Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • I don't get this community, I really don't get this playing community. Survivors complain when killers get something good, killers complain when Survivors get something good which let's be real, it's mostly survivors that get the benefit of chapter releases. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THE MID-CHAPTER RELEASE Solo Queue is…
  • I haven't read every comment here because I just don't have the time to, this is a drive-by reply. However, I wanted to see if there was any post about tunnelling and here is one. BHVR just simply needs to change off the record so a killer hit no longer disables the perk, only way it is disabled is if you do one of the…
  • I'm pretty certain the deep wound was added due to how players used the perk on the PTB, but that doesn't help counter tunnelling as you can't mend while being chased. I think perk was attended to hard counter tunnelling but players on PTB abused it and therefore ruined it for all. It should have deep wound taken off, as…
  • lol With hindsight, it does sound totally silly to think that but there was nothing in patch notes about it. Also, I watched a lot of content creators' vids on the patch and I never heard off the record would disable after the first hit. I wondered about it but I just presumed it be in patch notes or I hear about it…
  • Actually, there is a skill in camping in the endgame and it's not the weakest part of the game, I can understand thinking that when gens still to be done, as the killer knows that just standing at the hook will either a) delay other survivors doing gens by trying to save the person on the hook b) they get a free 2nd hook…
  • Been trying to see the issues everyone has with Legion and Plague but I just don't see it, thanatophobia is a frustrating perk for sure and Legion and Plague would get a lot of value. However, Thanatophobia is frustrating on any killer but it helps to give killers outwith Blight and Nurse a chance to compete, especially…
  • I do think the endgame needs an update and an overhaul, but there is no issue with camping in the endgame in my opinion and that is why I think the proximity to hook penalty should be disabled in the endgame. You're suggestions appear to be designed to eliminate camping in the endgame which I just can't get on board with.
  • I don't know about that, I like that there are essentially 3 matches in 1, the jog to 1 gen, the sprint to do the last gen and the endgame play. That idea would essentially end the endgame play of the killer defending a hook and survivors trying to save their teammate, something I think a lot of survivors and killer mains…
  • You're 100% right, survivors would abuse it and some players are always going to try and find ways to tunnel, there still needs to be "something" that ends tunnelling once and for all, as it really does a lot of damage to the game. Right now, it's increased again and maybe the frequency of tunnelling will reduce as it has…
  • well, you didn't quote me but presume you meant my comment? I have faced swf before and I have owned and been owned by them, I play with and without addons, and I rarely use anything higher than green.
  • as a content creator, I want to play a variety of characters as I feel IMO, it is better than the same killer/survivor all the time, so it benefits me greatly. I've generally always tried to avoid using high addons and relying on them, I stick with yellow or below because I figured green and above are tougher to get, so if…
  • yeah, you can turn a bad game into a really good game with strong endgame play, I went from 0 hooks to Adept Onryo and 4k but I also did really well with Shape and got 3 hook exchanges, but then got severely punished by the proximity to hook penalty and I'm bringing the thread back to that, after all, my suggestion is to…
  • You're 100% right if they had said there was nothing wrong with hard camping or tunnelling at any point in a match but they didn't. They agreed with me that there was nothing wrong with camping/tunnelling in the endgame, there is NOTHING wrong with that, survivors have had their fun and this is a different style of play to…
  • I read your first line and rolled my eyes, that zero skill and good sportsmanship are reserved for killers that camp/tunnel when gens still to be done, in the endgame, survivors have had a match and their fun, I get kills as well by playing straight up and even 4k before the endgame. That doesn't mean I'm not wrong about…
  • win the match before the endgame? do you even play the game? do you realize how fast gens can be done before a killer can get 4 hooks never mind 8-12 hooks? new increased gen speed hasn't changed anything before you try and say that. Most players on both sides actually enjoy the hard camping play in the endgame, it really…
  • I'm astonished to see complaints about this new system which is phenomenal, although I must admit there shouldn't be any BP cost to prestige but still, it's excellent. rare items should be rare and hard to get
  • yeah, completely disagree here, the grind was never how many blood points you need, it was how long it took before a character was playable. This new system means characters being ready to play is much faster, you use BP to get characters to level 3 with the best perks and unlock them for free on all characters. The value…
  • I've complained about both things you mentioned as well, so here are my thoughts on why I complained. 1) gen rushing I don't blame the súrvivors for this, I blame the developers as they set up the game the way it is and even with mid-chapter changes, gens will still get done really fast if survivors use prove thyself and…
  • yeah but let's be real, there are some players like you with the experience to deal with it, but imagine new killers dealing with saboteur, body blocking, blind save attempts and oak offerings increasing distance. We want people to be motivated to play killer and stay motivated, this doesn't help with that at all. Hense,…
  • it seems u looking at saboteur perk only which is fine but when combined with oak offerings, body blocking and going for blinds it's a huge problem, we all know the bully SWF squads do this and this perk is part of it, why it needs to be removed completely. never get me to agree on corrupt deactivating not being a…
  • that is a fair point, killers did get a lot of love but I am still not a fan of being punished when you successfully get value from a perk you running.
  • Otz is right that Corrupt exist to help killers get off to a hot start, getting an early down then can be snowballed into more value from that perk. Why should I be punished for successfully using the perk? the answer is a perk should never punish the player for getting strong value from it and the changes to Corrupt…
  • I like this idea and Nemesis first tier should be basekit as well.
  • no, it's not and if it does give a decent amount of blood points, it shouldn't, there is no skill in blinding a killer who has no way to counter when they commit to breaking pallet. blood points should be rewarded for things that require skill or is an important task, as I have already proven a number of times in this…
  • it would be nice if people actually read my posts before replying, I presume you haven't as already replied to you in my posts
  • yeah, flashlights are for saving a teammate a hook state or against specific killers (Artist, Wraith etc), they're not really needed for blinding killers at pallets. We all know holding W is very powerful, so survivors can easily make it to the next pallet without blinding which is why I feel it's toxic, as most survivors…
  • I already answered this in my first post, you can do this but at the cost of not being able to slow down gens.
  • wow nerf survivors more? survivor gameplay needs a massive nerf as it is super survivor sided this game I still stand by what I say and just because you don't like it, doesn't mean I'm not right about blinding at pallet being cheap and doesn't require any skill. As for avoiding the flashlight, the whole point I'm making is…
  • I already did in the reply before you one it's not about following the sound, it's the fact there is nothing you can do to prevent it once you commit to breaking the pallet. A game should be about skill, there is no skill in a survivor blinding a killer when there is nothing the killer can do to counter it. There is no…
  • really? REALLY? that is your reply, oof.
  • I actually agree that a survivor shouldn't be hit when vaulting a pallet or window, it's very inconsistent that, so many times it looks like I'm over the window and clear, only to suddenly be downed, same goes with pallets.
  • same but to be honest, it's just one big mess. however, that clown took it to the extreme for sure and had someone do similar things to me as well
  • I 100% agree with this, tunnelling already happens frequently in-game already, so killers seeing hook totals will not change that. I have only just been told where to see total hooks on the hud lol I was looking for a "number" this whole time and not a graphic next to the number of gens.
  • I said it and I play survivor as much as I do killer. if anything I played survivor much more than I ever played killer and the darkness is fine. as this comment says, the darkness is the whole point of the killer.
  • I think the field of view can be slightly increased but I played once on Ormond against Dredge and think the new killer is super fun to go up against, I was on edge while doing gen during nightfall and then killer came busting out a locker, I jumped but thankfully it was on the other side of the wall from gen I was on, but…
  • As someone who is very much against camping and tunnelling, even I'm against this as survivors can be just as toxic and would just abuse the heck out of it. Increasing Borrowed Time to 24 seconds and making it base kit, plus allowing base kit BT to be stacked with the perk is the way to go. Although even with this, killers…
  • thank you, I thought it was everything but with BHVR you can never be sure sucks it's not in the next release but no harm in waiting a bit longer.
  • at first, when I looked into this, I was like ######### is this never-ending post, then I saw how glorious this never-ending post was. thank you
  • I use it by not using it which I think is clear by the many posts I made regarding how abusable this perk is and no one has proved me wrong regarding that. I also mentioned in my first post what I thought was the purpose of the Head-On perk, and that was a last gasp effort to extend the chase by jumping into a locker and…
  • why do you keep asking about how I would use something I have clearly stated I would never use because its abusable and not fun for killer, I already stated that a number of times.
  • no, it's not, it's accepting that the perk isn't fun for killers and therefore refusing to use something that I know isn't fun for everyone again. good for you, glad you enjoy using it but not everyone does especially when many players abuse it. also, I much prefer they use sprint burst and dead hard, as there is no…
  • nope, I already know everything I need to know about it by how survivors use the perk which is in no way how I would use it
  • I'm aware it's an exhaustion perk but it does nothing really to put people off, never used it personally and never will. Most of the time multiple survivors have it, so if one head-on is disabled, their friend's one is enabled.
  • who said I struggle as a killer? no-one, I just didn't want to waste time with survivors who clearly put their own need for fun ahead of mine I will give you that yeah, the head-on perk was also designed to assist a friend who is being chased, that is a fair point. however, we both know that is not how it is being used, we…
  • doesn't matter what perks I consider skilful, this is about head-on and it doesn't require skill but more importantly, it's an abusable perk that survivors use to bully killers, it should be disabled and redesigned as its meant to be fun for everyone. that is generally true what you say, everyone does have a different…
  • lol if you think using head-on is a skill, then that is hilarious to me as there is no skill in using Head-On, you wait for a killer to go past a locker they don't know you in and rush out to stun them. Yup, that is as skilful as a survivor blinding you at a pallet when you are stuck in animation breaking pallet, this was…
  • This takes the game way too seriously excuse in this community is weird to me, I don't take the game seriously, I take the way people interact with each other in a game seriously and we all should. Being kind to others doesn't just end when you log in to a game and using Head-On in the way it is being used is not fun for…
  • really? bait it out? how can I do that when I don't know they're there? I can bait it out after I know they're using that perk and what type of survivors they are. I stand by what I said and your reply proves my point on why head-on needs to be disabled as for dc'ing, I dc if I want to and I will always DC against people…
  • I just played on new Haddonfield for the first time, I hate to say it but I prefer the old Haddonfield. Haddonfield in the movies is not as open as the new map BHVR done, it just doesn't feel like Haddonfield. the aesthetic is much nicer though, if you combine the new aesthetic with the old map, it would be a winner for me…
  • I understand the frustration of what you're saying but removing the DC penalty would do more damage than good, players already disconnect enough as it is, and admit I disconnect from matches as well. You essentially already have 2 free disconnects, as it's 5 minutes penalty for the first 2, which is easy to sit out and…
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