Chill out iron will is a perk that quiets grunts and pains and stops killers exposure scream perks like infectious fright and iron maden and now that ds isn't anti tunneling you should be fine get better know the environment or put a offering of a small environment to kill all the survivors
No I agree he's too fast and all people gotta do is spam m2 then hit you instantly and you can't pull down pallet after you have been shocked
Preach fam got tunneled by a ######### clown after spamming tonics
Plus calm spirit counter acts so many screaming perks and screaming abilities
Reason being people are using hex undying and noed
Soooooo you guys as killers want us to die faster they have you endgame and noed what more do you want so you guys can get your kills easily it's good to 99 doors so we can wait and rescue our team now people want it to regress and start all over that's not right you guys can walk and teleport to us fast to stop us from…
Ok so what if your doing a good game killer or survivor and all of sudden dc and you all get penalized then your gonna run with your ass out and be like that's not fair
Yeah it doesn't make the person toxic but the power and the way they play makes them toxic
Then you dont understand the fact that the perks are what make the killer even more unavoidable and there powers this game is killer sided the survivor side is nothing
Ok then running noed cuz you cant get a kill as killer that's a wuss move you lose you lose it use ghost face freddy is over powered billy clown wrath spirit cannibal the only killers I tolerate is ghost face because I know him plague demogorgan oni I cant catch a break from the doctor cuz this whole developers dont think…
Ok you see them but they can be really butts and close the hatch right in front of you then hook you and then pull you away and make you crawl for freedom then Nope denied I dunno what rank you are but I've been purple and they dont care all they care about is 4k and gg ex or get gud when they know they have the upper hand
Ya know it's bad enough we survivors get degraded so harsh that we have no choice to tell our teammates to dc especially against doctor billy and any other rugged killer we cant seem to avoid because people love spamming m2's or at least be a genuine person if we kobe off hook let the person escape noooooo its 4k city then…
Um this game is too killer sided at least let us keep our powers like dead hard like this is unfair our gen speed is low were gonna lose too box time like we need extra hook time or something this game is really unfair
Oh I thought I've been seeing videos