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  • Tbh its kinda hard rn to get bps and such when the bloodweb has been bloated up with 7 (now 6) new/returning items, like seriously the mystery boxes should have never returned. I also am trying to bring terrormisus in all my games but it always seems like if i dont bring them in a swfs i just get tunnelled out or left to…
  • 80% of my matches this whole week have been nothing but campers Literally my last 3 matches was Pyramid head hooked me, i got off, they tunnelled me, put me back on hook second i got off they long shotted me and put me back on (this was at 5 gens remaining) Pig hooked me, i went onto second phase, survivor saved me. Pig…
  • Yes but atleast you still get use out of that 7k if survivors want use out of the key that have to basically add another 12k ontop of the 7k to make it viable
  • Yes but both of those add ons use up charges on the key especially the killer one, ive never actually seen anyone ever use any of that unless its the wedding ring. The key is atm the most useless yet most expensive survivor item atm
  • Sorry i messed up my wording of it the survivor one was completely different toward the taking the game hostage but 3 gen'ing and the exit gates both spawning together can be ways the killer can take the game hostage
  • Tbh i wouldnt mind say purple keys only allow 1 person and pink keys allow a max of 2 obviously with the new 10 second limit, its just i play both sides and when it comes to it ive always found the key basically useless so ive never gotten all these nerf the key posts
  • But in all fairness keys basically only skip most of the time them dying on a final hook and in most cases just taking the hatch for if say the killer has taken the game hostage either by a 3 gen situation, both exit gates spawned together or suicidal/terrible teammates
  • I never even said anything about DS but in its state it is indeed balanced doing its sole job of stopping tunnelling nothing else. Moris dont exactly just let you skip the hook they also skip the time it takes to get there which in all fairness most of the time can be a while as moris have saved me from people using boil…
  • Its not a console deathslinger
  • No when it comes to doing the rifts ive always made a clear calculation for the rift but i actually found the first rift easier than this one by a long shot, ive found every tome easier than this one and a lot less tedious, but maybe its just that with my ancient xbox im just heavily disadvantaged against pc players which…
  • Tbh its just these cosmetics, they're a huge disappointment and that the legion cosmetic looks better than the cosmetics made by the design team, im just annoyed that after spending an entire night trying my hardest to get through the level 4 challenges im still stuck in exactly the same spot as the challenges are soo damn…
  • Ive just gotten this on quentin first time whilst in lobby got me stuck playing as him for the match (surprisingly i got his adept that match lol) but once i returned to lobby i leveled him up again and now its just stuck
  • Yep i would love fixated soo much more if they removed the stupid requirement its not like im gonna power walk away whilst the killer is chasing me whilst injured, yet i refuse to run sprint burst without it so i just gotta suck it up ironically i also bring spinechill(as well as vigil) aswell, underrated perks for the win!
  • The only reason us "morons" dont turn it off is because we dont want 30 minute wait queues to play the damn game
  • In all honesty this crossplay was something that just have been tested to make sure everything about it was working, im just trying to get my tome challenges done and i cant do that because everytime i get close the game just ends and then i have to redo it again
  • Yep, but thats how most people are in this world and sadly that wont change overnight afterall to most people ignorance is the easiest route to take
  • Nah i still want people to run claudazzles (bright shiny clothes) let the claudettes be seen! (In all actuality i would really love to see this happen)
  • Thanks for the help getting people to understand. It's greatly appreciated 😄
  • Not really this post was just made to show the rippling effect toxic killers will have if they decide to play this way, i have no intention of even playing toxicly because i hate it
  • Yep, i would never want to be toxic i dont even use meta perks or play toxic save with friends, i play both sides equally. My main intention for this post was to show killers that what they are wanting to do will cause a ripple effect causing gameplay on either side to be even worse and for killers and to tell that both…
  • Yeah i agree, this game is mostly everyone acting selfish, they dont care if the otherside has fun even if it means sacrificing their own
  • In all honesty i have never gen rushed on this game in my life, i play solo survivor, i made it to rank 1 killer and survivor im just sick and tired of all the posts promoting survivors have absolutely horrible games
  • I wouldnt say all of the battle pass is a rip off as there are some really cool unique stuff and technically you are getting your moneys worth...but the grind is unbearable
  • Well if i dont finish im not buying the next one because if the rift ever takes longer to complete than the time i have its no longer worth my effort
  • Yea sadly though im a meg main player and the outfit in my opinion is one of if not her best outfit and ill be annoyed if i dont get it
  • Killers: deathslinger, oni, clown and bubba Survivors: ash, zarina, jeff and adam I will be getting them all soon its just waiting until i have enough to get them all but im hoping to have every character by the end of the year ^^
  • I just had a game where a nea teamed with the killer to get everyone killed so yeah nea's are definitely 100% the culprit
  • Not really.. i found it literally infront of me right as the match started whilst i was already looking for them so i really didnt waste any time whatsoever
  • Is there a reason for why survivors have to work for it whilst killers just have to get it?
  • No worries ill be probably doing the same lol
  • You gotta escape the trial as killer duh.. All jokes aside itll probably be get a 4k as thats normally what happens
  • Its kinda funny i see lots of posts saying "killers kill, survivors survive" yet always get entitled when survivors want to actually survive. This morning i have had over half my matches be i get hooked then literally the second i get off im tunnelled and shoved back on like ya'll are screaming at me to put decisive strike…
  • Why would Ne...i mean the entity take Nea away? Who else is going to make sure the trial goes well?
  • The dlc should hopefully be out around 4pm ^^
  • It basically only tells you where the killer is coming from but it has the incredibly terrible drawback of accidentally activating whenever the killer goes past you and then rendering it useless. Spine chill though will always be my go to perk
  • Never said solo queue was hard, i love playing solo queue and i only had urban and small game because of the challenges and anyway urban is a good perk when used correctly (even though this thread had literally nothing to do with what perks were used)
  • Yea i reported both of them because after the match i went and messaged the killer and the killer was basically saying that he had teamed up with the survivor earlier on
  • Yea same, i love solo mainly because im a massive introverted bag full of anxiety but also because playing solo gives me a sense of achievement and skill as im not just getting carried to my rank im earing it fair and square
  • Nova's perks Gaming addiction If games have tought me anything its that if i keep playing i will get better Whilst working on a gen for every 25/20/15 seconds your repair speed goes up by 1.5% effect lasts until you let go of the gen or gen is completed Got any marshmallows? If late night gaming and patience have tought…
  • Yep 600 xp combined im an idiot
  • Yea the switching does get annoying everytime but i got used to going to my rift after everymatch so i could sort it out straight after I also ment 1200 combined 😅
  • I bought it mainly because i haven't got that many cosmetics and i had bought legion and kate already so i thought why not but im starting to get annoyed by the charms 27 charms in the rift 8 of which are just recolors which is just stupid why does a rift need that much as its already guaranteed that the max youll use is 3…
  • I literally have no friends who even want to touch this game anymore because of what the devs have done and i cant even talk to people online because of my anxiety so what am i supposed to do? I guess suck it up and have games like these until the devs finally balance solo queue.
  • (They were all purple rank btw)
  • I mean the devs could just add anti camping mechanics which last until all gens are completed, it solves the facecamping bubba and ect and it solves the trying to claim at least 1 kill at end game
  • The thing is i cant play with friends as im basically a loner and because of anxiety anyone i talk to online basically turns me into a talking timebomb and im good with looping killers just theres barely any loops now to loop killers around in the new update that or pallets just hate me
  • But the thing is why should i have to sacrifice my fun unique build for a basic "everyone uses this build" build And with the gens yes they were nerfed quite alot i havent gone a single game where the killer hasnt made it to the 1st gen before it even reaches the halfway mark because seconds in this game mean everything…
  • Yea with the legitimate tactics is one thing i really dont get how ones side has legitimate tactics but are classed as toxic and bad just because killers cant learn them but something like hardcore tunnelling and facecamping which is impossible to actually get out of is seen as fair by the devs Also got any pig tips? Just…
  • Whats an exit gate? I havent seen that in around 15 matches now as everygame has led to a 4k or ive been tunneled to death at start of the match, 90% of the time though all my escapes come from hatches as especially in this update my team cant get past the 3rd generator..
  • It comes tomorrow, there was a trailer for it yesterday stating it comes out on the 29th