I get it completely and hopefully they will add the pajama outfit into the game as well. But here's a link to that Gabriel outfit you were talking about. Link:
Yeah that is true but they have been known to change their minds on things. Cause we were able to get some game modes that we thought never happened. But like you said they mostly kept the multiple player core of the game. So maybe they’ll add a single player of sorts in the future.
I agree the game can be hard for new players to learn the game especially with new mechanics being added and then removed each time when an update comes. Also your idea on limited time single player mode campaign does sound really interesting and fun. That something I would also love to see for both newer players and…
That’s really cool and sweet that you were able to get him for free as a returning player. I understand not wanting to play the game. It can come off a little repetitive. Unfortunately I’m not a returning player and was unable to played it when it first came out. But that’s okay, cause I always grind for him or pay to get…
I agree this consultant program doesn’t really benefit anyone. Also I hate to sound really negative and rude, but I think it’s a waste of money and resources. I mean I’m sorry I just really don’t agree with some of chosen consultants cause I feel like some of them had made questionable choices and decisions. But I will…
I think a Mr. X skin along with a unique mori would be pretty cool to see. I also think giving Nemesis more skins would be really cool either way cause he doesn’t have very much. And I also believe that he should have more skins in general.
Thank you very much and I appreciate it greatly means a lot to me. But yeah I know the community can supportive, I just need to filer out the bad more and focus on the good more. I also hope you get better matches here soon too as well. ^^
I agree, that a surrender button would be also nice cause being slugged all game for no reason does suck. But maybe one day they will give those options to surrender and give us a leave button too. I mean I know they kind of do through dcs but I wish they get rid of them and switch them for those options instead.
While I’m not a Blight main. But I do enjoy playing him from time to time. So anyway I kind feel a little mixed on this. I mean I am glad that you don’t slide as much anymore cause that always annoying to deal with. But I hate to see something that took time to learn be taken away. I mean I understand it was a bug and…
I voted Robert Englund cause he’s one of the most iconic actors. While I also wish his Freddy was in the game. Not only that, but they let him talk and mess with the survivors like Wesker and Chucky. I just also think that would be amazing too see.
I fully disagree cause I know this sound entitled. But I think you should be able to have all your stuff be transferred with no issue. I understand certain platforms like Switch and whatnot need it. But I think there should be other options then to having rebuy everything.
I fully get where you are coming from. I’ve been avoiding Dbd cause I’m sorry but it’s been boring and repetitive. I will say that when I come back from a break, I always run into some problematic players while playing both survivor and killer. But for luckily, for the most part my survivor games are more chilled then my…
I also think that would be really sweet and amazing.
Thank you for the tip, I appreciate it. I only figured as much the Chucky Banner and profile were behind a pay wall. But yeah I found about the Chucky Banner pay wall from Twitter, just wasn’t sure if it was true or not. I also seen that yeah we will be getting free profiles and whatnot. Which is kind of cool but also wish…
That’s okay and I appreciate it. And I hope not either cause that would really suck to pay more. I’ve seen others suggest that the banner and profile should have been free for everyone or at least been also included with the DLC.
Oh I thought they were 1500 cause they’re 1485 at 10 percent off. So I was going off base on that. My mistake, then. But no worries and thanks for the help.
I don’t think MFT was over nerf, I think the new change will be fine. I’m sorry but that perk was a huge pain to deal with as killer. Only because it made strong loops even stronger and making hope even more powerful. I will say that each side should not have overpowered perks. It sounds better as ain’t tunnel perk also.…
Yeah, I have which are either cause that I played too much or haven’t played in a while. But my dreams are hard to explain anyway lol. But that because well I tend to get a lot of weird dreams too.
Oh geez that really sucks you got that type of ban for no reason. I will also say that yeah this whole server issue is very ridiculous for sure. Like you said the fact that people waited basically almost a full year for servers to work properly. Is definitely crazy also.
It happen again, my internet was fine for most of my Ghostface Game and it crash on me for whatever reason.
That would be really a cool reward to have.
I know everyone thinks differently about being rewarded and that’s okay. But I also think it would be nice to have other rewards. Sometimes having badges is okay. It’s just that with all the time and money some put into it be nice to get something more than just a badge from it is all.
I fully agree FOMO sucks and I also wish they did fully reward the most dedicated players. While it of would of been nice to have a full outfit for getting 100. But like you said a really nice charm would of been cool too.
It’s also bugged on PlayStation 4 as well.
I wish they discounted outfits on shards. That would be so nice.
You’re welcome and glad I could help and yeah forget to mention that the process is definitely a pain. It took me a long time to. But glad I could help. :)
Well I kind of know but also don't how to keep progress. The best I seen was going to this BHVR website which allows you to connect your Behavior account with the platform you play on while also connecting to Twitch. Hope it helps and good luck cause I don't know if It will show…
Yeah I got the same problem had to switch over to PC to get some progress cause mobile wasn’t working. But anyway I may have to messed with more abs see if I got on my ps4. So yeah I may have to keep checking also. Hope they fixed the issue soon but we will see.
Yeah, I haven’t been enjoying any of these reworked maps which also includes Borgo. Tracking on them is a pain. Catching up to survivors on there are a pain as well. The clutter and safe tiles and long walls keep coming back. So yeah another issue I have with them is the RNG on them just needs to be removed entirely. Only…
Yeah, I probably should of worded that better, I should of said DbD always been unbalanced cause of the same old similar issues. Sorry about that, I will go ahead and fix that now.
I understand where you are coming from. Cause yes solo is a little bit messy. But I also have to disagree with a voice chat. I just also don’t want to get yell at also. Only because I dealt with that once before in a different multiplayer game and it was a pain to deal with.
I understand but they will fix more of the problems here soon. Even though it does a while. But they do make sure to get everything balanced for each side. So yeah I also hope we get something new and exciting here soon as well.
I would play Baldur’s Gate but I don’t have a PS5 yet lol. But when I do I will check that out as well. So yeah playing other games does help a lot as well.
Yeah the grind can be quite the task for sure. So I don’t blame you for taking a break.
Yeah will somewhat agree that the game is I a decent spot. Even though there’s still some issues but not too much which is good. I also haven’t tried TCM yet but it looks interesting may check it out when I chance. But yeah trying new things can be also nice too.
I know lol and yeah taking a break does help out a lot for sure.
I agree taking breaks does help out a lot. I also understand why some people don’t like to learn and adapt cause sometimes bugs,killer’s power’s, survivor perks, etc can be definitely a pain to deal with. But at the same time learning and adapting can also help too depending on the situation.
That’s cool and I get it sometimes shaking up things can be really fun too. Also taking small breaks helps out too.
I’m so glad that Borgo is finally rework. Cause the red fog and pallets while I will agree are such a pain to deal with. I will also say that the RNG on there is also a pain cause while I would play killer on there I would get so many pallets and while playing survivor I would get too many end zones. So yeah I also hope…
I agree it’s definitely a pain to play on but for me personally I tied it up with Garden Of Joy cause that map is unbalanced as well.
I highly disagree as well.
I know and yeah it’s definitely trail and error for sure. But thank you again for the tip I appreciate it.
Thank you so much for the advice and tips. I appreciate it greatly. I will also try to do that more often. ^^
Tell me about it lol, everytime I play killers like Blight, Nemesis, even Xenomorph who is new, Nurse,and Huntress like you mentioned all do feel equally harder to play as. I will say that with Killer’s like Blight I mentioned tends to sometimes be too sticky and sides way too much on console. I also wish they made Killers…
Yeah, me who is also a console player would also love more support. Cause playing on PlayStation 4 while using certain killer’s definitely does feel clunky like you have mentioned.
Thank you so much and glad you like the artwork. :)
Thank you so much and glad you like the artwork I made. :)
Oh art takes a lot of practice and patience. But I’m sure you will get there and I should know. Cause I’m still learning new art techniques myself even after drawing for basically my whole life,lol.
I’m also saying Twins only because well I feel Charlotte walking animation feels clunky and over the place. I also say that sometimes Victor moves a little clunky too. So yeah they definitely need some more quality of life for sure.