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  • If you really want to mess with SWF's, try this. When I run up against an obvious SWF group I just stand back and let them get the gens. When they hit all 5 I open the doors and let them exit. Yeah, I know they still get points, but only so much, and after a while, if the recognize your name they may just abandon the lobby…
  • I don't know why SWF is such a dreaded thing. Most of the time when I see videos of SWF groups it's total chaos, very little working together and very little ability to tell the others where they are. Sure, some are highly organized and highly effective, but those are the exception, not the rule. Maybe I've just been lucky.
  • The only thing I see that you did wrong was you actually paid attention to what the guy was saying in chat. Ain't nobody got time for that.
  • Children, whatcha gonna do.
  • Sounds like it would be a good idea to just steer clear of hay bales and tractors.
  • I'd like to see Bigfoot as a killer, and you don't even need a license deal.
  • I just adjust the gamma on my monitor.
  • "If you're new to the community why not try to bring positivity instead of promoting more diviseness and negativity?" Uh......sure, will do, my bad. I get it, don't relay any of my own observations or experiences unless they are all sunshine and rainbows.
  • Too bad you uninstalled and gave up. I'm new to the game, so almost everyone is well over my head in the skills area. I just use the lobby I'm given to try and sharpen my skills, but to each their own.
  • Because tons of people are still playing and ATM a lot of them want to be the killer. The times have dropped from 20 to 30 mins down to a few mins. It will eventually return to what is considered normal.
  • IDK, looks like the after shots have better camo than the before. Isn't that the whole point of trying to survive, using your surroundings for stealth and cover?
  • Maybe they're trying to live up to the game's title. If you cue as a killer, you'll wait so long that you'll probably be dead by daylight...from boredom.
  • I'm new to this game, but not to gaming in general. The only down side I see with SWFs is that if they become too prevalent people will just stop playing killer and the lobby waits will become overbearing. Or you'll just get killers DCing. Sure, the survivors will get the points for the round, but none of the fun.