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  • Maybe because Dbd is supposed to be about a killer chasing survivors trying to kill them while they try to survive. Like, that's literally the purpose of the game. It's not "Kick gens until the players get so bored that they decide to give up or stall until the game server close down" by Daylight.
  • "While other survivor perks haven't changed since their release." That's because newly released survivors perks are usually terrible. They are either Weak, extremely situational, nerfed versions of existing ones or have a wall of restrictions. Seriously, Survivors get like ONE perk A YEAR that can climb to the meta and it…
  • I mean, that is more of an indication of how overtuned Blight currently is than about Xeno's nerf. No way will Xeno ever match Blight pick ratio or surpass him in the long run considering Blight current Strength.
  • Couldn't it be that this is not a 'Dev's message' to go back to wesker/blight/nurse and more of a normal procedure for a every newly released killer to get nerf/buff/bugfix from the PTB? BHVR has already stated before that newly released killers usually get more priority into getting some tweaks if they are…
  • And in the same patch they "buffed" Pharmacy by making it only work while injured, so now you dont even get the faster unlocking chest speed while you are healthy.
  • They need to give survivors a button to instantly die on the ground if they have been like 90sec bleeding.
  • Why? If you didnt get to use Plot Twist because the killer grabbed you first then it shouldnt deactivate. It's like losing a pain res token when a survivor manages to wiggle off a killer's shoulder.
  • I dont understand. You posted a picture of you winning a game with one of the weakest killers in the game against a strong team of survivors with good perks and addons. The pic is proving the complete opposite of what you are stating, that you CAN actually win without using the strongest killers.
  • What is a backpack nurse? An addon? A skin?
  • Technically speaking, yes. They do get banned. But with the current report system one does not get any notification is someone you reported got banned so it is hard to know.
  • 'Hard Counter' is debatable, most stealth killers suffer more on their own powers than what Spine chill can possibly do. Even then with previous Spine Chill you could gain a couple seconds to let go of a gen or a heal AT BEST, and when you consider that it only works with like 3-4 killers it was hardly worth the perk slot.…
    in Spine chill Comment by Rovend July 2023
  • But after the vault speed was removed and the visual terror radius was introduced, it was barely used. This new nerf was not needed.
    in Spine chill Comment by Rovend July 2023
  • Still, It didnt need a nerf at all. Current Spine Chill is using a perk slot for the info you can see with your own eyes. The only people that used spine chill (at least in my games) were very new players that didnt have many perks and were mostly using the general survivor perks.
    in Spine chill Comment by Rovend July 2023
  • Prove got the repair speed reduced from 15% to 10%😑
  • I cant have a discussion if you are just going to disregard everything i say. I gave you a list, but if you truly cant understand hoy any of these changes affect tunneling then there is no point in continuing this. Be well
  • Since 6.1.0, killers got - Faster breaking pallet - Faster recover on hit - Reduced survivor distance on hit - +10sec to each gen - nerfed Ds, 5 to 3sec stun and deactivate in endgame - OTR indirectly nerfed when enduramce stacking was removed - nerfed DH 4 times (invincible dash removed, window to use from 1sec to 0.5sec,…
  • Look, i never said that OTR is a terrible perk as survivors really have a lot of weak, barely useful, situational perks . All i am saying is that OTR's main strength as an antitunneling perk should not be an endurace-like effect, as it was already nerfed when endurance stacking was removed and being hit with Basekit BT can…
  • sigh🤦‍♂️, it is obvious that we will never reach an agreement but i'll answer one last time. Call these 'invented scenarios' or whatever, this does not change the fact that any killer receives a notification when a survivor is unhooked and many killers dont bother trying to chase another survivors and choose to go back to…
  • inventing scenarios? Tunneling is what i see most in my games. at least half of my games consist of killers tunneling someone at 5 gens so it's safe to say that i know what kind of attitude does the killer have in those situations. You are also assuming that the unhooker is always in a position that can help you deal with…
  • The unhooker can take a hit and the killer also can choose to ignore it to tunnel you, which is most likely to happen. So keeping or losing your endurance really depends more on the killer than the unhooker. People ran old Iron will because it was permanently active when injured, not just 80 seconds after unhook so it had…
  • Survivors did get some buffs, although the perks changes are ok-ish at best and the bots are more of a QOL change than a buff. The hook grabs removal and the spirit addon changes are indeed helpful.
  • The thing is, OTR may have 3 good effects but they barely come into play. If you are not being tunneled, it doesnt matter if your aura cant be seen or your grunts of pain not heard for 80sec because the killer will be chasing another survivor and you will be healed. If you are being tunneled, the killer usually proxy camps…
  • I am kind of meh. I mean, Nicolas Cage looks great and everything but his perks are... weird? I dont think i'll buy him. The perk changes are ok-ish but nothing to be hyped about. The only one i am happy to get is the Blast MIne buff but the others are pretty much the same. Coldwind farm rework probably is just some palet…
  • so i break LOS, he uses 1 token to get to see me again and then has 3-4 more to work a hit. and if he has crow-rat he is getting faster with each rush which leaves you with less and less chances to miss a loop. and then he hug techs and i need to make a 50/50 decision in 0.2sec of whether the fastest killer will slide…
  • and you get hit like what, 10 seconds later? Unless you are in a map with TONS of pallets linked together you are going down anyway.
  • "Just run away" Against Blight😑 Seriously?
  • The last one you meant Scavenger, and yes, i dont know why they felt the need to put an additional 30sec of 50% penalty to all repairs after already going for 5 random rng great skillchecks.
  • If old hatch were to spawn after 30 minutes that would be a good reason to justify the existence of keys.
  • This is a wrong way of thinking. "To be able to play the game" for the short amount of time you can last while being hard tunneled does not make this any balanced, or fair, or fun, or a valid strat that shouldnt have some form of counter measure. Considering how random the MMR can be in dbd, i wouldnt consider being…
  • Shroud of separation should be given to survivors and shroud of binding should be given to killers
  • The killers' powers in this event were severely busted. The exposed power made you unable to cover other survivors being tunneled and the pallet break from distance while the killer was still looping could guarantee easy hits on many loops. It must have been fun for killers, not so much for survivors.
  • Smash hit should let you throw the pallet at the killer😎
  • It is worse when some words get banned and one cant understand why and then you realize maybe it is because in another language it may sound that you are attempting to use a slur. It happened to me typing "negocio"(business) and getting censored😂
  • The devs REALLY need to start removing a lot of survivors items/offering/addon that are useless and only serve to fill the bloodweb. We dont need 4 different medkits if all of them are the same with a 5% increase in altruistic , just leave the ranger one or the green one and remove the rest. In the same way, we dont need 6…
  • It goes both ways. One can also choose not to use any gen perks and end up being hard tunneled, facecamped or bled out for 4 min.
  • It is a matter of perspective. It is difficult to know which one is more powerful as they are fundamentally different. 40 sec gens can only be achieved in pure gen rushing builds, mostly the ones with hyperfocus/stake-out, and still, it requires perks, items, the killer not interrupting you, etc. It is not as easy to pull…
  • For me they are both the strongest strategies for either side. For killer, i would argue the best way to get consistent 4K is to hard tunnel a surv at 5 gens while using deadlock and pain res. Tunnel and proxy camp the hook and you will probably be in a 3v1 with 3 gens remaining. Slug the 3rd one bypassing hatch and you…
  • What i am trying to tell you is that unless you gave killer an extreme advantage, something so broken that would skyrocket the kill rates, tunneling will never decrease, let alone cease to exist. As other users pointed out, killers had the eruption meta not so long ago, a perk so busted that would give you 40 sec of gen…
  • If we put something on the same level as current tunneling, then it will create its own set of problem. The main problem with tunneling is how most survivors arent able to deal with a killer hard tunneling at 5 gens thus it makes for an easy strat to use every game with every killer. Take a look at the other side, genrush…
  • The problem with that solution is that even while having those two perks basekit, tunneling is still the easiest most effective way to win a game in dbd. Meaning that everytime a killer maybe losing the game they will switch back to tunnel as you are not actively punishing it in any way. Your solution relies on killers…
  • Killers still tunnel today even while using pain res and no way out. Having those two basekit does not change anything other than giving them more tools to use while they tunnel.
  • The reason why tunneling is so effective is because the average survivor is usually ill equipped to deal with a killer that hards tunnels at 5 gens. Unless you are going full DS, OTR, DH and have a team to back you up covering hits and rushing gens you are very likely to die early.
  • The event also somehow screwed some of the matchmakings, as i got to face american and canadians killers even while i am also from south america. And if you think 130-150ms is bad imagine 200ms🥲
  • Yes, matchmaking is the problem and it should be fixed. Said that, no matchmaking change will mean anything if the killer has the option to quit and requeue whenever they want as many times as he/she wants. I say either let killers AND survivors see each other before the match but without allowing them to change…
  • Dbd has no problem forcing four 200-1000h solo survivors to be slaughtered against a 8000h nurse so what's the problem?
  • Honestly, Killers shouldn't be able to see survivors at all before a match. How is it fair that the killer gets to see the survivors and their prestiges and items but they cant see anything until they are already in the match. As much as you like seeing if you will be matched against a comp teams and "send them back to the…
  • It would be better if behaviour removes keys and maps entirely, as they are barely useful and all they do is fill the bloodweb with addons you'll never use.