god this annoys me so much. i always have everything ready before i even hit search. the only times i change anything is if everyone else is playing a specific character and don't ready up, because i assume they want me to join, so i do.
im aware it takes time, you'd be a fool to not think that. but some problems have persisted for years. some simple changes have stayed unchanged for years. and it seems like every other update breaks the same things over and over. i get bugs and glitches will come with every update, but when the same ones keep popping up,…
you know, i would LOVE for BHVR to work on the ACTUAL problems dbd has. but in the past 3 years i've been playing, those seem to get fixed rather slow, and they fix some things that dont need fixing too. skins come out pretty regularly though!
Pig 100% My hopes for a reverse bear trap charm have ignited once again.
Slip off your soap box! Continuing the joke aside, as everyone has said, it can happen on all platforms and to all platforms. Its not a platform vs platform problem, its just a game problem. Best to just report the players involved and move on hoping it doesnt happen again.
i feel like technician is fine as it is. is it a great red rank perk? no, definitely not. but its a pretty good rank 20 "i still don't even know theres a ding before skillchecks" player perk. i feel like people forget not everything needs to be a perfect perk to use at all ranks. i think it works just fine as a good…
i say the devs should make whatever characters they feel like for their game. ethnicity, gender, orientation, species, whatever else that i can't think of at the moment... whatever they think would fit the character they have in mind.
no. nothing in this game can exist without either being complained about or being forgotten.
bloodpoints and flashlight practice.
i mean 0, they're not meant to get kills, they're meant to stall the game and buy the pig time. that being said, when i do see that skull icon pop i can't help but smile.
i hope all 12 Stadia users enjoy dbd
its been like that since it launched, and i don't really get why.
im gonna base a savings account based purely on how many new fnaf threads i see
i'll accept nothing less than Pig in a bikini
don't... get me riled up like that XD
my god, the thousand blink nurse!
i played spirit before, and i found it a bit of a pain to try and play her... and then i got a decent pair of headphones and had that moment of "oh... oh this is what all the fuss is about". it still takes a bit of skill sure, but i wouldn't say a lot of you've got good headphones.
i play plenty of both, though lately been playing a lot more survivor since wait times are much shorter for me
its alright. sorry if i came across a bit harsh, i just wanted to make sure my explanation came across, and i was trying to be hyperbolic with the "constantly and forever" because i just find it funny. so if i came across that way thats my bad
literally from yesterday
im explaining to you why its happening. thats what you're asking isnt it? why theres so many people talking about it? i'm sure i'll see another post asking why tomorrow and im going to give the same answer. because it just keeps happening. constantly. and forever.
i've said it in like the past 5 posts and i'll keep saying it... its a snowball effect. it started becoming a bit more popular with the release of the silent hill chapter because its also a video game, and since then every forum post every youtube video every tweet just snowballs the effect. the more people see it the more…
pig, by far
as one of those potatoes that has hit red ranks, i agree. i hate how often i feel like i let my team down because im facing people who actually do belong in red ranks.
"Legion's Frenzy has 0 counterplay" spread out, power becomes useless, becomes an m1 killer. if you are close, run in a straight line away or juke them.
agreed. i hate that i was forced to get level 3 of it on one of my killers because it kept showing up early.
i do any time a survivor crouches and looks at me but i have yet to have any other pigs return the favor. makes me a sad pig main
if you're against potatos who don't know how the reverse bear trap works then, yeah sure.
i mean if you care about pipping and bloodpoints sure, but i prefer to have fun over all that. and i have fun watching people's heads explode.
yes, the server side hit validation should fix this issue.
if the "this" is continuing and the "that" is stopping, then i choose this
yes i'll admit the numbers got me a bit, but even at 25% no that doesn't sound moderate, so its still misleading. also i feel like these words mean nothing if you don't know the base number, so why does that really matter?
lets not forget Plague. she literally only did good in her life, doing what she could to save her people. the only reason shes in the entity's realm is because she made a prayer, but it didn't go out to the god she thought it would. i feel like shes only killing in the entity's realm thinking it will save her people in…
is there any variety to the scream at all? or is it the same exact one every single time?
let me share one of my favorite examples of why they should use numbers rather than these words that mean nothing. Pig, and her add on Razor Wires. "moderately increases jigsaw box skillcheck trigger odds" want to know what they percent is?... 2% i wouldn't say theres anything moderate about a 2% increase
my suggestion would be to leave one of the more obvious totems alone and just remember where it is. if theres one other totem you can't seem to find then its a 50/50 shot its the obvious one.
i see where you're coming from, but uh, everyones just going to say... "do bones", because you should. break totems, you can get 1,000-5,000 bloodpoints for it. run small game, detective's hunch, bring a map, use inner strength just as a nice bonus reward. its annoying, i get it, but its a very easily countered perk.
you say that like kids haven't been out of school for multiple months now already
this is directly from their website
don't do shadowborn kids
246 hours so far... and how much time i play a day varies wildly, not really even worth trying to think what my average would be
pretty much how i play. get bbq stacks then just mess around, do chases, down someone then let them wiggle out. maybe do silly stuff like when im pig i crouch at a gen like im a survivor working on it. i also tend to do this in lower ranks as i know new players can have a tough time getting into the game, so i try to help…
im disappointed there arent more add ons that relate to the overheat mechanic they introduced. instead we can go 5% faster when someone shines a light on us... cool... can i make the overheat less of a pain? with more than a brown or yellow add on?... no? ok then...
i agree. really the ONLY change i feel should of been done to basekit is a slightly longer stun on a missed chainsaw. other than that, the add ons were what needed to change. and changed so they were useful, but not overpowered, rather than most of them being useless or gimmicky, and a couple being actually helpful.
can't really say i'd be super excited for either. i like fnaf but it would really depend on how the power is done and what the map looks like. and i love alien, but honestly i just CAN'T see a xenomorph in this game... those things slaughter people with automatic rifles and flames throwers, it would just be hilarious to…
i don't know where people keep getting this idea from. if the devs closed every discussion about why their game sucks because of one change half the forum would be deleted. those posts weren't deleted, they were moved to the appropriate place so that the people who are working on the Billy changes can actually see it, and…
what, you don't want to move 5% faster when a random rank 20 shines a flashlight on you while you're chasing them out in the open?
what do you mean you dont want to move 5% faster while being flashlighted? its so powerful it should be made one of his ultra rares! ... seriously though yeah i was baffled to see the add ons. so few seem to have actual use.
they're a level 20 necromancer!