Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • I always found that the argument is that even if you went through an extend period of time with not gaining a pip, eventually the MMR, the people you were going against, would become easier. So eventually if you played enough, you would be more likely to pip. Since the system doesn't ever count for you degrading, there is…
  • I would say that it is definitely becoming more popular. For certain killers, it's a really good perk. Just the ability to block site does a lot of damage to solo teams. Still won't have as much on an effect if they are playing together.
  • Yeah that is a good idea. I guess we'll have to test which perks will actually run. I know the Entity blocking it stops regression, but I am assuming all immediately regression will still go through
  • I can understand that it isn't comparable to racism. This is always going to be a stand out case. I think they are more meaning that there are also other things that are going on like DDOS, or tools to target specific people, mainly streamers, that there has been very little address from the devs. We are coming up to…
  • I think she is interesting. I am enjoying having a killer where I need to think more about how to use the ability (in terms of using crow angles and timing). I feel like people still need to get used to her though. I think maps that have a lot of lockers will hurt her a bit. At this stage if you are hit with crows and…
  • Sorry guys, the mod beat me to it. Thanks Luzi. But we dont have really info on what they will change
  • Yeah, they did mentions some changes are on the way so hopefully it will help Trickster out a bit :)
  • I believe if it is working with final judgement, it isn't intended. From what I can remember, it didn't used to.
  • I find that survivor is usually a few minutes depending on your rank. Killer, especially in the evening is normally instant. That is here over in NZ though. Survivor at red rank about dinner time I am normally waiting about 5 mins.
  • Bamboozle would help, but you're probably better to just move away if possible. Even if you get them in the right line of sight, you could probably get 4-5 knives in. But you're probably still better just avoiding that chase all together.
  • Had a search through the forum and it looked like the previous posts sat around February. Not too sure if it has been seen by the devs, but we can only hope. Best bet would be to probably add another ticket on the bug reporting category. :)
  • Hello! From what I have managed to understand from others is normally there are people who do it to be mean. Looking at it from other perspective from what I have heard and observed. It's usually dependant on the progress of the overall match. If it seems like the overall pressure is low, or the gens are being completely…
  • Brilliant. Just Brilliant.
  • I think solo queue has more potential to have those shorter games when you don't get saved. But if you focus on getting a pip and doing your best in chase, I think it is still a lot of fun. :)
  • It depends on the perk really. Lucky break doesnt stop the blood from appearing whether you are crawling, or on hook and the timer stopped. It has the same duration of 120 and only depletes if you are in the injured state. I am sure there are other perks that don't follow this. Probably more towards the older perks.
  • Got to upvote just because of the "I got you, har har"
  • That is a good points haha I guess it is really only looking at while being hooked then. I dont think it is something they will ever change. It was more just something that I noticed.
  • I would suggest Make your choice. Really good for leaving a trap at the hooked person, which is usually a known tactic but adds more pressure to the person saving. If they ever do trigger a trap, you can get a one hit down. Monitor is good as well as corrupt. I would try and stay away from perks that encourage chasing as…
  • I don't think they would want to have a casual or ranked because they are afraid of splitting the community. But yes, the system needs to be overhauled. It is a little too easy to rank up in the earlier ranks, and the system starts to break for killer in the red ranks.
  • You can only hope that it is going to work that way. They have been testing it in certain regions without people's knowledge to help build up the rating already, but since they havent really given the details on how it will work, who knows if it will be accurate.
  • They do get punished already with the emblem system. Doctor himself as a character typically gets a lot of points as it is. Your team should have focused the objective and only gone for him at the end. The more your team interactions with him face camping, the more points he is acquire. He still would have been punished by…
  • The devs said they didnt have anything planned for it at the moment. Rather, they are working on prestige rewards
    in Devotion Comment by NotDBD June 2020
  • I would have to see footage of the head on. Maybe it was just weird timing with the pick up but it also could have just been a hitch.
  • Yeah I would just wait or step back. Let them make the move and then counter.
  • I would be interested to see it in play. Could be a decent buff to legion to make it more threatening
  • Yeah I remember McLean saying he is not happy with the exhaustion after it doesnt work, so they might involve a secondary check for that. But for the ability not actually activating is latency .
  • Yeah I would agree with you that it is always the chase. Whatever side you look at it all the bad tactics like camping etc will just reduce chases. But that is not going to change unless the killer gets more time. There is just not enough time at a decent skill level to chase for every long, let alone to complete all 12…
  • Yeah I am glad they tried out the skill check idea for the cages and hope they carry the mechanic over. That being said, the devs say they liked the spamming as the idea of fighting back the entity. But when you play a lot it does get a little frustrating
  • The devs were aware of this situation, but they have chosen to leave her this way. Through the changes of her RBT they have always consistantly allowed a survivor to escape via a trap regardless if they are wearing the helmet. I don't think they would change it since the whole reason you can't place active traps during the…
  • I think Ghost Face is better than Myers. Always use your power when not in sight of a survivor to remove your terror radius. Only ever stalk if the survivor is really out of position. Other than that, hit and run tactic :)
  • Yeah I hope they let us know in some regard. It would be a nice touch to give the information :)
  • OMG they have done it
  • I had to take a guess that since the ruin change they are just having a look to see how the game balance is standing. With the map changes as well, it might be a little while until we see something that has a lot of potiental to it.
  • I think Nemesis is a good choice, but you probably want some good gen slow down in there too. Anytime you can increase the game length is more chance of getting more hooks. You could either play someone to brute force pallets, but Plague is also good like you said for the broken status.
  • Ideally it is just down to how much you can starve Oni at the beginning from gaining his power. There are a few other things that can help though: Like you said, tight loops or corners can really help. See his limitations by playing practice accordingly. Any line of sight breaks that cause him to predict the attack is…
  • Usually try and see which loops are available in the middle of the map. Remember that going to the boat will trigger crows which allows the killer to know you are there. The shack is always a good option if you are nearby, and there are a lot of places to hide as a survivor. :)
    in The Pale Rose Comment by NotDBD May 2020
  • Gotta be one of the better ways to go out
  • They did say there were looking into a sanity check that was coming soon to help with some of the hitboxes. So fingers crossed for that.
  • Yeah or at least don't give me a notification for the reward when there is nothing to collect. :P
  • I was always confused about this feature. I thought maybe the survivor that it was issued to would at least receive a notification or like people have been suggesting, a little reward.
  • Yeah sadly there is no way of telling the reason that someone disconnects, so all situations are considered to be the same. As mentioned before, it is up to you to determine that you have enough time for the match. If something does come up unexpectedly, you will be paying the minimal penalty. But if interruptions are…
  • Well I hope you did enjoy it in the end. Not too bad of show either. At least you will have a lot of new content to practice at :)
  • o.o At least my last moments will be enjoyable ones
  • Oh really? I must know.....
  • You can really see the people who stand out as just fans of the series but aren't very strong with the killer. :P I try to change between killers, but I feel like I am just a fanboy doing a diservice when I play demo.
  • It depends on the action. Generators for example (1 survivor: 80 seconds, 2 survivors: 47.06 seconds) The list goes on and can be seen in the DBD Generator page. I am not too sure about healing though. Co-op actions offers a few things though. The other survivors gets points for healing, but if you are both working on a…
  • Yeah I agree that your ideas would help a lot. If not bots, at least the ability to go into maps and learn the loops. Sadly, at the moment all I can suggest is maybe learning from content creators, and the harsh punishment of being beaten until your get more familiar with the killer. Good luck :)
  • Granted they are purple and pink, keys are pretty common to find during the match, especially if you have plunderer's. They are also really strong in the fact that they pretty much negate the killer's performance to allow remaining survivors to escape. Mori's on the other hand aren't too uncommon either in the bloodweb.…
  • Yeah I am not sure why the themes havent been implemented. Could be that the music is more to showcase the killers personality, or it could be a budgeting thing. Who knows :)
  • Maybe someday they will both get addressed, but probably not soon. They did mention on one stream that they are looking into a different design for Mori's, but no idea shared or time of release was given.