honestly with how god awful console is youre probably in console matches because of your bottom of the barrel mmr
i have horrible cornvision (3rd world problems) so all the coldwind maps
blood pact my beloved <3
you heard it here from the man himself that nurse is not the strongest killer but instead plague is
nope just talking about how it can be harder to climb up mmr as a more serious player on a new account and sharing my experiences with a lot of common problems i faced i was actually having quite a bit of fun
honestly the fact that thats even on the game is a huge surprise for it being one of the most survivor sided maps not that its going to really help all that much
Theyre just really flashy but overall really easy to outplay you would mostly see these being used against very low level killers on yt honestly i dont think anyone would care if they got rid of them
quick question are you on console?
would probably kill stealth killers but sounds fun
oh boy this is a long one. for one tunneling is not a design flaw its just a strategy used to get survivors out of the game faster its killrushing no different then genrushing its not fun to be on either end of each and lets be real no matter how many changes to tunneling or camping they make people probably wont 100% stop…
In this image it might just be that the killer is too close so if you were to throw down the pallet your model wouldnt have anywhere to go however this is dbd bhvr might have messed up some hitboxes or something
im just not trying to stir anything up right now just not in the mood have a nice night
i never said you said it takes 0 skill im saying that just because hes using something that you consider "broken" doesnt mean he wouldnt be able to do this on any other killer, i was simply stating that hes skilled its not the fact that hes playing with the condemned sadako build but that hes actually good at the game…
dude he has 800+ hours on sadako hes talked about it on stream it takes actual skill to play a killer like this just because you lost doesnt mean it takes 0 skill
this is my new bible now, thank you
I think they should nerf pig itd fix the toxicity of the game
I felt a stab in my chest as i play on 30fps how is 120fps not good enough
whoops posted too early
0/10 pig needs another nerf
Too be fair he does sound whiny however usually when you see those kind of kill streaks on killers they also have 20,000 hours on the game let alone how many hours on that killer exactly And you can find these on most killers onepumpwillie is pushing a 200+ winstreak on sadako last i checked but once again these people put…
Finally actually good cosmetic ideas that arent just survivors being shirtless
Console load times tend to be extremely slow and especially on some unoptimized maps it takes ages to load
Honestly gen speeds never needed a nerf it was an uneeded change however its the gen perks that are usually busted making gens 40 seconds which just feels unfair
Hyperfocus + Stakeout is also really op certain perks just combo really well together
I honestly like the idea of overzealous requiring an objective for the perk to take effect and isnt permanent, relatively underrated but is balanced all around
i do apologize i did got some things mixed up also when you talk about the system being "way better and benefits everyone much more" it doesnt benefit f2p players as the old cost was 3000 shards for a perk you would have learned in your blood web rather then spending 12000 for a tier 3 on all killers or survs its much more…
I do apologize I had gotten kindred mixed up with another perk however when mentioning escape rates there are a very noticeable amount of people giving up on games on 1 hook its a very big problem, I still do understand where you coming from but once again you can still run kindred yourself for the information. Now still…
Personally i dont think any perks should ever be basekit in general especially since most of the time people argue for perks that the player has to run to get value. However i still agree that gen speed and slowdown should be capped or make it so that perks wont stack with eachother or toolboxes.