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  • Of course i used support tickets. that's what the "feedback & suggestions" function is for! i don't know why you are suprised about that if you are so "active on this forum". well it took some time to go through all of my support tickets, but here are some quotes: "first i had to play vs a hook camping and tunneling wraith…
  • you think i save all of my support tickets in a text file for record or what? also if the rest is "generic suggestions" made by "tons of people" where do you have got this from? any proof on that? did you check everybody's account and their support tickets to know how many people and who suggested all these "generic…
  • i have never said it was only due to me, but i played a leading role on suggesting these due to the amount of times i have requested these changes.
  • 1) freddy and also pig were and are good especially at lower ranks at which ppl don't know how to counter them too much yet. the kill rates published by bhvr count every mmr. even otzdarva has made this a topic in one of his videos once being a problem because this doesn't really reflect their actual ranking. addons…
  • well with this i didn't mean that every killer should be able to teleport through walls and i have even described what i meant in the 2nd sentence. the gap should be closed. other killers don't have to be as strong as nurse or blight, but they shouldn't fall behind completely. it feels like there is a huge gap between…
  • i think you got the situation wrong. the knight was face camping and was just waiting for somebody to get close to first the guard hits them and then the knight himself. this knight has done this multiple time throughout the trial and i know i could trigger the guard, but this knight just constantly refreshed the guard.…
  • the following is the perfect example why reassurance has to be basekit or at least have a much bigger range:
  • well for my experience i get way more points as a killer if i don't tunnel ppl out of the game. if you kill a person early on this person can't do a generator nor heal or unhook other ppl you can pressure more to gain more points. you don't get any more chase points for that survivor nor can you kick a generator this…
  • well i can't even count how many times i have experienced that exact same situation. it's totally frustrating! i can tell you why the killer in the end tried to get the remaining survivors to trade hooks or do gens and that's because the killer didn't want to depip themselves. by killing survivors way too quickly serves…
  • but it should be of priority. i sometimes have 50 matches in a row in which i constantly lose a pip and can't climb up. the highest i can get on each side is mostly gold 4 and i must have been rly lucky getting their. that shouldn't be a thing and i pretty much never get past it anymore.
  • depipping should be removed all together because it doesn't serve a purpose anymore. back in the days of rank based match making losing pips served a purpose at least on paper to be paired with equally good killers/survivors, but now after the rework and implementation of a grade system in which ranks serve no purpose…
  • well i agree to the extent that it needs way more work as a survivor to reach iri 1, but you get pips for the same categories. the problem is just that your luck on doing that depends on your teammates and how "nice" the killer is. if the killer face camps/tunnels you then you won't get points. if your teammates are…
  • it's definitely not a thing that has to do with the imbalance between solo q and swf, but this imbalance definitely needs to be addressed. this problem is mostly about face camping/tunneling killers and gen rushing survivors though.
  • ...and another one...
  • did you even read your own first sentence for yourself? how can survivors tunnel? survivors aren't chasing the killer nor killing them. do you even understand the concept of this game? so no...tunneling doesn't happen on both sides. it only happens on the killer side because some toxic person decides to go for just one…
  • look man...i don't care if you bother to read my comment. if you don't want to read it then that's fine. it's your own choice and i won't force you to read it.
  • well 5 seconds or 3 seconds doesn't make a difference. it doesn't matter if a blight or nurse get stunned for 3 or 5 seconds. they will catch up to you within a blink of an eye anyways. so this change means nothing. furthermore what does ds do about camping? when i get face camped 1st hook for 3 minutes straight. what does…
  • you seem to live in fantasy land if you think survivors don't need these perks basekit to prevent unfair matches.
  • would be possible doesn't do too much most of the time anyways instead of the initial slow down so why not that would probably be way too powerful also probably way too powerful - would mean brining a boon perk would be totally useless and self-care would have to be 100 % self-healing then to make up for it are you joking?…
  • you seperate a comment if it has different statements in it, but my comment didn't have different statements. it was all about one single topic.
  • it seems you don't read properly. since i have said i play both roles i have of course seen survivors stay on a gen the whole time until it's finished. if the killer doesn't interrupt them then what else should they do? stand around doing nothing? this thread is about fixing the game towards a fair gameplay and not just…
  • if you want to act like a kid and not take this serious then please don't write anything in this thread. this topic is for matured ppl who are really interested in making this game better for everybody. comments like this are the reason important topics like these aren't discusses enough and properly. if you want to act…
  • despite that being a rather you problem than a me problem this isn't the topic of this discussion to begin with. if there is nothing to separate paragraphs are of no use.
  • i'm stating all this because camping and tunneling is something killers do and not survivors. this discussion is not about evening out both parties. that's a whole different story. this discussion is about perks that help survivors with unfavorable situations. reassurance, kinship, off the record, ds as basekit would all…
  • that's where you are wrong. my teammates almost never realize the situation because i don't play in a swf. that's the huge disadvantage of solo queue and the reason why eruption got nerfed for example because solo players can't coordinate like swfs can being even able to break generated 3 gens. there is nothing my team or…
  • i play both sides so i'm not favoring any side. these perks should be basekit in my opinion to prevent what the title of this thread describes...camping and tunneling. survivors don't camp or tunnel and i have also given a very strong endgame option to be basekit as killer. no way out have got me many kills as killer…
  • it's tunneling the moment the killer ONLY goes for you. the time span between that doesn't matter at all. if they ignore other survivors intentionally and only go for you then it's tunneling. it doesn't have to be right off the hook to be called tunneling.
  • yeah or the time it takes survivors to complete generators. that would also be an option on the killer side, but only if the named perks would be basekit for survivors.
  • you're wrong. with a patch not too long ago the speed of kicking things and the recovery from hits was reduced for killers entirely over the board. bt just gives u 10 seconds longer protection. a strong killer doesn't care for that. they will catch u within seconds even after hitting you into deep wound.
  • a nurse, blight, spirit or even oni can easily snowball. so you can easily pain res between two survivors. go for the unhooker get another pain res. then chase after the unhooked get another pain res. go back to the now unhooked and previous unhooker to get another pain res. that's not a solution to tunneling or camping.…
  • doing gens only helps the rest of the team, but not the person being face camped => leading to the point depipping should be removed entirely. in addition to that camping killers don't care for points. so only the camped survivor actually loses something precious besides the fun for that game. we'll make it only works if…
  • yeah that happens if you play a strong killer or have too strong addons. imo myers should be buffed entirely, but his tombstone addons removed completely to even it out. that's another story though. it's the same as gen rushing on survivor side no matter the cause. either the killer is a bad match for that team in terms of…
  • agreed. it's pretty unhealthy at its current state. my suggestion would be to remove depipping entirely and take black pips as a bare minimum because ppl who play like that on purpose don't care if they lose pips. so ppl who just don't care would make no progress at all by getting a black pip, but ppl who couldn't control…
  • sure, but ppl who intentionally dc on purpose don't care if they lose a pip or not. so ultimately you only punish either beginners (weaker players) for not performing good enough or ppl who couldn't control the outcome in form of a dc or being face camped/tunneled out of the game early on. as a killer you could still gain…
  • yeah it's totally frustrating...especially if u worked your ass off doing gens, cleansing hexes, unhook survivors and heal multiple survivors just to see that one person standing in a corner, hiding in a locker the whole game long or unhooking you right in front of the killer etc. on top of that it's YOU who gets punished…
  • yes and no. i have played for several years and as survivor the ranking system "mostly" worked to pair me with equal ranks, but when i played killer i mostly only got rank 1 sweaty survivors even if i wasn't good with that killer. so it wasn't pleasant at all and no good match making. the current match making is at least…
  • that's what bhvr seemingly says with their own words yeah.
  • not totally! u can also get a dc due to a bug in the game, your internet dies, you got a power outage or windows blue/black screen or whatever. a dc doesn't equal a dc. you would still be punished if it wasn't ur fault which happend to me yesterday btw. when i dropped down a lawnmower on coldwind farm and my game froze for…
  • what purpose does ds serve if the killer doesn't leave ur hook and face camps you? correct! nothing! if a bubba face camps you with their chainsaw nobody can unhook you. period! oh and if i play blight or nurse i don't give a ######### if you have ds or off the record. i will shred through 6 health states in seconds. if i…
  • which perk? name me only one that works efficiently against camping and tunneling.
  • that does absolutely nothing about face camping or tunneling killers. even if the survivors are smart unhooking when i'm not there i can still search the survivor i have just hooked previously and hook them again. then i will repeat the process and they are out without having done anything in that trial. same goes to face…
  • no it doesn't. even when i get unhooked while the killer is all across the other side of the map i will get tunneled. they will just search for that one person and go for them only. nothing is solved with that especially if it's a very strong killer that can easily down you. even if you healed in safety and they come back…
  • you don't have to tunnel in order to win. you can also only hook two survivors in exchange constantly. that's no tunneling and still will give you a win if you are good enough or the map god is on your side. if you get bad map rng or toxic survivors you will almost always lose. besides that basekit mori shall be in the…
  • well with the current nerfed ds it wouldn't even stop tunneling, but it would be a step into the right direction. additionally just ds wouldn't address the excessive face camping problem in this game. you can't do anything at all if a bubba face camps you in basement or stands right in front of you with his chainsaw. you…
  • yeah i can totally relate to that. 9/10 matches i play are exactly like that and it feels like i'm the only person still playing the game like it's supposed to be played. either i'm getting face camped, tunneled or i have to deal with teammates intentionally throwing by doing nothing or sabotaging the game in any other…
  • i don't care if it's a bug or not. behavior has to fix this! there is no way around and more importantly it doesn't even serve a purpose! it maybe had a purpose when there were still ranks who defined who you get paired with even though that didn't even work at all, but now it has no sense at all. behavior should remove…
  • when will behavior finally start doing something about this ######### problem?! how many more screenshots of this problem do i have to post until they finally take action fixing this?!
  • yeah i wouldn't have a problem with that. when i play as killer i mostly feel like survivors are gen rushing their way through the trial even when i have strong gen regression or protection perks. i mean prove thyself wasn't addressed/nerfed at all, but perks like pop goes the weasel and now eruption have been. just to…
  • it's true that it's a game mechanic, but everything can be addressed and also changed. they devs should need to do something about that and not ignore it. there would nothing be to abuse. the only thing that could be abused which is already abused at its current state is ppl with off the record blocking the killer from…
  • it's wasting at that point when it blocks a perk that could help me in the game whereas these perks prevent certain killer actions that shouldn't have to be prevented in the first place. so ultimately they are wasting a perk slot.
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