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  • Fair warning! All those sounds you hear as killer when you use your ability, like all the shred noises and the teleport, those aren't client side. They're ######### GLOBAL FOR SOME REASON.
  • Hopefully they fix this bug. I also hope they make demo's footsteps just a little bit quieter than a jet engine, that way he might be able to use his stealth successfully. Oh and that obnoxious bug where the survivors get to hear everything the demo does too! Oh wait, that's not a bug? it's intentional that survs can hear…
  • Freddy has 150% lunge range and the devs are hiding it from us. You CANNOT change my mind. (Also, kinda in a reverse way, deathslingers bolt never seems to connect even if it actually hits the survivor I'm shooting at, or if it hits me when I'm fighting a deathslinger.)
  • NOED and DS. Rewards for failing. Fuck. That. Nonsense. 2nd thing I hate: The lame ass excuses used to justify these ######### horrifically unbalanced piece of ######### perks. "Just cleanse the totems 4head" "Just don't tunnel 4head" Both of these arguments can be summed up to: "Just stop playing the objective of the game…
  • Bad Spirit. The issue with spirit isn't that her power requires no skill, because it does, the issue lies with the fact that she has a very similar power level to the nurse with a MASSIVELY reduced skill requirement to reach that level. Why play nurse when you could play spirit and get the same results for less effort?
  • It's not a team, it's a group of monkeys with a nerf button, a buff button and a rework button, but the rework button is behind a keylock, which the monkeys have the key to, but they have to figure out how to actually work the lock to unlock it, and any monkeys that figure out the rework button and press it are immediately…
  • It's clear you didn't even READ the post you quoted lmao.
  • So instead of countering their argument that tore your original comment to shreds you just attack their ability to play the game, go take a long look in the mirror, then piss off.
    in Tunneling Comment by Negitive May 2020
  • See some of my previous comments regarding this issue
    in Tunneling Comment by Negitive May 2020
  • My 2 favorite perks, worked into every one of my builds, still doesn't help
    in Tunneling Comment by Negitive May 2020
  • Imagine thinking that a perk should be mandatory to have fun in a game.
    in Tunneling Comment by Negitive May 2020
  • Yes we have perks that counter tunneling and camping. But there are perks out there that are fun to use and not just used because "Oh I don't want to get tunneled". I want to run perks like autodidact and other things I find fun, but instead I'm stuck running BT and DS, I hate DS but I run it cause every game I get I'm…
  • Actually most of it is people like you who add nothing to the conversation and are just general are worthless. Best part is, they come from both sides, survivor and killer.
  • Because its a 4v1 game with 4 survivors and 1 killer? if we had equal numbers than queue times and matchmaking would somehow be worse? your argument is inherently flawed for an asymmetrical game?
  • Old ruin was causing problems for the game, not because it was OP, not because it was UP, but because it was the best perk for all killers, which meant that either you ran it and had to protect a totem the whole game, or you didn't run it and you got shafted by genrushing. It was extremely unhealthy for the games balance…
  • Here's the best part, according to bhvr the rank 9 is within your matchmaking range! Anyone within 6 ranks of your rank is eligible to be placed in a match with you. So what probably happened is that the rank 9 was SWF-ing with the rest and the game used their matchmaking, because instead of finding the average of the…
  • I'm not saying I should be facing yellow ranks, what I'm saying is that I should be facing green ranks, because that is where I am, there are 2 people in that lobby that were outside of the +-6 range, and not a single green. Not to mention the state the game is in right now anyway where gens get done at lightning speed,…
  • Thank you for bringing the update to my attention, although I do believe +-6 is a little large when it comes to balancing, although a smaller bracket might increase lobby times.
  • Hmm, that's odd, I don't recall making a thread about how many times this thread has been made. I must be confused as your response would only make sense if I had made a thread about such a topic.
  • I safetied I've been stuck on rank 9 because of all the reds I'm fighting
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