuse for their lack of skill and willingness to accept they need to improve.
  • Cenobite is my least enjoyed to face because his hooks makes the game become frustrating. I don't think any other killer causes as much frustration in my than Pinhead. Legion, Blight and Plague also can be very dull, but probably not due to design but the predictability of the build and playstyle. Those I do find boring,…
  • I'm managing a shade over 40% escapes in mine, so it's hitting target for me. I was higher, but I've been a bit off-form recently. There's a lot to factor which is beyond your control though, so matching that with how experienced and skilled a player you are may make escapes irratic at times.
  • A gradual rotation of perks, mainly focusing on bringing weaker perks to more viable positions (what happened to the "This Is Not Happening" perk change mentioned months ago, for example. That just slipped away!). On occasion, a strong meta perk can be weakened, but his shouldn't be as common as buffs or simple…
  • I haven't played it for the past couple of weeks, but only because WWE 2K24 came out; not necessarily anything to do with the game. This just happens sometimes. Before then, I'd probably play 2-3 times a week.
  • It changes, and other than the first movie, the others are only vaguely in order, but here are mine: 1. Jacob's Ladder 2. The Thing 3. The Birds 4. The Descent 5. It Follows 6. Alien 7. The Ring 8. Rosemary's Baby 9. Shaun Of The Dead 10. Event Horizon
  • It's very saddening to hear some individuals feel so entitled and whiney that they believe others should play the way they want to, otherwise throw a game by being twats. Regardless how strong or weak a perk is, there's no excuse for being a bad team mate and selling them out like that guy did. Hopefully - and with a chat…
  • It was a decent year, absolutely. Also take into account Alan Wake made his appearance too.
  • There's clearly something I'm interested in the forums, but the forums are quite predictable. Many posts revolve around "us v. them" subjects, which by now are irrelevant due to how much evidence to the contrary there is. There are fun posts and topics, but there's a number that hang around the main page which just feel…
  • Welp, the only good thing I got out of The Twins "change" is that since Cody Rhodes finished his story at Wrestlemania, I now have another underdog who needs to finish their story and get a decent change...
  • I understand "skill issue" and "git gud" are definitely invalidating and mocking. However, if somebody takes offence to someone saying maybe a break away may help them regather themself then I'd say the recipient needs to reflect on that feeling, not the person making the suggestion.
  • This Is Not Happening has not been happening at all. It's probably the only perk whose name is a 100% accurate description of what it does. This needs some love desperately, especially being a general perk.
  • It was moreover the issue that being told to take a break was invalidating which I took a small issue with, not that it was bad advice. It felt like anybody who may suggest taking a break in good faith may now feel guilty for supposedly invalidating another's feelings. It didn't sit right with me.
  • Ultimately, if the last surviving player is hooked on first hook, even if they had the chance to free themselves, the killer would be on their arse faster than ######### on the pants after a sugary overdose of chocolate. It would just be postponing the inevitable demise. I hear the logic behind it, but ultimately the…
  • Try going into games with a reasonable focus in mind. Obviously I don't know what your thoughts are going into a trial, but maybe go in with a mini-goal. For example, set a target of successful special attacks or number of hooks, rather than go in to "win". Shrinking the stakes of a game does reduce anxiety as it doesn't…
  • Having read this a couple of times, I have to say this is a rather clever bait post! Yes, there's the usual: "We get nothing, you get everything mantra" which is common, but what makes this good is the starting examples. Both examples are clear in presented 2 types of questionable plays, but the great bit is when you…
  • If I'm frustrated with any game, I take a break ot never return. The idea suggesting someone to take a break is "invalidating" makes little sense, because it's the only logical thing to do to cool down. If someone is getting more and more frustrated, yet continue to play, it's like doing the same thing over and over,…
  • Firstly no, DBD has not gotten stale for me, although as a randomizer it will become far less familiar than someone who only uses a small number of perks and only a few builds. Besides that, your points: It partially does. The drive to go up in MMR, alongside the simplistic win/loss system in place can encourage less…
  • Not much feels as good as a trap clamping down on a survivor. The sound is so satisfying!
  • DBD are due to release a new, rhythm-based game mode in the next couple of years. It's called: "PaRapper the Trapper"
  • I'd say The Singularity, if you're looking for fun or different gameplay. His cameras do have a learning curve, but it has a lot of opportunity to not just grow in experience, but gain unique playstyles. The Singularity is very rewarding. As for perks, it's tricky because all of them have at least 1 poor perk. I'd rule out…
  • I do like a good survey, and the results shown thus far are interesting to see. My honest experience is that 0-20% of the time is when I can honestly say I have evidence it's clear tunnelling, and even then I'd say it's more below maybe 5% and under? It's moreover when someone complains of a trial where they had a horrid…
  • Lightborn is a problem-solver perk, true. However, as someone who barely gets to use it due to randomizing, I can state the idea of this being mandatory is untrue. Some blinds are near impossible to dodge, but I've avoided many more blinds - either through awareness of what's around me, survivors making errors or reflexes…
  • I give credit to the fact-dump. However, I'd say the the realms do consist of mixed memories and - alongside the Entity's lack of understanding how Terras work - it's very likely the memories of other people entering the realm will conjure their own visions upon the map. If The Entity only made accurate, exacting copies of…
  • That was my thought on a way to interract with ghists too! Also, it may have been fun if Walter - like Pyramid Head - had an alternative Mori, but instead of it being used for a quick kill, he could have one which ultimately reanimates the Survivor into another Ghost. Also, like the original Ghosts, have them AI but -…
  • In terms of BHVR's reasoning, it is muddled. The reasoning is in direct opposition to their time-limited skins, as well as it's a rather strange reasoning to suggest someone wanting to play their favourite character and get hours of enjoyment to reach P100 is seen more as too much work .. it's a very confused and…
  • The Hillbilly: It's fun to be chased by someone who runs as if they are Quasimodo after a night of heavy drinking. The Ghost Face: He reminds me too much of a Scooby Doo villain. Someone trying too hard to be scary. The Oni: Love the roar as he charges his Blood Mode. The Executioner: Because he's an absolute beast and…
  • Just depends on the many factors wothin the trial (playstyle, challenges, convenience, luck, mood, etc..). I can't give a specific unfortunately, due to every trial being different.
  • Probably the Iron Maiden skin for the Dredge. That skin is probably the most unique concept of any of the other ones about. Shout out also to the only "Visceral" skin of Naughty Bear. Great idea, which I hope to see more developed in future.
  • Regarding Silent Hill, I'd say "Silent Hill 4: The Room" would be the biggest contender. The game has been favourablylooked upon in recent years, unlike when it came out where the change was probably too extreme for many, alongside some unusually odd choices. Although Pyramid Head is above this killer, Walter Sullivan has…
  • 1. I doubt this will happen, but my big want is "The Magnus Archives", with Jonathan and Martin as Survivors and Nicola Orsinov as "The Stranger". As an extra, I'd LOVE a Mr. Bonzo Visceral skin for The Clown - there's already chase music for it: 2. Again doubt this, but "Silent Hill 4: The Room" as a chapter. Henry and…
  • Before Nemesis came out with the zombie crew, I think on the forums I mentioned I'd love to see Walter use Ghosts against survivors, and even ressurect a Mori'd survivor as a ghost, which would have been so much fun! Not at all saying they got the idea from me (they categorically did not get the idea from me :D), but…