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  • No. This is just another way to say "raise gen times" lower ranks are probably good enough to make ruin a moot point regardless of higher difficult ruin. (Because to make it more difficult to the point of actually being a problem would be a little to difficult to be fair) Ruin isn't that big a deal really. Definitely not…
  • Why are most of the people on this forum so damn sensitive? Gen rushing isn't a thing. The objective of the game is to complete generators and open gates. Taking your sweet time doing it is just ignoring your objective for no reason at all. A good killer will throw down map pressure quickly. Teabags and rage quitters suck.…
  • I love people pointing out actual game mechanics as toxic. I had a trapper drop and pick up a trap. Effectively t-bagging. Both are toxic.
  • And if they remove swf you lose alot of what makes an online game fun. A game where I can only play with rando's? No thanks. If you take away my ability to play with friends then you take away the appeal to play the game. Which would be unfortunate because I love DBD Plus white noise and evolve are dead so what other…
  • The game is described as a 4v1 survival horror game. I don't get people saying it's 1v1v1v1v1. F13 is that because surviving is your only goal. DBD promotes unhooking,taking hits and other altruistic situations. F13 it's totally applicable to run faster than another survivor and let Jason wreck them instead. Team work is…
  • @CornChip I agree with that 100% . It's a game and people for some reason are making it a super serious part of their life. I led two survivors to the hatch and let them go once because I had realized I lost and they put up a heck of a fight. I've given a hook to a baby killer several times to make sure they're able to…
  • Youre supposed to revel in the hate mail not get upset Hate mail means you did well. Got enough under their skin to make then send a message. Rejoice, killer main. For you have succeeded. And if a little hate mail really gets under your skin then don't be a camping,tunneling, I do what I want killer and have some…
  • I'm just gonna say...and yes I'm a console player so I get I'm the minority here. But personally haven't ever really had an issue with nurse. And I don't get why spirit and Billy are held to the same standard. I've hit nurses right after a blink with a pallet and hit spirits directly after coming out of her phase. I think…
  • Bhvr could just put in a toggle switch so killers can stop getting paired with SWF groups. Might take longer to que but it'll fix the issue. Swf servers separate from 4 solo players servers. Or maybe so swf only gets paired with higher ranked killers that can handle a combined effort of a four player team Like pro mode and…
  • You're not supposed to counter every poissible situation. There isn't a challenge in a game if you have a counter to every possible situation. I don't get the amount of complaining in this forum. They can't magically fix everything. And most fixes for a game like this cause other problems for someone else anyway. They…
  • I don't think anyone deserves a "reward" for "suffering" the grind. If they make a batter system then there's the reward. I just P3-50 my first survivor off of mostly survivors BP and it was a fun time. If they make perks easier or more accessible than more power to em but really it's not all there bad.
  • It's not multiple 1v1... It's 4v1 asymetrical multiplayer. The survivors are meant to work as a team or there wouldn't even be unhooking or points for taking a hit. F13 is 1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1 in that yoy can pit a car together yourself and drive off and never worry about another person. DBD is team based 100 percent. Y'all are…
  • At the end of the day they can't fix everything. People have differing opinions on every aspect of the game and if they "fix" one thing it'll mess it is for tons of other people. Camping has been deemed a "legitimate strategy". Tunneling is like first reaction because of course getting rid of a survivor significantly…
  • Can I just say...for as much as people praise the nurse...I never play against one. Lots of have, Billy and Myers. Occasional trapper. Nurse like once every 15 games or so. I'm not sure she's all that and a bag of chips.
  • Just to push my point further...devs are doing their best. They still have a game to run regardless of how anyone feels. It's a game that's always getting new content and being worked on. Take away the ability to play with your friends and the game loses alot of it's playability. It's not 1,1,1,1v1 Even among killer mains…
  • Apparently people really hate teabagging and flashlight clicking. It's just a way of showing you you didn't do good enough. ,😂 Constructive criticism. And I'm a survivor main who swf with two friends. Still get beat. So either we super suck (me maybe but my buddies are veterans and pretty good) I don't think comms is that…
  • Why the hell is everyone giving crap for this post? Y'all wanna throw around facts? It's a fact that the game could use more game modes. Or objectives. And I'm sure the Devs know it and are just trying to figure out what will work best so people aren't immediately crying about stuff they'll inevitably cry about anyway. The…
  • I like how F13 does it. You can only hear others when your close or have the walkie talkie. And the killer (besides sense) can only hear when your close. Then it's just a honor game XD Me and my buddies always stick to it cause it's more fun that way
  • But ho early when making a build for a character or killer or anything in any game for you ever stop and think of how it's going to effect the opposing team? I bet you don't. I bet none of you do :) Because it's about winning. And the game provides you the tools to do it. No matter how annoying it is. It's irrelevant cause…
  • Also just messaging back "GiT GuD ScrUb" works too
  • Honestly anything you do in this game makes you trash. Just get used to being trash if you're gonna play a competitive multiplayer type game of any sort and enjoy your gaming life. Hate mails is good mail man. Let their Petty qualms feed your thirst for more hooks!!!!!!
  • I think it's a valid technique. Like any annoying strategy in this game. It messes the killer up and let's the others finish gens. You could go for the bait and kill a guy.
  • I don't understand. I've been playing dbd since PS4 launch and Ruin being used by everybody has only started up in the last month or so. It's never been necessary and honestly should've stayed exclusive to the Hag. I don't think every killer should have access to it as it kind of undermines the hag and makes everybody…
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