The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • i wouldnt mind this change since this entire thing is the reason why distortion is getting nerfed what i dislike is that killers still dont get punished for pratically ignoring the hatch and slugging for the 4k intentionally wasting time when they already won (slugging the one survivor just to get the last survivor kill)…
  • how often do you take ds that you think it needs a nerf? DS : activates for 60 secounds after being unhooked, you pratically cannot progress the game it only works once which stuns the killer for 4 secounds it disables in endgame meaning you waste a slot to play the game or waste time trying to get value out of ds. it can…
  • hexes arent weak, while there are hexes that bring more value over others in common situations hexes like noed, devour hope or even ruin, are still pretty strong i disagree that totem spots are "too obvious" - having to remember all the totem spots and finding them is too much of a hassle for anyone to do so, nobody is…
  • they have fixed her hatchet, they complained about it, reverted it back will never happen again sadly.
  • they need to boost huntress popularity to make more money out of her
  • it is a bit diffcult to work around the categories, i thought you could just make a new post and do discussion but for some reason its more complicated then that and you cant change it for whatever reason, i could just remove it if it bothers you THAT much
  • are you not satisfied with the killer buffs on killers you already got? need me to complain about items not getting buffed because killer got buffs?
  • if we cant dodge sm and nurse lobbies you shouldnt be able to dodge swf lobbies or p100 lobbies
  • the community and game kind of pushed for tunneling since 7th anniversery and i honestly cant help but think "killer nerf bad, killer buff good" no offense but after the 7.6.0 changes that nobody fought against, and people complaining about anti-camp. its hard to gain sympathetic and see the bigger picture i know this is…
  • i love how killers used slugging as an excuse to things like : sabo, flashlights, struggle builds, gen-pressure yet its clearly very prevelant in 2v8 when you got almost no reason to do its the community making slugging so obnoxious, not the survivors trying to survive at this point they should just give survivors basekit…
  • yeah kind of sad that the sweats isnt really helping though, (since day 1) but its what the community does so, touche
  • the same reason (i guess) why huntress doesnt have 14 hatchets instead of 10, balancing issues the mode is somewhat survivor sided if atleast one guy consistently gen-rushes but its not like you have basekit buffs to somewhat counteract it nowhere to hide basekit, call of brine (200% regression rate) basekit, multiple…
  • wow, the (god knows how many) times that someone thinks huntress buffs should be reverted, what a common theme im seeing 🤭 , i think legion should be faster and not rely on 4 people to get the 5th hit, its not really good against tunneling either at the trade off that the mend time is cut in half, maybe there can be a…
  • it alr got sweaty asf after a day, thats what the community always does until behavior literally has to force/lock out every sweaty thing possible so everyone can have fun
  • it def HAD mmr before behavior decided to switch it off to get quicker queue times because obviously no baby surv/killer wants to fight veterans, that would be just unfair its not really fun to face the same sweat huntress + (killer here) combo it would be obv to have some sort of mmr matchmaking since it did have it since…
  • you rarely have a reason to slug anymore in 2v8 since the cage option exists no sabos, no flashlight saves, no struggle builds, NOTHING TO PREVENT A CAGE. you shouldnt expect killers to slug since you have the cage option and will most likely just danger yourself 9 out of 10 times, the only reason you slug is to earn more…
  • which almost never happens you are more likely to use self-care then use basekit unbreakable which by that point you should have it by the start, only take about 30-60 secounds depending how many hook states you have left that way killers can slug for snowball but not slow/drag down the game for whatever reason
  • they probably need to disable it so they can focus on the next line of content or keeping the game stable lol
  • its like distortion but reverse you make a future bet that he has a aura reading perk (since its so common) distortion is useless if the killer either : has barely any terror radius or has no aura reading perks i dont want to give away my location to the killer when i dont want to which is why i think its better if they…
  • honestly it would be way too much effort to change myers, most i can imagine is reworking some stats of the tiers, maybe scratch mirror addons or maybe upgrade the stalking system, so you can have a system of refilling someones stalk if you stalk someone else
  • the kick limit barely gets effected unless you actively and passively regress the gen which even then might take a while unless the survivors actively push against it. overall it is a decent info perk mixed with stealth its just that people prefer to have longer stealth or better info (trail of tourment, dark devotion,…
  • well weave isnt really that good to begin with unless with franklins, which even then you can be smart and put your items at the corner of the map OoO is not really that good overall (please remove the random aura reading) its not really like old UW where about every 2-3 killers used it, so its not even worth running…
  • "the more offerings you use > the more bloodpoints you gain > the more event items/offerings you can get for later use those people are esentially just shooting themselves in the foot without knowing it or not providing bloodpoints to those who rightfully expect most people to use them and from my perspective there is not…
  • what would your idea be?
  • maybe it was just the anni 8 event being the way it is.
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