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  • That would be awesome. Right now my favorite maps are the hospital, RPD, Gideon's, and Midwich because I find structures and artificial environments a lot more interesting to explore and play in than big open areas with trees, rocks, and random walls scattered about. A foggy, industrial 19th century city would be SO cool…
  • As I said I'm sure that no one individual player is going around joining and abandoning games repeatedly, and I've only encountered a few people who would not rather squeeze as many bloodpoints out of a match as possible even if it's a lost cause. In fact I've been in more games that made me wish people would give up…
  • In that case maybe it's the best for everyone to take a break and hope that their luck has improved when they next hop into the game. Judging from my own experience, the chances of getting several of those teammates in a row are low. Maybe this is more of a killer problem, if they're using a character or playstyle that…
  • Considering how... inconsistent to put it mildly DbD is, they're probably loading into the game not expecting to find themselves in an unpleasant situation, which are a minority of matches excluding some unlucky days. And I hope that anyone who DCs or suicides 2 matches in a row understands that by that point they need to…
  • A much needed change to an outdated mechanic that was exploited by certain players, although I think that a more efficient counter would be to allow people to instantly bleed out after the 45s, as otherwise someone who's really determined to keep a survivor slugged for the whole 4 minutes is just going to stand on top of…
  • Most killers I go against neither camp nor tunnel and they get 2k+ easily. Even the "literally unplayable" ones like Pig and Trapper. So I suspect that many bad / average players end up being considered highly skilled by the game's internal systems due to their ability to stomp uncoordinated solos and are made to face…
  • I agree with you that some people give up for dumb reasons or too easily, and there have been a few games where I wish they'd stuck around since even with 3 we managed to make a lot of progress, but this is after all a game meant to be fun and none of us can really know the circumstances behind someone's decision to…
  • It can be annoying when it happens, but it's a negligible issue. Matches don't last long anyway, and with a person out early, they finish even sooner. So at that point I take it easy and use it as an opportunity to earn some Boldness and Altruism bloodpoints without caring what my teammates are doing or if the killer is…
  • I think she's the best designed ranged killer, but ranged killers in general are not very fun to go against or play as since they rely too much on the map being open with low obstacles, and forcing survivors into lose-lose situations (M1 if they keep running, M2 if they vault / drop a pallet). So it's more a matter of luck…
  • Most survivor perks either provide too little benefit, are way too situational, or have activation requirements that you're not at all guaranteed to meet even across several matches. It's extremely rare that they influence the outcome significantly.
  • Same here, I've encountered 3 hackers since yesterday. Thankfully the games ended quickly.
  • Lunges and hitboxes. Nothing annoys me as much - because nothing else occurs nearly as often - as getting hit on the other side of a vault by a killer who lunges from a distance that I feel should have made a hit impossible. I also strongly dislike lingering hitboxes, as well as cheap hits at the very end of the attack…
  • This is an excellent change and another significant step towards modernizing mechanics left over from a very different era of DbD.
  • Yeah that's it. So disappointed I didn't get the opportunity to try that game out.
  • I'm still holding onto the hope that a spider is going to be added eventually, I just wish it's nothing like the creature shown in the archives or something even less monstrous like a regular human lady with a spider claw for an arm and the ability to send little baby spiders after survivors. Unless it's absolutely…
  • I really like your idea. I wasn't clear in my original post, but I was also thinking of this as a way to prevent matches from grinding to a halt when someone is dead even at 2 or 3 gens, basing it on the assumption that survivors are supposed to be distributed as such: 1 repairing, 1 being chased, 1 hooked, and 1 going for…